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Old 10-28-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Take care. I'm out. Rack me
Sounds like you might listen to Jim Rome!

I vote conservative, but I can't stand to listen to Rush! He's way too arrogant for my tastes. IMO, Rush is not THE voice of conservatives anymore. That crown now goes to Bill O'Rielly of Fox News.

Rush should be tarred and feathered if he used the word "boy" to refer to our president! That is an insult to people of color!
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Old 10-28-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I don't know.
Im not sure why. But since Rush is a high profile individual that has reported on issues like this happening, been the subject of this sort of speculation, having a reported very high IQ, I would suspect he knows the answer is YES.

He knows better. I do. Im not sure why you don't. Perhaps different experiences but Im white and I know better.

I don't say Rush is a bigot or a racist. I dont say he without a doubt did this with malice, however I do say for sure he knows better and at the very least after the fact he should have said "I shouldn't put it that way because it might offend some, what I mean is.."

What we are saying is Rush knows better. You might not, but Rush does. And Rush knows enough, before the fact, to know this would be taken as inflammatory or "par the course" to many blacks on the left or those just wondering if they can be a part of the conservatives

Rush is media aware. So that even if he did not do this intentionally he knows well enough after saying it how it will be taken.

That is what I mean by being savvy. Whether he did it with forethought or did it without thought, after the fact something needed to be said.

But the best medicine is to think these things through before hand and not even go that route.

The Conservatives need to hire some media savvy professionals to work with the politics and the commentators on how they present themselves to the people they are trying to reach.

I view it much like church. Churches don't need to change their message...it's often their methods and their mentality. If a church wants "us 4 and no more" that is what they will get
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Old 10-28-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by Mr. Steinway View Post
Sounds like you might listen to Jim Rome!

I vote conservative, but I can't stand to listen to Rush! He's way too arrogant for my tastes. IMO, Rush is not THE voice of conservatives anymore. That crown now goes to Bill O'Rielly of Fox News.

Rush should be tarred and feathered if he used the word "boy" to refer to our president! That is an insult to people of color!
Yeah, that's from Rome. I only said it because we talked a while back and PO said she listens too. I think she's losing it now though...those paint fumes are unforgiving
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Old 10-28-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Yeah, that's from Rome. I only said it because we talked a while back and PO said she listens too. I think she's losing it now though...those paint fumes are unforgiving
LOL! I was thinking, "Man, Stew is really mad at me!"

I only listen to Rome when my husband has him on. LOL!
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Old 10-28-2010, 04:00 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Yeah, that's from Rome. I only said it because we talked a while back and PO said she listens too. I think she's losing it now though...those paint fumes are unforgiving
I'm a sports talk junkie! That's all I listen to in my car. I no longer listen to political talk shows of any kind anymore!
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Old 10-28-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Im not sure why. But since Rush is a high profile individual that has reported on issues like this happening, been the subject of this sort of speculation, having a reported very high IQ, I would suspect he knows the answer is YES.

He knows better. I do. Im not sure why you don't. Perhaps different experiences but Im white and I know better.

I don't say Rush is a bigot or a racist. I dont say he without a doubt did this with malice, however I do say for sure he knows better and at the very least after the fact he should have said "I shouldn't put it that way because it might offend some, what I mean is.."

What we are saying is Rush knows better. You might not, but Rush does. And Rush knows enough, before the fact, to know this would be taken as inflammatory or "par the course" to many blacks on the left or those just wondering if they can be a part of the conservatives

Rush is media aware. So that even if he did not do this intentionally he knows well enough after saying it how it will be taken.

That is what I mean by being savvy. Whether he did it with forethought or did it without thought, after the fact something needed to be said.

But the best medicine is to think these things through before hand and not even go that route.

The Conservatives need to hire some media savvy professionals to work with the politics and the commentators on how they present themselves to the people they are trying to reach.

I view it much like church. Churches don't need to change their message...it's often their methods and their mentality. If a church wants "us 4 and no more" that is what they will get
You are saying:

1. I don't say Rush is a bigot or a racist.
2. I don't say he did this with malice.
3. ...even if he didn't do this intentionally.

You see? That doesn't add up to me in the conversation. If it is a pejorative comment, than it is always egregious.

You aren't standing on the strong side of his being emphatically pejorative and neither can I, at this time.

How can we say, "he knows better" and not attribute that to being pejorative? It wouldn't make sense to me. He'd have to be totally whacked out of his mind to call every black person the "N" word, because if he is doing that to Obama, he is doing that do all blacks by word association. I'm just not buying it. Imus was fired and others over stuff like that. I don't hear anyone calling for his head on a platter. It just isn't adding up.

Last edited by Pressing-On; 10-28-2010 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 10-28-2010, 04:18 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Admin - can we gets some edits on PO's n-word?


I think you are missing something here - - using the term "little boy" doesn't mean the n word. Boy - is a negative term used toward blacks - - that doesn't immediately equate to the n-word.
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Old 10-28-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by Cindy View Post
Sure, most of us would. I am not much on politics anyway, but am probably considered conservative. But I do respect the office, and anyone that is elected should have our respect for them, agree with their politics or not.
The office most assuredly should be respected. But, I don't honestly know how to respect someone's views like Obama holds, i.e., his radical stand on abortion to name one.

I think we can respect the position someone holds without having to respect that persons views. I respected the position my boss held, but I sure don't respect the way she treated most of her employees. Hope that example makes sense.
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Old 10-28-2010, 04:57 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Admin - can we gets some edits on PO's n-word?


I think you are missing something here - - using the term "little boy" doesn't mean the n word. Boy - is a negative term used toward blacks - - that doesn't immediately equate to the n-word.
If it's negative toward a black, then I don't know what else it's supposed to mean.
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Old 10-28-2010, 04:58 PM
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Re: Is The Right Trying to Make it Impossible...

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
You are saying:

1. I don't say Rush is a bigot or a racist.
2. I don't say he did this with malice.
3. ...even if he didn't do this intentionally.

You see? That doesn't add up to me in the conversation. If it is a pejorative comment, than it is always egregious.

You aren't standing on the strong side of his being emphatically pejorative and neither can I, at this time.

How can we say, "he knows better" and not attribute that to being pejorative? It wouldn't make sense to me. He'd have to be totally whacked out of his mind to call every black person a "nigger", because if he is doing that to Obama, he is doing that do all blacks by word association. I'm just not buying it. Imus was fired and others over stuff like that. I don't hear anyone calling for his head on a platter. It just isn't adding up.
My point is, Rush either did it not because he is a racist but because he knows it will rankle the left (meaning he does not care what blacks think)

Or he did it unintentionally but left it standing after the fact.

The point is Rush is smart enough to know before and after that the term is inflammatory

And can you please stop saying the N word? I mean do you really have to spell it out? It's offensive. Please stop

Nobody is calling for Rush's head. Again this is an issue of being savvy. Bright? Intelligent? Using common sense? You keep making it an issue of Rush's defense.

The issue ISN'T Rush's defense but how the Right allows itself to blunder along like that while saying they are a party for black folks too. Blacks don't see it when they hear someone like Rush call a black politician boy no matter whether he intended it to be equal to the N word or not. That is 100 percent beside the point I don't know how else to keep saying that and you still don't get it.

Let me see if I can try one more time. Is it wrong to eat pork? No. If you had a jewish brother and he was offended that you ate pork would your response me "too bad, I don't walk on egg shells for Jews" or would it be "Im sorry my brother, I didn't mean it to offend you. I will try to remember in the future"?

Get it? Not about "demonizing Rush"...Do you get it now?

Good grief. The issue isn't really "Gee did Rush really mean to imply he is a racist and hates all blacks"

The issue is, that term, whether you are ignorant to the fact of how it has been used and how blacks feel about it, is going to be inflammatory and Rush is intelligent enough to know that. He says what he said because it get's him the kind of attention his show was built on. Being a right wing talk show, not because Rush is a racist

He either says those things knowing how they are viewed, because the man is not ignorant of these things

Or he says them then realizes how it sounded and does nothing about it or blame someone else rather than just admitting he didn't connect the term to a black president till after the fact and is sorry if anyone was offended.

But the simple truth is, the reason this thread was made, is this stuff happens and it hurts more than it helps in the realm of black/Conservative relations.

Again instead of trying to defend Rush against racismm try to see for a moment that whether he intended this as a pejorative or not, it is!

I mean, look, his entire rant was a pejorative. Calling a grown man a child is not a compliment.

A lot of blacks will see this term not merely as pejorative but racial. And the issue here is not whether Rush is a racist but "here we go again"...another Conservative putting his foot in his mouth and everyone trying to justify it.

The issue is media savvy. The issue is, let's use our brains, we know the term boy used for a black adult has a historically negative connotation. We KNOW that. You might not, but the rest of us know our history and Rush is very intelligent and if he really isn't then someone needs to help him out.

Again the issue is not "is Rush a racist" it's for a party that claims they are black friendly they sure put their foot in their mouths a lot.
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