Well, I've held this in as long as I can and feel I must just blurt it out...I am SO glad I am not numbered with you lowly folk...hallelujah!!
I am perfect...yes, I am...
Just in case you happen to one of the unenlightened, allow me to express to you that I know I am holier than y'all...whew!! I feel SO much better for getting that off my chest!!
You may find this hard to understand because y'all just don't measure up, but I
never make mistakes...ever!!
I am always on top of every situation and can see the devil coming for a country mile!! Furthermore, I never err in judgment or misunderstand or fall into divers temptations because
I am holy!! I say this with utmost humility...it is all true!!
My heart goes out to poor Coonskinner who cannot see the error of his ways...poor, poor Coonskinner!!
And I feel for the rest of y'all..I really do, that you somehow just cannot match me in perfection or live up to my high ideals and expectations!!
Alas, you poor souls will just have to survive the best you can...I pray you can glean something beneficial from my influence and presence here, though I sincerely doubt it!!
*sigh* It's hard to be humble, but I'm doing the best that I can!!