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Old 09-01-2007, 08:11 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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A Psalm of Praise

Make a joyful noise...make a good sound, tone. The sound doesn't have to be loud or fast or soft or slow, but make a good sound...a happy and joyful sound.

unto the LORD
...the good sound should go up as a song of praise unto the Lord. Not for applause or show...not in form or fashion, but as unto the Lord.

all ye lands...all...that's everybody...everybody everywhere should make a joyful noise unto the Lord. It is not based on culture or tradition...it doesn't matter if it is not our custom. Everyone should offer praise unto the Lord.

Serve the LORD with gladness...our hearts should be excited about serving the Lord. Downtrodden, gloomy-faced Saints is not what we should be about. Regardless of the circumstance, heaven has not gone bankrupt. The Lord is STILL on the throne, and if that doesn't make us glad, nothing will.

come before his presence with singing...sing unto the Lord a new (fresh) song...even if it's an oldie but a goodie, let it become fresh and new in your spirit. Even in private devotion, come before His presence with singing, invoking His Spirit with your song. In the house of prayer, never begin without offering a song unto the Lord.

Know ye that the LORD he is God...never forget that He is God...don't allow anything or anyone to come before the Master or your praise.

it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves...this puts it all in perspective...we are not all that and a bag of chips! We didn't create ourselves...He alone made the sun, moon, and stars...He made man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture...God is not at our beck and call...we are HIS people and the sheep of HIS pasture. It is never, ever about us, but forever and always about what pleases him. And for this cause we...

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise...when we are driving down the highway on our way to church, there should be thanksgiving and praise ringing in our inner beings. When we pull into the parking lot, we shouldn't be upset that someone is in OUR parking space, but should be rejoicing and praising the Lord. In this manner, when we enter the sanctuary or prayer room, we carry this thanksgiving and praise with us. It is infectious and will soon spread from one to another, until the house is filled with a cloud of glory.

be thankful unto him...there should never be a thought of "I have to go to church...I have to sing...I have to play..." What a privilege that we are able to enter into His house and can experience His glory. What an honor it is to have been granted the opportunity to commune with the God of all creation. Thank God that we get to play and sing in His sanctuary. Hallelujah that we get to worship one more time. For this alone we should be be thankful...

and bless his name...we were created to bless His Name. Everything else He has bestowed on us is an added blessing...family and employment and acquiring things is not why we are here. We were made to bless His Name.

For the LORD is good...He is good and better than that. In His goodness, He grants us favor when we should have rightfully received judgment. But...

his mercy is everlasting...it never stops. Man may one day grow weary and withdraw mercy for any old reason or for no reason at all. But the mercy of God is from everlasting to everlasting...it never ends.

and his truth endureth to all generations...His Word will stand when this world and all of it's governments crumble and fall. His truth will endure and stand the test of time. In this we can be confident...on this we can depend.

God is worthy of praise and honor...not just when it's convenient or when all of our proverbial ducks are in a row. But when the bottom seems to be falling out of our little world...when we don't know the reasons for this or that...when the answers don't seem to come, He is worthy of praise.

Today and forever, He is worthy of praise!!
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Old 09-16-2007, 07:50 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Mercy and grace...

I need Your mercy...

These words are an acknowledgment, a cry from the heart...a plea for compassion, forbearance, favor...forgiveness.

It is not something I can do for myself, or something anyone can give.

I need something that only God can give...I need His mercy extended once again.

I need Your grace...

Grace...the unmerited favor of God...favor I did not deserve or earn, but favor that is given in spite of me.

Grace allows the mercy extended to me to be extended to others by me. Because so much has been granted, how dare I withhold it?!

I need Your hand leading the way...

I may receive counsel from man and even heed their advice, but in the end, it is the gentle hand of the Almighty which directs my steps and leads the way.

Man may think they know the road I should take, but He knows.

Can't make it with out You, not for one day...

How often have I tried to go my own way, thinking I knew what was best for me, but I didn't.

I wish I had the testimony of always yielding, but tis not so. I have tried in the past to make it on my own...to go my own way. But one can only knock their head against the wall so many times till they realize something is amiss here...that I am not my own and I can't do this without the help of the Mastermind.

I need Your mercy...

And so I pray once again, I need you, Jesus...I need you!!

I need Your grace!!

Grant unto me the grace to speak words seasoned with the love of the Lord, in the bonds of peace, with the mercy that has been so graciously extended. Amen.
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Old 10-13-2007, 06:51 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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God has a plan...

Wow!! Profound, I know, but true nonetheless...

He has a plan for every life and every life situation.

The crux comes in that we don't always know right off what the plan is.

"Should I go or stay...marry or remain single...buy or sell...hang on or let go...?!"


If we could see the end of it all from the beginning, how much easier life would be. No more living in the land of wonder, we would know...really know which way to go.

But alas, we don't always have the answers at hand. Sometimes we have to step out on a road we can't see, trusting it is there.

And then once we begin to walk by faith, the curves and bends are not always visible until we are on top of them...the cliffs seem perilous and quite real.

It's that unknown factor that is the hardest to endure...groping along and wondering if the way will ever again become clear.

The wait is not always easy as we wonder if we have missed God...and well-meaning family and friends don't help when they ask, "What are y'all gonna do?!"

The answer seems simple that if we knew, we would be doing it!!

But we have an assurance that the One who DID see the end from the beginning saw this day and hour. He knew the hard decisions were going to have to be made...He knew the questions and concern would be there.

And so I think it was with this in mind that the great a wonderful Psalmist wrote that God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway.

We are able to see the steps we take through His Word and our faith in Him, and not stumble over the small stuff. And even in those times when the clouds hang low and our steps are not clearly visible, we have the assurance that the lamp of the Word is guiding us.

Where there is light there is no fear. We may not know which way the path will take us...what is around the bend may not be seen, but there is no fear because the Light is there.

What great comfort there is in knowing that Christ is in us and with us, directing our steps and guiding our way.

What a great a wonderful God...
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Old 11-15-2009, 03:33 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Blessings from Barb...

Where is He?

Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem at the time of Passover, and took their oldest child with them to celebrate (Luke 2:41-50).

Following the feast, they made the necessary preparations for the return to their home. Traveling with family and friends, they made sure that they had enough food and water for the animals, as well as themselves.

They probably discussed the plans: who would lead the caravan, when would they stop for the night...the usual give and take that goes on when a lot of people travel together.

However, Mary and Joseph made a mistake in judgment. Knowing that the child wasn’t with either of them, they thought He was with one of the family members.

Luke 2:44, from TLB, “...they assumed He was with friends among the travelers.” They took it for granted that He was there, but He wasn’t.

It seems strange to us, but they traveled a day’s journey before He was even missed. In this dangerous hour that we live in, we would never assume our children were with someone else. We would make the proper arrangements, and take all of the precautions to see that our child was in the best of hands.

Well, these parents loved their child, too, and must have made all of the necessary preparations. Yet, after making sure the bundles were secured to the camels and donkeys, and checking every detail, they still left their most precious possession behind...their son.

On the return to Jerusalem, they had to have been franticly looking everywhere they thought He might have been. Running up and down the narrow streets and through the market place they must have searched every building and back alley.

Stopping strangers, they probably asked, "Have you seen Jesus? Do you know where Jesus is?" They may have asked each other, "When and where was the last time you remember seeing Him? Who was He with? What was He doing? Where could He be?"

If you are a parent, perhaps you can relate to the helpless feeling of not knowing where else to look, or who to ask. They couldn’t call the FBI. There were Amber Alerts, or milk cartons where they could place the picture of their missing child.

They continued to look for Jesus. “And it came to pass, that after three days they found Him in the temple...” (v.46). THREE DAYS! How incredible that for three days this mom and dad searched, and where did they find Him? In the church!

It seems strange that the church was the last place they looked. Our first thought probably is, "Well, where else would Jesus be, if not IN the church?"

But, allow me to submit to you that the glory has left many lives and many churches because we failed to recognize that Jesus was IN the building. In the midst of the formality of ‘having church’, Jesus has been right there.

He has been there all the time, wanting to reveal His glory, hoping we would step back and give Him free course. But, the spirits of jealousy and envy ("it’s MY turn!" "What about ME?!"), bitterness (some long ago hurt), greed (stopping the move of God to continue with the ‘program’), and more have prevented us from seeing Jesus.

Mary and Joseph took care of the business of travel. They were doing all of the necessary things, and just assumed Jesus was with them, but how wrong they were.

Lord, help your people to lay aside personal agenda so that we might see You!!
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