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09-24-2018, 06:37 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by n david
Read through this whole thread again. Such a sad and terrible story.
I don't work in fraud investigation anymore, but still believe the law traps innocent people as much, if not more, than criminals.
I have a new reason for the guilty plea though. After the past year and a half of the Mueller fishing and hunting expedition, I've read that fighting against the government is not just a near impossible feat, but also a very costly one.
General Michael Flynn is a good example of why most will plead guilty, even if innocent. After a career of military service and other public service, he may not have been rich compared to those on Forbes' list, but he was well enough off to not have many worries about finances. Until Mueller targeted him in his fishing and hunting expedition, that is.
At first, Flynn fought the charges. Doing so forced him to sell his home, liquidate his investments/savings and he eventually resorted to crowdsourcing for his legal defense fund.
I believe Bro. Cox simply pled guilty to avoid losing everything. It should concern and anger us that the government can not only bankrupt, but also force an innocent party to plead guilty in order to try and keep from losing everything.
I hope Bro. Cox and his family are well. I also hope no one here has to go through this kind of ordeal.
I believe there is a lot of truth in this. The system can work well, but those with enough money and power have mastered using it as a weapon.

09-24-2018, 08:51 AM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
I have known BrotherCox and his family for many years...They are hard working people that love God...
It is well to remember that he is a man and there has only been one perfect man.
He admits himself that he is not perfect.
However, he got caught up in a political war.
My opinion is that he should have fought it out, but he wanted to have it over with.
It is hard when the opposing side has unlimited funds and resources.
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan

09-24-2018, 04:44 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
Not one bit.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

10-01-2018, 04:53 PM
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Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Do you understand what a felony conviction entails?
I believe it entails different things at different locations. I am not experienced (to my knowledge I am not a felon).
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Don't go look it up on Google and then come back to me and post a bunch of garbage. You posted he "only got?' Seriously?
I didn't look it up on Google, but I'm pretty sure that five years probation and a felony is a light sentence RELATIVE to ten years and a $250,000.00 fine (AND a felony conviction). You didn't seem to understand the relative part. It is my understanding that the felony conviction was automatic once he pled guilty. He was guilty of what? A felony. NOT a misdemeanor. Once again, I followed your advice and didn't google it though, so pardon me if I'm wrong.
NEW ORLEANS – A prominent Washington Parish pastor has pleaded guilty on federal charges that he withdrew large amounts of cash to avoid federal reporting requirements for currency.
U.S. Attorney Kenneth A. Polite announced that JERRY COX, age 72, of Franklinton, pled guilty today to a one-count Bill of Information charging him with structuring financial transactions to avoid federal reporting requirements.
COX faces a maximum term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years in prison, followed by up to 3 years of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. U.S. District Judge Nannette Jolivette Brown set sentencing for January 28, 2016.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Really? Only got? You quoted (poorly I might add)
Actually, I didn't quote you poorly. I quoted you exactly. Please let me know if I'm one dot or tittle off, and I will happily apologize. It appears that the prayers were fruitful. I stand by my statement that he got off relatively light. (As opposed to a maximum sentence of ten years in prison and a $250,000.00 fine AND a felony conviction.)
Do you believe God answered prayers on behalf of Bro. Cox?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Tithesmuncher, how old are you?
I am older than black pepper.
I am literally older than dirt.
I'm so old that I remember when the Dead Sea was not even sick. (Okay, I borrowed that from someone on AFF, but you gotta admit, it's a good one.)
I'm not brand new.
I am ALMOST as old as you are! Now that is OLD!
I'm not sure why it matters how old I am. I am not senile if that's what you're worried about.
I'm old enough to be wise and too young to be senile. You probably should be more respectful of me, to be honest.
This is an odd situation to me. It seems that there is somebody or somebodies that is/are suspected of being disrespectful of the man of God. This is not exactly me, but possibly sorta me and possibly others.
So, am I being disrespectful of the man of God, if I believe him when he says under oath, affirmation, or penalty of perjury, that he is guilty of structuring? Because it seems to me that to assume that he lied, as some of you seem to believe, is MORE disrespectful than my assuming that he was truthful. Do you really believe he lied? Under oath? And could you explain to me how believing so would be holding him in greater respect than my believing that he told the truth? Because wouldn't lying be possibly a greater sin than withdrawing his own money from the bank? Wouldn't it be a greater moral failure? Truthfully? Am I missing something?
EB, in between misquoting people, taking what they say out of context, and accusing the brethren of poorly quoting you, how about working on your reading comprehension. When you get your reading comprehension (in English), up to middle school level, who knows, maybe you could start trying to understand Greek or something!

10-01-2018, 07:13 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I believe it entails different things at different locations.
Typical Tithemonkey response. You believe? But you said you have no experience? But it means different things in different locations? Yeah, just like your discussions of tithing in church.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I am not experienced (to my knowledge I am not a felon).
So, you have to be a felon to understand felony status in the United States? How about having a clue before you discuss a topic other than tithing?
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I didn't look it up on Google,
Maybe you should've.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
but I'm pretty sure that five years probation and a felony is a light sentence RELATIVE to ten years and a $250,000.00 fine (AND a felony conviction).
Oh, you base all this on fines of monies (something which is near and dear to you) and prison time. Yet, having a felony record is OK, because you don't have to give up any money, and you don't have to be in PC.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
You didn't seem to understand the relative part. It is my understanding that the felony conviction was automatic once he pled guilty. He was guilty of what? A felony. NOT a misdemeanor. Once again, I followed your advice and didn't google it though, so pardon me if I'm wrong.
Tithemucus, this isn't my issue with your post. My issue with your post is that you have no clue as to what having a felony on your record entails.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
NEW ORLEANS – A prominent Washington Parish pastor has pleaded guilty on federal charges that he withdrew large amounts of cash to avoid federal reporting requirements for currency.
U.S. Attorney Kenneth A. Polite announced that JERRY COX, age 72, of Franklinton, pled guilty today to a one-count Bill of Information charging him with structuring financial transactions to avoid federal reporting requirements.
COX faces a maximum term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years in prison, followed by up to 3 years of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. U.S. District Judge Nannette Jolivette Brown set sentencing for January 28, 2016.
Ndavid pointed out the obvious, instead of having the corrupt government milk Brother Cox for everything he has. He fell on the sword. You on the other hand seem to like when a preacher is in the trick bag. Asking Elder Epley about how he pays an evangelist. Baiting him in so you can bore us with your Internet searched information on Tithing. Yet, the good elder was way ahead of you. He answered your baited question and he moved on.
Titheμύξα, I did think it was funny watching you lurk waiting to answer my post.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
Actually, I didn't quote you poorly.
What I meant is how you quoted it.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I quoted you exactly. Please let me know if I'm one dot or tittle off, and I will happily apologize.
No apology needed. I understand you can't post properly. Doesn't make you a bad person. I have tried to help you in the past. But to no avail.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
It appears that the prayers were fruitful. I stand by my statement that he got off relatively light. (As opposed to a maximum sentence of ten years in prison and a $250,000.00 fine AND a felony conviction.)
Do you believe God answered prayers on behalf of Bro. Cox?
The only person who can say if God answers my prayers is Bro Cox. Also having a felony record isn't a win. I guess you focus so much on the money, that for you you would gladly take the record. Again, the brother took the guilty plea because it would of been a long dragged out mess. While the Shimeis like you sit on the side line tossing rocks.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I am older than black pepper.
I think you been smoking black pepper with Aquila.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I am literally older than dirt.
Remove "older than" and I will agree.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I'm so old that I remember when the Dead Sea was not even sick. (Okay, I borrowed that from someone on AFF, but you gotta admit, it's a good one.)
No, it isn't even remotely funny.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I'm not brand new.
I am ALMOST as old as you are! Now that is OLD!
I'm not sure why it matters how old I am. I am not senile if that's what you're worried about.
Because you sound like a kid. That's all.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I'm old enough to be wise and too young to be senile. You probably should be more respectful of me, to be honest.
I am respectful of you, even though you do nothing to earn that respect.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
This is an odd situation to me. It seems that there is somebody or somebodies that is/are suspected of being disrespectful of the man of God. This is not exactly me, but possibly sorta me and possibly others.
Oh, not you. You are the pastor's friend.
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
So, am I being disrespectful of the man of God, if I believe him when he says under oath, affirmation, or penalty of perjury, that he is guilty of structuring?
Tithesmoker, well, well, well. Under oath, penalty of perjury. So, anyone who takes a plea deal and tries to avoid being raped by the judicial system is a liar. Tithemunster, I hope you have wings and halo baby, because it is just a matter of time before you one day face the wheel.
Did you read the below post?
Originally Posted by n david
Read through this whole thread again. Such a sad and terrible story.
I don't work in fraud investigation anymore, but still believe the law traps innocent people as much, if not more, than criminals.
I have a new reason for the guilty plea though. After the past year and a half of the Mueller fishing and hunting expedition, I've read that fighting against the government is not just a near impossible feat, but also a very costly one.
General Michael Flynn is a good example of why most will plead guilty, even if innocent. After a career of military service and other public service, he may not have been rich compared to those on Forbes' list, but he was well enough off to not have many worries about finances. Until Mueller targeted him in his fishing and hunting expedition, that is.
At first, Flynn fought the charges. Doing so forced him to sell his home, liquidate his investments/savings and he eventually resorted to crowdsourcing for his legal defense fund.
I believe Bro. Cox simply pled guilty to avoid losing everything. It should concern and anger us that the government can not only bankrupt, but also force an innocent party to plead guilty in order to try and keep from losing everything.
I hope Bro. Cox and his family are well. I also hope no one here has to go through this kind of ordeal.
Originally Posted by Tithesleprechaun
Because it seems to me that to assume that he lied,
Here is the true you.
Tell me what happens if you plead not guilty and took on the Federal Government? Take a guess how much it would cost? But your position is that Brother Cox is guilty because he took that position under oath. Therefore if he had any other reasons or intentions to make the plea he is a liar.
Yeah, you are the preacher's friend.
Originally Posted by Tithesleprechaun
as some of you seem to believe, is MORE disrespectful than my assuming that he was truthful. Do you really believe he lied? Under oath? And could you explain to me how believing so would be holding him in greater respect than my believing that he told the truth? Because wouldn't lying be possibly a greater sin than withdrawing his own money from the bank? Wouldn't it be a greater moral failure? Truthfully? Am I missing something?
You are missing how a system works. But this isn't my first rodeo. I have listened to individuals like yourself play the same tune. Only years later face the same situation in the legal system. Not structuring mind you, but similar situations where they are given a choice by their counsel. He legally (as others) was accused of structuring. He understood, and was most likely counseled on all the outcomes. If he plead guilty, even when he believed he was innocent. The court still sees it as structuring, his guilty plea is just giving them what they believe to be true. But you see that as lying? The court doesn't. The District Attorney doesn't. But, you wouldn't know. Right?
Originally Posted by Tithesleprechaun
EB, in between misquoting people, taking what they say out of context, and accusing the brethren of poorly quoting you,
Little sore? Is that what took you so long to respond as you lurked in the thread? You are almost my age? Maybe in body, certainly not in mind.
Originally Posted by Tithesleprechaun
how about working on your reading comprehension. When you get your reading comprehension (in English), up to middle school level, who knows, maybe you could start trying to understand Greek or something!
Here is something for you to Google.
Psychological Projecting
Tithermushy you who want all to be noble, to be forthright, Biblically correct? Do you ever find yourself lacking in those areas?
Think about this?
Are you a religious vulture? If someone said that to you, would you be offended? Or want to understand what that exactly entails?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

10-01-2018, 08:21 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,982
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Typical Tithemonkey response. You believe? But you said you have no experience? But it means different things in different locations? Yeah, just like your discussions of tithing in church.
So, you have to be a felon to understand felony status in the United States? How about having a clue before you discuss a topic other than tithing?
Maybe you should've.
Oh, you base all this on fines of monies (something which is near and dear to you) and prison time. Yet, having a felony record is OK, because you don't have to give up any money, and you don't have to be in PC.
Tithemucus, this isn't my issue with your post. My issue with your post is that you have no clue as to what having a felony on your record entails.
Ndavid pointed out the obvious, instead of having the corrupt government milk Brother Cox for everything he has. He fell on the sword. You on the other hand seem to like when a preacher is in the trick bag. Asking Elder Epley about how he pays an evangelist. Baiting him in so you can bore us with your Internet searched information on Tithing. Yet, the good elder was way ahead of you. He answered your baited question and he moved on.
Titheμύξα, I did think it was funny watching you lurk waiting to answer my post.
What I meant is how you quoted it.
No apology needed. I understand you can't post properly. Doesn't make you a bad person. I have tried to help you in the past. But to no avail.
The only person who can say if God answers my prayers is Bro Cox. Also having a felony record isn't a win. I guess you focus so much on the money, that for you you would gladly take the record. Again, the brother took the guilty plea because it would of been a long dragged out mess. While the Shimeis like you sit on the side line tossing rocks.
I think you been smoking black pepper with Aquila.
Remove "older than" and I will agree.
No, it isn't even remotely funny.
Because you sound like a kid. That's all.
I am respectful of you, even though you do nothing to earn that respect.
Oh, not you. You are the pastor's friend.
Tithesmoker, well, well, well. Under oath, penalty of perjury. So, anyone who takes a plea deal and tries to avoid being raped by the judicial system is a liar. Tithemunster, I hope you have wings and halo baby, because it is just a matter of time before you one day face the wheel.
Did you read the below post?
Here is the true you.
Tell me what happens if you plead not guilty and took on the Federal Government? Take a guess how much it would cost? But your position is that Brother Cox is guilty because he took that position under oath. Therefore if he had any other reasons or intentions to make the plea he is a liar.
Yeah, you are the preacher's friend.
You are missing how a system works. But this isn't my first rodeo. I have listened to individuals like yourself play the same tune. Only years later face the same situation in the legal system. Not structuring mind you, but similar situations where they are given a choice by their counsel. He legally (as others) was accused of structuring. He understood, and was most likely counseled on all the outcomes. If he plead guilty, even when he believed he was innocent. The court still sees it as structuring, his guilty plea is just giving them what they believe to be true. But you see that as lying? The court doesn't. The District Attorney doesn't. But, you wouldn't know. Right?
Little sore? Is that what took you so long to respond as you lurked in the thread? You are almost my age? Maybe in body, certainly not in mind.
Here is something for you to Google.
Psychological Projecting
Tithermushy you who want all to be noble, to be forthright, Biblically correct? Do you ever find yourself lacking in those areas?
Think about this?
Are you a religious vulture? If someone said that to you, would you be offended? Or want to understand what that exactly entails? 
Such a sweet spirit.

10-01-2018, 09:16 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
Such a sweet spirit.
Are you speaking of yourself or me?
You see everyone perceives themselves as on the right side. The opponent obviously must be on the wrong side. Shimei honestly and sincerely believed that he was on the side of right. He must of felt that David was getting exactly what David deserved, for toppling the house of Saul. Every man's perception is their own truth. Titheswhiskers religion is walking on the edge of a razor blade. Brother Cox, isn't some learjet flying mega pastor. He is a man who had the government reach out and touch him as a warning to the rest of us. Simon of Cyrene wasn't chosen by the Romans to carry the cross to help out the suffering condemned man. He was chosen to show all those under Roman occupation what it is like to mess with the Roman Eagle. Your money in the bank is your money, so why can't we take out as much as we want when we want. Take out 10,100.00 out of the bank, and you are reported by your bank under the Bank Secrecy Act.
You know something Tithesmemester, this really isn't so much about one man, or a preacher. It may be to you, but the bigger picture is that you can't do what you want with your own money. Also you aren't as free as you think to be. But my words are always lost on you and others who hold to your ecclesiastical Micheal Mooreisms. You think what you want, what goes around comes around.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

10-01-2018, 09:48 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,982
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Are you speaking of yourself or me?
You see everyone perceives themselves as on the right side. The opponent obviously must be on the wrong side. Shimei honestly and sincerely believed that he was on the side of right. He must of felt that David was getting exactly what David deserved, for toppling the house of Saul. Every man's perception is their own truth. Titheswhiskers religion is walking on the edge of a razor blade. Brother Cox, isn't some learjet flying mega pastor. He is a man who had the government reach out and touch him as a warning to the rest of us. Simon of Cyrene wasn't chosen by the Romans to carry the cross to help out the suffering condemned man. He was chosen to show all those under Roman occupation what it is like to mess with the Roman Eagle. Your money in the bank is your money, so why can't we take out as much as we want when we want. Take out 10,100.00 out of the bank, and you are reported by your bank under the Bank Secrecy Act.
You know something Tithesmemester, this really isn't so much about one man, or a preacher. It may be to you, but the bigger picture is that you can't do what you want with your own money. Also you aren't as free as you think to be. But my words are always lost on you and others who hold to your ecclesiastical Micheal Mooreisms. You think what you want, what goes around comes around.
I happen to agree with you about the money thing. I don’t like that the law doesn’t allow us to get money out of our accounts without worrying about the big brother looking on. I actually have run into this myself, only in reverse. I was trying to deposit cash and was asked about what my wife did for a living while they counted it five times and held it up to the light seemingly to figure out if it was counterfeit. I finally, after literally waiting for about five minutes just told them to give my money back. It shouldn’t be so difficult to deposit cash money into my own account. But it was. So I understand more than you may give me credit for.
I still believe Brother Cox told the truth. If I were in his situation, I believe I would tell the truth as well. You seem to have a different opinion on both counts.

10-02-2018, 04:36 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
I happen to agree with you about the money thing. I don’t like that the law doesn’t allow us to get money out of our accounts without worrying about the big brother looking on. I actually have run into this myself, only in reverse. I was trying to deposit cash and was asked about what my wife did for a living while they counted it five times and held it up to the light seemingly to figure out if it was counterfeit. I finally, after literally waiting for about five minutes just told them to give my money back. It shouldn’t be so difficult to deposit cash money into my own account. But it was. So I understand more than you may give me credit for.
I still believe Brother Cox told the truth. If I were in his situation, I believe I would tell the truth as well. You seem to have a different opinion on both counts.
Of course he told the truth. The courts’ truth.
Read the law.
Then it might clear it up for you.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

10-02-2018, 09:04 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2,982
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Typical Tithemonkey response.
Tithe MONKEY???
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