Originally Posted by aegsm76
PO - how would the people be wrong for being angry?
Then what kind of charade is the entire delegate system?
A charade? This is how a republican form of government works. A check-and-balance is put on the political class by way of popular vote. However, there is a check-and-balance put in place for wayward elected representatives by way of the delegates. That is why we have juries and the Electoral College in place - to bridle the passions of mankind.
The people can be wrong in who they have elected. They can later find out information that they didn't know beforehand, and find they have been every bit as wrong as the person they elected.
This election cycle is the best example of that case. There are delegates who want to be unbound, because they can no longer believe that Trump is a Republican, a true statesman or whatever other reasons, besides these, that have been given.
You can go back and find that I did not oppose Trump in the beginning, but be became quite tasteless as the primaries progressed.
We are a republic, a representative form of government. We are not a democracy. Because our Founding Fathers didn't trust mankind and his nature that could fall, in public or private, they set up a system of check-and-balances in order that we could recover ourselves from our own destructive propensities.
In order to preserve that representative form of government, the delegates must remain unbound. They must be free to vote their conscience in EVERY election cycle.
I will state again, if the delegates can't agree on a nominee to go forward, Donald Trump will remain the nominee. All of this takes place with the ballots and voting at Convention. It's a great day to be an American!