As a human and a Christian, I must go by people's actions...especially if millions of babies are being murdered in the meantime. There has to be a point when what comes out of people's mouths must match what comes out of their governance. If there isn't, then what comes out of their mouth is simply rhetoric.
I believe that sincerity can be readily ascertained by reviewing the actions
Is not McCain and Palins record on pro-life consistent?
And my question is, what subject is more important then abortion?
There is a conspiracy of silence in the land.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
Is not McCain and Palins record on pro-life consistent?
And my question is, what subject is more important then abortion?
**sigh** Yes, Tim, they have consistently said they are pro-life.
There is no subject more important than murder, so having a consistent record of saying something for decades is no longer impressive to me. I really don't have the energy to lay it all out again.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
**sigh** Yes, Tim, they have consistently said they are pro-life.
There is no subject more important than murder, so having a consistent record of saying something for decades is no longer impressive to me. I really don't have the energy to lay it all out again.
Does the fact that Palin has both a special needs child and a grandchild that is anything but "convenient" say anything about her pro-life position?
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
Does the fact that Palin has both a special needs child and a grandchild that is anything but "convenient" say anything about her pro-life position?
The fact that I've never had an abortion might say something about my pro-life convictions, but it is not a concrete promise of how I would govern. There are many parents in power who still have done nothing to abolish abortion. I'm just looking for the specifics that will ensure to my generation of pro-lifers that it will not be more of the same.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
The fact that I've never had an abortion might say something about my pro-life convictions, but it is not a concrete promise of how I would govern. There are many parents in power who still have done nothing to abolish abortion. I'm just looking for the specifics that will ensure to my generation of pro-lifers that it will not be more of the same.
Obviously it would be more of the same and worse with Hussein O.
There is a conspiracy of silence in the land.
McCain constantly and loudly condemns how campaign money has completely corrupted our system of government and yet he is out campaigning for George W. Bush, the worst violator of this corrupt system of "money for legislation" ever.
It is also extremely hypocritical of McCain to constantly and loudly condemn pork barrel projects that are stuffed into legislation and yet he is out campaigning for Bush who has never vetoed one of these bloated pork filled spending bills.
And my question is, what subject is more important then abortion?
What's more important is having a world that these unborn children can live in, the next generations!
Under Bush's watch this plant has taken a toll, so have our freedoms. Christians seemly pay little attention to the shape our world or the fact we have lost many freedoms in the last four years, we have become a police state!
Many have Jesus coming attitude, so who cares, will be rapture away!!! This is our only home, until we our called home or a rapture, this is only planted we have for our children and theirs. We keep on going as we have, they'll be no more worries about abortions, because they'll be no more world to bring em into. Frankel this world pretty sick, I would not even think of bringing children into it today!
Anytime rights are removed it opens another door to more rights being taken away!
Again I do not support or believe abortions, but I also know that it's not going away!
What's more important is having a world that these unborn children can live in, the next generations!
Under Bush's watch this plant has taken a toll, so have our freedoms. Christians seemly pay little attention to the shape our world or the fact we have lost many freedoms in the last four years, we have become a police state!
Many have Jesus coming attitude, so who cares, will be rapture away!!! This is our only home, until we our called home or a rapture, this is only planted we have for our children and theirs. We keep on going as we have, they'll be no more worries about abortions, because they'll be no more world to bring em into. Frankel this world pretty sick, I would not even think of bringing children into it today!
Anytime rights are removed it opens another door to more rights being taken away!
Again I do not support or believe abortions, but I also know that it's not going away!
It can go away in Jesus Name! These unborn babies are worth fighting for!!
I know I can sound wacky saying that I believe abortion can be done away with. But I truly believe, with enough pro-life Presidents in a row, appointing pro-life Judges in the Supreme court, it is possible!! If Hussein O. gets in.. it will probably stop the process by 20 yrs. Christians do no vote for pro-choice people.
Its unbelievable to me its even a consideration.
There is a conspiracy of silence in the land.
It can go away in Jesus Name! These unborn babies are worth fighting for!!
I know I can sound wacky saying that I believe abortion can be done away with. But I truly believe, with enough pro-life Presidents in a row, appointing pro-life Judges in the Supreme court, it is possible!! If Hussein O. gets in.. it will probably stop the process by 20 yrs. Christians do no vote for pro-choice people.
Its unbelievable to me its even a consideration.
That's because of the way you frame this issue. You and I both know that abortions were going on LONG before it was made legal in Roe v. Wade. The back alley clinics in Chicago, New York, LA and every other major city were operating and the police were NOT going in and jailing pregnant women for aborting babies. The day that the Supreme Court makes it illegal again, there will still be abortions performed.
I'm anti-abortion in any instance except for the life of the mother being in danger. The only thing that will truly stop abortion,however, is when America's preachers stand in the pulpit and declare truth and the Holy Spirit convicts individuals of their sin. You can't simply legislate morality. It's time America's christians stopped blaming the politicians and all of us took a look in the mirror.
Given that, it's also immoral for the elderly in this country to chose between medicine and food. It's immoral for 100K innocent civilians in Iraq to die due to a needless war. People that did nothing wrong other than live their life in the country they were born. It's immoral, for veterans to come home to poor living conditions in VA hospitals and not receive the medical treatment they need. It's immoral for the government to tap my phone and look into my financial records with no warrant from a judge, thus denying me due process protected by that silly old Constitution of ours.
There are other issues of life and death than abortion.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine