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08-26-2018, 05:03 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
My summation on this thread.
The biggest argument against beards is NOTHING AT ALL from the teachings of YAH. Nothing from Yeshua. Nothing from the Apostles.
They make not the slightest charge of neither sin nor unrighteousness about a man wearing a beard.
The fault over the strife of beards has to be laid EXACTLY where it comes from. There will be no "just forget it" no lets just "move on".
Its not the fault of those who wear a beard. They are emulating Jesus Christ, the creator of the beard as well as the Universe.
All the snide remarks and joking and personal attacks wont change the truth.
The strife over beards is the fault of all the "shave only" Preachers.
They condemn the Trins and all others for teaching the doctrines of men. They ship them all off to Hell.
Yet THEMSELVES have no pangs of guilt over turning many souls away from "Apostolic" Churches over some man's PERSONAL PREFERENCE from decades ago who no one seems to be able to name.
Many of todays Apostolic believers are simply followers of man. They dont fear that the God sitting on the throne may well be wearing a beard himself.
All they fear is MAN.
They all pat each others back and hide behind their pathetic "Apostolic Light" doctrine.
As long as they preach Acts 2:38 they THINK they will be safe.
All other doctrines even to the extreme of teaching Jesus came back and resurrected and raptured the Church in 70 ad and there is no such thing as satan is all fine to them.
They feel secure as long as they have done Acts 2:38.
Indeed THEY are the ones who have camped out and missed the moving of the cloud long ago. And they have become so hardened in their worship of men they cant see it.
Mike, who in Jesus name is YAH?
You want to talk about other people making it up as they go along?
What about you? What about YAH? How much Hebrew do you understand? How much Hebrew do you speak with other Hebrew speakers? YAH and yeshua? Mike do you believe in seven dispensations? I just have these two questioons. 2,0000 years no one ran around calling God YAH? Or Yeshua, why do you feel the need to dump the Church on its head with your Judaizing? Two, do you believe in seven dispensations?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-26-2018, 06:18 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Read post 252.
That was a bunch of excuses just like the rest, of the rhetoric. Don't create another topic out of what I said, deal directly with what was said. Hold on let me help you one more time...
"Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
Ok I I thought of something and I'll use me as a example instead of you, or they or whatever. Let's see how this works:
If I were to go to a church where they taught the truth, conservative all of this and they instead said you must just the opposite you must have a beard. Ok at that time if I decide you know what these people definitely have something I don't have, so instead of trying to fight them to change the way they were, I decided to unify myself and do the same. Well in that time I experience God like never before. Because God is all for unity in the body.
But now after some time I decide I'm just going to shave this isn't taught in the Bible, and I just want to be different. When I couldve just found another church that believed like I did. And my attitude was I just am going to do me regardless, I'm not disobeying any scriptures. Telling other members "you know that's not in the Bible, God never said that." Talking about the man of God behind his back. Then I keep going to that church when I'm in utter rebellion, in intention and in heart. Because that's what that is. Then I'm breaking up the unity in the body, and in turn I am coming against God Himself. So in this I am in sin and rebellion and if I died I would go to a devil's hell. Not because of the facial hair, or non facial hair, but a attitude and intent of the heart. Because I was honestly withstanding God to His face."
Take yourself out of this, but would you agree that if this was true, (exactly what was stated here) that I would be in danger of hell fire? Just for attitude towards the situation alone? Can you say any different? And Remember God is going to bear you witness..
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Last edited by 1ofthechosen; 08-26-2018 at 06:22 PM.

08-26-2018, 06:35 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
First off if I looked at a "shave only" group and decided they had more of Gods Spirit than I had I would certainly be impressed. It might make me take another look at what they are saying. I have been in such a group or two and saw nothing more of the gifts of the Spirit than among the Jesus people or Charismatics.
But I have never known anyone that I can remember who lets say was going to a Church just to stir up strife when he could be going to a Church with which he agreed.
This just sounds like the same old thing "shave only" Preachers say. We are not putting anyone in Hell over a beard. We are putting them in Hell because WE commanded them to shave and OUR WORDS were not obeyed!
So their words being considered MORE DISCERNING than those of Jesus Christ, being refused, becomes a sentence straight into a burning Hell for trillions and trillions of never ending years.
Same old thing.
No one Pastoring any church on the face of the planet has the power to give you "a sentence straight into a burning Hell for trillions and trillions of never ending years." This has nothing to do with a beard or no beard, and I've never seen anyone casted out of a church even for wearing a beard. The person may have left because they wanted to, but I guarantee no one ran them off, and told them not to come back.
Facial hair is not sending anyone to hell, although rebellion, and bad attitudes will get you a first class ticket. And ain't nobody seeing that besides for the One "That searches the heart, and trys the reins, to give to men according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings."
Check out my new Podcast, and YouTube Channel:
This is a One God, Holy Ghost Filled, Tongue Talkin', Jesus Name podcast where it's all in Him!
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08-26-2018, 07:32 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Mike, who in Jesus name is YAH?
You want to talk about other people making it up as they go along?
What about you? What about YAH? How much Hebrew do you understand? How much Hebrew do you speak with other Hebrew speakers? YAH and yeshua? Mike do you believe in seven dispensations? I just have these two questioons. 2,0000 years no one ran around calling God YAH? Or Yeshua, why do you feel the need to dump the Church on its head with your Judaizing? Two, do you believe in seven dispensations?
Who is YAH? I'm glad you asked that question.
Psalms 68:4 NKJV
Sing to God Sing praises to his name
Extol him who rides on the clouds,
by his name YAH,
and rejoice before him.
Fear him. Dont mock him.

08-26-2018, 07:54 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Who is YAH? I'm glad you asked that question.
Psalms 68:4 NKJV
Sing to God Sing praises to his name
Extol him who rides on the clouds,
by his name YAH,
and rejoice before him.
Fear him. Dont mock him.
Oh get off it, you haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. YAH isn't the name of God. If it was, then you would have it in your New Testament. Guess what Mike? It is not there, also the Greek LXX which the first century Church used didn't have the Hebrew verb, YAH. The whole Hebrew Roots mantra is right along with the beard thing. Calling Jesus Yeshua, for what? Do you have conversations in Hebrew? Do you read the Bible in Hebrew? To you snore in Hebrew? NO! But it is hilarious to see you post over and over about YAH, beards and not to beard. You believe in two gods? You think He has TWO NAMES. Listen Mike, I don't mock God when I point out your Judaizing. But the writers of the New testament didn't feel any need to hand down through the 2,000 years the verb YAH.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-26-2018, 08:13 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Oh get off it, you haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. YAH isn't the name of God. If it was, then you would have it in your New Testament. Guess what Mike? It is not there, also the Greek LXX which the first century Church used didn't have the Hebrew verb, YAH. The whole Hebrew Roots mantra is right along with the beard thing. Calling Jesus Yeshua, for what? Do you have conversations in Hebrew? Do you read the Bible in Hebrew? To you snore in Hebrew? NO! But it is hilarious to see you post over and over about YAH, beards and not to beard. You believe in two gods? You think He has TWO NAMES. Listen Mike, I don't mock God when I point out your Judaizing. But the writers of the New testament didn't feel any need to hand down through the 2,000 years the verb YAH. 
Mock YAH at your own risk.
Give Sister Alvear back her thread.

08-26-2018, 08:25 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Mock YAH at your own risk.
Give Sister Alvear back her thread.
It is called Mock Mike with the fake Hebrewisms
Where is YAH in the New Testament? Ἁλληλουιά? That is as close as you get Mike. I guess God didn't think it was as important as you do? But everyone must endure the YAH, YAH, YAH? Give Sister Alvear her thread back? Seriously? The only decent thing in this entire thread is were Esaias posted the Bible study. Bro, NO YAH is in the New Testament. His name is Jesus, for more than 2,000 years Jesus.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-26-2018, 08:51 PM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
This is a topic that divides churches and, in many cases, have caused fellowship to bare fruition or cease altogether.
Most Apostolic churches in my area prefer that their men are clean-shaven. Some of the churches with lower standards don't say anything about it whatsoever. My Mother's pastor has a full beard, and has had one for many years. He didn't thirty-five years ago, but he's had one now for quite some time.
I know my pastors will not take our church anywhere that might be hostile to men with facial hair because a couple of men in our church still have them. And it isn't uncommon for preachers to preach against something simply because they see it in the congregation, and not because the Lord has lead them in that way.
I have heard my pastors say that they wanted to reinforce clean-shaven faces as a part of holiness and separation from worldliness, but they haven't ever said anything since then besides mentioning it as a part of separation from the world. I've heard my pastor reference a scripture about searching God with an open face, and how many have supposedly searched this scripture as saying a man should be clean-shaven.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with a man wanting facial hair. I don't want a beard myself, but I don't believe it is in error according to the Word for a man to have one.
Overall, I suppose it's merely a personal or pastoral preference.
I am Apostolic I believe in One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
I believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
I believe in living a holiness lifestyle, inwardly and outwardly, without which no man shall see the Lord.

08-27-2018, 04:51 AM
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
All other doctrines even to the extreme of teaching Jesus came back and resurrected and raptured the Church in 70 ad and there is no such thing as satan is all fine to them.[/B]
Who said there is no such thing as satan?

08-27-2018, 05:42 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?
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