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In recent years I have heard preachers speak lightly of the Azusa Street meetings, saying they had meetings that were just as good under their ministry. The old timers can only feel sorry for such and pity them.
In the meetings, one was not only baptized in the Holy Ghost, but also lived in such a heavenly atmosphere of love that he could never forget it. All else seemed so empty and void. Even as I write these pages, the memory of that meeting comes floating back, my eyes begin to swim with tears, and such a longing and yearning seizes me for a return of such a condition. I can feel that sacred fire still burning, and have the conviction that God will again visit His people in a like manner before the present dispensation ends.
If God’s people would only come together in love — and not allow differences in doctrine to divide them, or leaders whose vision is blurred by building churches (when not directed by the Spirit) to lead them, and those collecting tithes to satisfy their own greed to defraud them, but work toward one objective: to be filled with all the fullness of God — God would answer prayer. Doctrines, teaching, and tithes have their proper place in the gospel plan. But that overpowering, drawing power of the love of God must come first. Our present lukewarm condition is caused by a lack of this love that nothing can offend."