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Old 05-03-2011, 09:04 AM
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Originally Posted by coadie View Post

WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House counterterrorism adviser says that the U.S. forces who killed Osama bin Laden would have taken him alive if they had the opportunity. Adviser John Brennan said that the White House thought bin Laden would resist but that there was a "remote" possibility he could be captured alive. Brennan told reporters at the White House Monday that the contingency was prepared for.

Nice catch, coadie. Some people don't really read articles or newspapers for info--instead, they watch MSNBC and believe everything that's reported by those crazies--without fact checking. That's as bad as the conservatives who take Fox News as law and gospel.
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:05 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Lost a helicopter. Had to burn it.
Yeah, but ya gotta love the Navy Seals, they get there in the dead of night. one of their helicopters breaks, and they still put a warning shot through the slob's skull

The burial at sea was a nice touch, though I would have prefered to have seen him wrapped in pig fat and tossed out of a c130 from 30000 feet over the Indian Ocean to the cheers of the aircrew..

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Last edited by John Atkinson; 05-03-2011 at 09:13 AM.
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:38 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Next time we do one of those raids, you think we could use a brand new helicopter instead of an old, used, high mileage vehicle?

I mean I have enough sense to rent a car from Enterprise on long road trips rather than use my older model vehicles!

The SEALS need to consult me next time!

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Old 05-03-2011, 09:49 AM
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
You almost had me convinced that I may be remembering wrong , but I just went back and watched a few videos where he was saying just what I am saying...and he did use the word "terrorist" (gasp)

King: Use word 'terrorism' more

New York Rep. Peter King, a leading Republican critic of the White House on terror policy, offered a piece of advice on "Good Morning America" today: Obama should speak the word "terrorism" more.

"I think one main thing would be to — just himself to use the word terrorism more often," said King, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security Committee.

During an interview that Janet Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, did last week she was asked why she did not use the word “terrorism” while addressing congress for the first time. This was her answer:
In my speech, although I did not use the word “terrorism,” I referred to “man-caused” disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.
Terrorism is just such a dirty word, it makes those who commit man-caused disasters seem like such bad people.

by Steve Dennis

SUMMARY: Numerous media figures followed a Politico article in noting that President Obama did not use the words "terror," "terrorism," "terrorist," or "war on terror" during his speech at Cairo University, suggesting the omission was notable, but did not discuss possible reasons why Obama chose other words.

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Old 05-03-2011, 10:15 AM
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Originally Posted by canam View Post
You know as well as we do if it had failed, he had another speech on the telle.. that had a lot of we's in it.
If the mission had failed, there would have not been a speech at all-- unless something catastrophic happened in the process of mission failure.
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 05-03-2011 at 10:57 AM.
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:18 AM
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

A little back-peddling?

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Old 05-03-2011, 10:36 AM
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Originally Posted by BeenThinkin View Post
King: Use word 'terrorism' more

New York Rep. Peter King, a leading Republican critic of the White House on terror policy, offered a piece of advice on "Good Morning America" today: Obama should speak the word "terrorism" more.

"I think one main thing would be to — just himself to use the word terrorism more often," said King, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security Committee.

During an interview that Janet Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, did last week she was asked why she did not use the word “terrorism” while addressing congress for the first time. This was her answer:
In my speech, although I did not use the word “terrorism,” I referred to “man-caused” disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.
Terrorism is just such a dirty word, it makes those who commit man-caused disasters seem like such bad people.

by Steve Dennis

SUMMARY: Numerous media figures followed a Politico article in noting that President Obama did not use the words "terror," "terrorism," "terrorist," or "war on terror" during his speech at Cairo University, suggesting the omission was notable, but did not discuss possible reasons why Obama chose other words.

Been, you're a smart guy. All I can suggest is that you watch the numerous youtube videos that exist of his campaign speeches, debates, and town hall meetings for yourself. There is no need to rely on what his political opponents and self-proclaimed critics say he says. This is the information age and there is too much direct footage that you can see for yourself.
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:53 AM
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

The following article is a good read.


Brennan told CNN Tuesday that "there was no single piece of information that was an 'ah-hah' moment." He said officials took "bits and pieces" of intelligence gathered and analyzed over a long period of time to nail down the leads they needed.

Ok, as far as accolades for the actions of GWB, his decisions, the decisions and policies of the civilians who served during GWB's watch need their due accolades as well.

President Obama summed it up best with this satement:
"I think we can all agree this is a good day for America."
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:58 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

I read where someone said, ala Michelle Obama;

"For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of Pres. Obama".
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Old 05-03-2011, 11:02 AM
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Originally Posted by sandie View Post
I read where someone said, ala Michelle Obama;

"For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of Pres. Obama".
Kind of like when she said this back in '08.

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