Originally Posted by ChristopherHall
Hey, I agree, Clinton may have been able to do more. But he was doing far more than the Bush Administration was in 2001. The Bush Administration reformed our anti-terror measures and replaced agency leadership with cronies. I think I remember reading about Clinton's accomplishments regarding terror in another thread. Maybe Clinton could have done more...but he did far more than Bush/Cheney Incorporated.
It may seem that way, but we haven't had terroist problems in our embassies or on our bases, have we?
Bush was stonewalled in 2001, just taking over the mess that Clinton left in his wake. He'd been in office a whole 9 months when 9-11 happened. With everything else needing to be taken care of required of a president of a country, what else did we expect?
Clinton was in office for 8 years. He had plenty of time to get security measures in order to prevent 9-11...something that was in the making while he was yet in office.
Instead, he was too busy with cigars and women in blue dresses....but I won't go there...
And let's not forget those who died while he was in office that might have exposed a lot of things that we may never know the truth about........
I mean, I had never heard of someone dying from an airplane crash with a bullet in their head, have you?
Or someone committing suicide while his secret papers mysteriously disappear with his last breath?
To me, having another Clinton in office will be detrimental to our nation. We barely survived the first one.