You won't find Scripture 8: Chapter 13: For thou shalt not touch a Cigarette because they are dangerous.
Actully I did.
Funny story; When I first got converted, and did not know much about the Bible, I was talking to a man who smoked and I took his bible and just browsing through it, I saw something about Tobacco, I quickly showed him that scripture and he agreed with me that Tobacco was wrong and he was wrong.
The funny part is that the bible he had was a Mormon book, which actually does teach against Tobacco.
For a while I was under the delusion that the Bible actually mentioned Tobacco.
**Original Matthew 28:19 Restored**
Ever read Mark 16:17-18???? And Yet again, SHOW BY SCRIPTURE the sin in smoking? Why are you dancing around it? Do you not have scriptures to back it up??? If your gonna call something sin then it takes scriptural proof not personal opinion or "well, thats how its been taught for _______(insert favorite time frame here).
I can give you plenty of principle. Not everything that is sin is spelled out in the bible but God gave us plenty of principle for sin. My sinner dad smokes 2pacs a day and has only stepped in an apostolic church about 7 times in his life ( and 5 of them has been this year!praise god!!)even he knows its sinful but he is a slave to them and can't stop on his own.
You know Sister, it's all about teaching Love and those who believe that doctrine, don't feel the need to change their lives any way shape or form.
Yes, God is all about Love, but He does tell us that our body is a Temple, and He does tell us that we have to come out of the world and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing. And cigarettes are about the filthiest thing I have ever smelled. It does tell us we will be a new creature in Christ and that old things and habits will pass away and all things will be new in our lives.
You can not witness to a sinner acting like a sinner, but sinners want an ear tickler and a man pleaser to convince them that you just gotta accept Jesus in your heart and believe that he is ....
You can't talk to people who want to believe they're saved and live like the world.
Location: 150 miles north of the Mississiippi coast
Posts: 495
Re: I love being Apostolic!
Originally Posted by hometown guy
I can give you plenty of principle. Not everything that is sin is spelled out in the bible but God gave us plenty of principle for sin. My sinner dad smokes 2pacs a day and has only stepped in an apostolic church about 7 times in his life ( and 5 of them has been this year!praise god!!)even he knows its sinful but he is a slave to them and can't stop on his own.
My dad was a great man and a better Southern Baptist Christian than lots of Apostolics and he did smoke and dip for a lot of years. But eventually he did quit the tobacco habit and I was so thankful that he did, because he was a leader and deacon in our church. I believed it was wrong to smoke cigarettes and believe the once saved always saved doctrine even when I was a member of the Baptist Church less than 20 years ago. The Bible does call sin what it is and for most people who want to please God, and not themselves, it's not hard to see it.
Location: 150 miles north of the Mississiippi coast
Posts: 495
Re: I love being Apostolic!
Originally Posted by Whole Hearted
Whole hearted, it's been a long time since I heard anything from you, but you and I always did see eye to eye. I wondered if you were still around the forums.
Whole hearted, it's been a long time since I heard anything from you, but you and I always did see eye to eye. I wondered if you were still around the forums.
Just drop in every once and awhile. But I haven't changed. Still preaching and living the gospel truth.
I can give you plenty of principle. Not everything that is sin is spelled out in the bible but God gave us plenty of principle for sin. My sinner dad smokes 2pacs a day and has only stepped in an apostolic church about 7 times in his life ( and 5 of them has been this year!praise god!!)even he knows its sinful but he is a slave to them and can't stop on his own.
I dont want principle anyone can twist a principle to fit anything they want. And Im sorry, I disagree with you, scripture makes plain what sin is and isnt, there are no grey areas with God, nothing is just left up to us to assume, I want exact quotes from Scripture that make it plain to anyone and everyone that it is a sin to smoke, Again, dancing not showing.
Apostolic is an understanding that God has finally and completely revealed Himself to all mankind through His incarnation as Jesus Christ. He has revealed to all a way of life, love and forgiveness that leads to a right relationship with Him and with each other.
~Repairing the Apostolic Church, Apostle W. Carey & Bishop N. Morales
Location: 150 miles north of the Mississiippi coast
Posts: 495
Re: I love being Apostolic!
Originally Posted by PastorTLArt
I dont want principle anyone can twist a principle to fit anything they want. And Im sorry, I disagree with you, scripture makes plain what sin is and isnt, there are no grey areas with God, nothing is just left up to us to assume, I want exact quotes from Scripture that make it plain to anyone and everyone that it is a sin to smoke, Again, dancing not showing.
Does the Bible mention that God says " you must not eat poison mushrooms " And would you eat poison mushrooms. God gave us sense enough to know what is good for us and what isn't?
Does the Bible mention that God says " you must not eat poison mushrooms " And would you eat poison mushrooms. God gave us sense enough to know what is good for us and what isn't?
Well, it does say if you drink any deadly thing it won't harm you.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty