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Old 10-21-2007, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Pray for me. I don't want to harbor bitterness in my heart. I need to release some issues and allow God to heal me - spiritually and emotionally. I've been hurt deeply by some people in the UPCI and I have avoided them and said that I would never attend another UPCI church other than for a funeral or wedding. To put it simply, I was wronged. Treated unjustly and betrayed. That may sound subjective to you - but I have the facts to prove it. That is no excuse for hatred, resentment and bitterness. Pray that when I say I have forgiven these people that I really have.

Please don't tell me I am a whine baby. LOL
Thank you.

I pray for you as well.

One tough things is to come to terms with the fact that even some of us oiffened others with our rants as well.

Nathan Eckstadt
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Old 10-21-2007, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Pray for me. I don't want to harbor bitterness in my heart. I need to release some issues and allow God to heal me - spiritually and emotionally. I've been hurt deeply by some people in the UPCI and I have avoided them and said that I would never attend another UPCI church other than for a funeral or wedding. To put it simply, I was wronged. Treated unjustly and betrayed. That may sound subjective to you - but I have the facts to prove it. That is no excuse for hatred, resentment and bitterness. Pray that when I say I have forgiven these people that I really have.

Please don't tell me I am a whine baby. LOL
Thank you.
I will pray Jane. I have been wronged too. I have sometimes harbored some bitterness too. God knows.
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Old 10-21-2007, 11:42 PM
Nina Nina is offline
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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Pray for me. I don't want to harbor bitterness in my heart. I need to release some issues and allow God to heal me - spiritually and emotionally. I've been hurt deeply by some people in the UPCI and I have avoided them and said that I would never attend another UPCI church other than for a funeral or wedding. To put it simply, I was wronged. Treated unjustly and betrayed. That may sound subjective to you - but I have the facts to prove it. That is no excuse for hatred, resentment and bitterness. Pray that when I say I have forgiven these people that I really have.

Please don't tell me I am a whine baby. LOL
Thank you.


I believe we are the most like Jesus when we forgive.

But we also must allow the offending party an opportunity to repent to keep the unity.

Have You obeyed Matthew 18 (If thy brother shall trespass against thee...)?
Have You followed the command through (If he will not hear thee....)?
I don't believe this is optional.

I believe You will KNOW when You have truly forgiven them from Your heart.

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Old 10-22-2007, 06:56 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Nina View Post

I believe we are the most like Jesus when we forgive.

But we also must allow the offending party an opportunity to repent to keep the unity.

Have You obeyed Matthew 18 (If thy brother shall trespass against thee...)?
Have You followed the command through (If he will not hear thee....)?
I don't believe this is optional.

I believe You will KNOW when You have truly forgiven them from Your heart.


I agree this is a good practice and very Biblical but our Pastors don't teach it, and if you have one who isn't confrontational..this system won't work.

I do have to say that forgiveness has to be intentional. It doesn't just happen and you wake up one day and realize you have forgiven. It is an action. If you go through the action then you will know you have forgiven.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 10-22-2007, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
I pray for you as well.

One tough things is to come to terms with the fact that even some of us oiffened others with our rants as well.

Nathan Eckstadt
Great peace have they which love thy law...and NOTHING shall offend them.

Check out Nina's answer...if you have aught against a person or know they have aught against you...go to them one on one. If they won't hear you take another. If they still won't hear you...go before the church. Practice this a time or two and people will be ready to forgive before it has to go before the church. The way it is they can just blame you for telling others and claim no fault.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 10-22-2007, 08:00 AM
Truly Blessed Truly Blessed is offline
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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Pray for me. I don't want to harbor bitterness in my heart. I need to release some issues and allow God to heal me - spiritually and emotionally. I've been hurt deeply by some people in the UPCI and I have avoided them and said that I would never attend another UPCI church other than for a funeral or wedding. To put it simply, I was wronged. Treated unjustly and betrayed. That may sound subjective to you - but I have the facts to prove it. That is no excuse for hatred, resentment and bitterness. Pray that when I say I have forgiven these people that I really have.

Please don't tell me I am a whine baby. LOL
Thank you.
I can relate to where you are because of your feelings of being treated unjustly. However, I can also testify to the amazing power of God to transform our feelings when we take 100% responsibility for our lives. It's a little lengthy, but I am going to share with you something out of my sermon yesterday. Read it with an open heart and know that I am praying for you.

Sermon Excerpt

The past is the past. All that matters now is that from this point forward you choose to act as if you accept 100% responsibility for what’s happening in your life. The next time something doesn’t work out the way you planned, you will ask your self, “What do I need to do differently next time to get the result I want/”

I want to share with you a very simple, but important formula that was developed by Dr. Robert Resnick in Los Angeles, CA that will hopefully help you more clearly understand this idea of 100% responsibility. The formula is

E [event] + R [response] = O [outcome]

The basic idea is that every outcome you experience in life (whether it is success or failure, wealth or poverty, health or sickness, intimacy or estrangement, joy or frustration) is the result of how you have responded to an earlier event or events in your life. If you don’t like the outcomes you are currently getting, there are two choices you can make.

1) You can blame the event (E) for your lack of success. In other words, you can blame the economy, the weather, lack of money, lack of education, racism, gender bias, the current government in Victoria or Ottawa, your husband or wife, your boss’s attitude, lack of support, the system or systems, other Christians, etc If you’re a golfer you’ve probably even blamed the golf course or the clubs you’re using for such a poor round. There’s no doubt that these circumstances I mentioned exist, but if they were the deciding factor, nobody would ever succeed.

Jackie Robinson, a black man, would never have played major league baseball, Sidney Poitier and Denzel Washington would have never become movie stars. Bill Gates would have never founded Microsoft, Steve Jobs would never have started Apple Computers. For every reason why something is not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.

Many people have overcome limiting factors, so it can’t be the limiting factors that limit you. It’s not the external conditions and circumstances of your life today that stop you from succeeding, it’s you who stop you from overcoming. Like the 10 unbelieving spies returning from the Promised Land, you don’t believe you can conquer and so you don’t. They prevented themselves from possessing what God wanted them to have by their negative thoughts. Joshua and Caleb, on the other hand, were convinced they could go up and take possess the country, and eventually they got to enter and possess the Promised Land.

We stop ourselves from succeeding so often. We think limiting thoughts and engage in self-defeating behaviors. We defend our self-destructive habits with indefensible logic. We ignore useful feedback, fail to educate ourselves and learn new skills, waste time on trivial aspects of life, engage in idle gossip, eat unhealthy food, fail to exercise, spend more money than we make, fail to invest in our future, avoid necessary conflict, fail to tell the truth, don’t ask for what we want, etc. and then wonder why we aren’t making progress. But this is what most people do. They place the blame for everything that isn’t the way that want it to be on others and outside circumstances. They have an excuse for everything.

2) The second choice you can make instead of having an excuse for everything, is to simply change your responses (R) to the events (E) – the way things are – until you get the outcome (O) you want. You can change your thinking, change the way you communicate, change the pictures you hold in your head (images of yourself and the world around you) – and you can change your behavior (the things you do). That’s all you really have control over anyway.

Unfortunately most of us are so controlled by our habits that we never change our behavior. We get stuck in our conditioned responses. Our response to our spouses, to our children, our colleagues at work, our customers, our clients, our students, our fellow Christians, and to the world in general. We are a bundle of conditioned reflexes that operate outside of our control. To change who you are and where you are in life and get to where you want to be and need to be in life, you have to regain control of your thoughts, your images, and your behavior. Everything you think, say, and do need to become intentional and aligned with your purpose, your values, and your goals for you and your family.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Prov.23:7)
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Old 10-22-2007, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post

I agree this is a good practice and very Biblical but our Pastors don't teach it, and if you have one who isn't confrontational..this system won't work.

I do have to say that forgiveness has to be intentional. It doesn't just happen and you wake up one day and realize you have forgiven. It is an action. If you go through the action then you will know you have forgiven.

Blessings, Rhoni
That is true. I think an opportunity still needs to be given though. It is the responsibility of the offended party to give the offender a chance. If there is no apology or an apology that is a "get off my back and forgive already" type of apology, I think the person is freed to simply forgive, but that doesn't mean that the relationship should continue as it had been.
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Old 10-22-2007, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Pray for me. I don't want to harbor bitterness in my heart. I need to release some issues and allow God to heal me - spiritually and emotionally. I've been hurt deeply by some people in the UPCI and I have avoided them and said that I would never attend another UPCI church other than for a funeral or wedding. To put it simply, I was wronged. Treated unjustly and betrayed. That may sound subjective to you - but I have the facts to prove it. That is no excuse for hatred, resentment and bitterness. Pray that when I say I have forgiven these people that I really have.

Please don't tell me I am a whine baby. LOL
Thank you.
Jane the sign on the door could say UPC,Baptist,Methodist etc and you
can be hurt by people because they are in fact not perfact.The bible says
that "He remembers we are but dust." You have to make heaven your home and you cannot make it there with bitterness weighing you down.You have to obey the word and cast aside every weight that would keep you from heaven.
Jesus did and look what He went through.He I know was God but you have that same God living inside of you when you receive the Holy Ghost.It simply means dying to self will.Let it go.Its not worth it in the long run.Never say never.That phrase has been eaten too many times.Ask Jesus to lead you and if in fact it may be back to a UPC church or even the same UPC church do it.
I know of someone who was extremely miserable and very ill who was told by
Jesus to go back to an individual who hurt him and publically appologize.He did and God healed him on the spot.He got his miricle but had to obey.
Regardless of the issues its like in Acts where the bible says repent.Jesus did not say go to the therapist for twenty years first.He said repent and ye shall.
There is a route to receiving from God and its Gods choosing.We have to acknowledge His ways are higher than our ways and that He knows the end from the beginning.Pray for those who have hurt you.They will have to answer to Jesus.Release them so God can deal with them.You would want the same forgiveness had you wronged someone.
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Old 10-22-2007, 05:54 PM
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Praying for you- You have been given some great words of wisdom- Think on these things- I cannot add to them. Just know if you seek to forgive- You will be given that opportunity.
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Old 10-22-2007, 08:45 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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I sincerely thank all of you who've said you'd pray for me and I really appreciate your posts. There is much wisdom in the them. This week I am facing some things I've never faced before and I covet your prayers for the next few days. Please pray!
Pray for America!
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