I end my posts with a blessing as habit. To not end a post would go against my nature.
MM and Sis. Alvear, thanks for your advice. Sis. Alvear, the only thing I can think of concerning your post, though, is Timothy. He was a young man, but Paul told those that he sent Timothy to to treat Timothy as they would Paul. In fact, Timothy even appointed men to the ministry. You don't know how far the LORD has brought me, or perhaps HE hasn't brought me that far at all, but either way, you would have no way of knowing. Neither do I know the same for you, which is why I wouldn't say anything personal about or to you, usually my debates have to do with Biblical interpretations, not personal attacks.
HeavenlyOne, I just don't know what to say to you. Your words don't mean anything to me anymore though.
I end my posts with a blessing as habit. To not end a post would go against my nature.
MM and Sis. Alvear, thanks for your advice. Sis. Alvear, the only thing I can think of concerning your post, though, is Timothy. He was a young man, but Paul told those that he sent Timothy to to treat Timothy as they would Paul. In fact, Timothy even appointed men to the ministry. You don't know how far the LORD has brought me, or perhaps HE hasn't brought me that far at all, but either way, you would have no way of knowing. Neither do I know the same for you, which is why I wouldn't say anything personal about or to you, usually my debates have to do with Biblical interpretations, not personal attacks.
HeavenlyOne, I just don't know what to say to you. Your words don't mean anything to me anymore though.
Bro. Alex
It's a sad day in the life of anyone, young or old, who makes that statement to a seasoned Christian and worker of God.
I end my posts with a blessing as habit. To not end a post would go against my nature.
MM and Sis. Alvear, thanks for your advice. Sis. Alvear, the only thing I can think of concerning your post, though, is Timothy. He was a young man, but Paul told those that he sent Timothy to to treat Timothy as they would Paul. In fact, Timothy even appointed men to the ministry. You don't know how far the LORD has brought me, or perhaps HE hasn't brought me that far at all, but either way, you would have no way of knowing. Neither do I know the same for you, which is why I wouldn't say anything personal about or to you, usually my debates have to do with Biblical interpretations, not personal attacks.
HeavenlyOne, I just don't know what to say to you. Your words don't mean anything to me anymore though.
Bro. Alex
Sometimes we do not mean to but on forums our words sound harsh and we are mistaken to be a person we really are not. So many times I have expressed my self and meant one thing and it sounded another way. Son, I have a son in the gospel that is sorta like you...he used to come on too hard and harsh...He is a wonderful person. I won his mom and dad to the Lord when he was just a little boy. He grew up in church and has always wanted to be a missionary.
After years of Brother Alvear and I polishing him he is a fine preacher and knows how to temper his words in a way that he helps others and does not drive them from the Lord.
Yes, I believe you are a Timothy...Timothy was blessed to have Paul, his mother and grandmother...
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13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. Galatians 5:13-15 (NIV)
As I'll be praying for Brazil. Even though we disagree about some things, you really are a special person. Let me know when you're all going to be at the Willhoite's again, eh?