Originally Posted by shamgar1
The ALJC seems to be flailing as well.
Does anyone have some numbers on the ALJC as were posted on the UPC?
Originally Posted by shamgar1
How can the organization attract young ministers? Is there anything that can be done to reverse the trend?
My father has been a minister with the UPCI for 51 years. HQ sent him a nice little certificate last year to commemorate 50 years. My brother is also a licensed minister with the UPCI. I am not a licensed minister, nor do I ever desire to be licensed with the UPCI.
The UPCI has changed a lot since its inception as a fellowship of believers, to now being almost a big-brother, governmental organization.
Speaking for myself, there's no way I'm interested in becoming licensed in an organization that would do its best to tie my hands in evangelism, and give only politicized support - which means getting district financial support based on if the minister who holds the strings agrees with my standards, etc.
It's no wonder that the younger generation of ministers are shying away from becoming licensed with the UPCI.
When standards are such a polarizing issue that differ between each church...
When we have to ask big-brother for permission to advertise on television...
When district positions have become so political, and the ministers in those positions almost more politically-minded than a Congressman.
No thanks. I'd rather not have a migrane dealing with that junk. I know too many good ministers that are dealing more junk with their district than being able to do what they've been called to do.