Originally Posted by jfrog
I got a question for ya Timmy.
What is your opinion of someone who isn't convinced that God exists, that has no clue what God is like, and yet chooses to believe that there is a God?
Oh, you mean (some) Christians?
Seriously, I do believe a lot of people are in that boat: even some Christians, who have doubts and confusion but, by act of obedience (it is a command, after all),
choose to believe. I have one foot in that boat, myself.
I believe that
most likely there is a Creator. I don't believe this Being interacts much, if at all, with His creation, and never has. Hence, the "deist" part of the label I wear. (Funny, isn't it, how a lot of people say they hate labels? I find them useful, myself. But I digress.)
Look at all the people today who claim to be prophets, or at least claim that God speaks to them from time to time. Do you believe all of them? Probably not. Even if some of them are potentially correct, probably most of them are wrong. Some of those are innocently mistaken about what they "hear" -- they get hunches that turn out to be right, or they daydream (or have regular dreams) and think it's God, or they hallucinate. Of course, others are just frauds.
How long has this been going on? It's certainly not just a modern phenomenon. It's been going on for centuries. The Bible itself warns about false prophets. How are we supposed to distinguish the real from the fake, whether we are looking at ancient writings or hearing things spoken today? In the case of ancient writings, some choose to trust the men who, centuries ago, decided which ones were genuine. For today's spoken prophecies, we are on our own. Oh sorry, we can use
discernment! (Of course, when different discerners don't agree, some of them are wrong, and nobody can tell which ones. Oopsie!)