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Old 07-15-2007, 11:52 PM
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Considering the PCI position Elder????
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Old 07-16-2007, 05:49 AM
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I have not read it yet, but can't see spending $30 for a book at this time...I would like to read it though and plan to sometime in the future.
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Old 07-16-2007, 07:11 AM
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It is an eye opener for sure.

Recommended reading for anyone who is searching for a better understanding of what we OP's teach and where we have been.
God has lavished his love upon me.
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Old 07-16-2007, 07:12 AM
Brother Strange

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I fell asleep last night reading the autobiograph of W. E. Kidson. It was an interesting read. In it, he speaks of Eugene Garret (from Washington) a great deal. I wondered if Bro Garrett was still alive. Anyone know?
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Old 07-16-2007, 08:37 AM
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I would like to have a copy of that book. I read it at someone´s house once but do not even remember when it was.
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Old 07-16-2007, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
This will be my third reading. I read it twice when I first got it when it first came out. But decided to read it through again. Though I do not agree and his bias is evident he must be commended for the hours of gathering information and putting it together. Some things I doubt their factualness not impugning him but the memory can be tricky with all of us and interviewing folks in their late years or early years for that matter all information we remember through the prisms of experiences. I am enjoying it again. I love any history of the American Jesus Name movement. Or Pentecostalism in general. I bougth several books advertized in Charisma during the time of the Azusa celebration.
Elder Epley,

I agree with you about both the tremendous amount of research he did and the possibility that some of the oral history is skewed not by intent of the author or interviewee, but because of the fallacy of memory.

I am not an old man but as I near the half century mark I catch myself remembering events, places, people, etc slightly wrong sometimes. Just yesterday my wife and I were recollecting an event of just a few months ago and both had slightly different memories of the details.
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Old 07-16-2007, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Elder Epley,

I agree with you about both the tremendous amount of research he did and the possibility that some of the oral history is skewed not by intent of the author or interviewee, but because of the fallacy of memory.

I am not an old man but as I near the half century mark I catch myself remembering events, places, people, etc slightly wrong sometimes. Just yesterday my wife and I were recollecting an event of just a few months ago and both had slightly different memories of the details.
I've been noticing some of that in myself. Scary isn't it??
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Old 07-16-2007, 09:46 AM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I've been noticing some of that in myself. Scary isn't it??
Some of you folk ARE getting old. That IS scary for some of us young folk.
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Old 07-16-2007, 10:23 AM
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Reading Fudge's Book Again

Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
I fell asleep last night reading the autobiograph of W. E. Kidson. It was an interesting read. In it, he speaks of Eugene Garret (from Washington) a great deal. I wondered if Bro Garrett was still alive. Anyone know?

What memories you bring up, Bro. Strange! The names of W.E. Kidson

and Eugene Garrett take me back to Sherman, Texas, as a young child.

It seems Bro. Kidson was the pastor of a church there or perhaps he and

Eugene Garrett were ministering there. I also connect a Bro. & Sis. Snow

with those names. I believe Bro. & Sis. Snow were pastors there at one

time and had a son. We lived in a tiny little town, Savoy, TX, where our

family lived until Sept. 30, 1950 when Dad did what God told Abraham to

do. Dad left father and mother, the difference was, Dad knew where he

was going. I had just turned 11 yrs. old twelve days before we moved.

That will be 57 yrs. ago, Sept. 30th, 2007.

Savoy, Texas is twelve miles east of Sherman. Twelve miles west of

Bonham, TX. We visited two different churches in Sherman back then,

although we were faithful to our home church that birthed both my dad

and mom back in the 30's. That is where I received the Holy Ghost, seven

years after moving to Wylie. We went back to a revival and my brother just

younger than myself, received the Holy Ghost on the last night. Just in time.

I was very young but I can picture Bro. W.E. Kidson, Bro, Eugene Garrett,

Bro. & Sis. Snow in my mind's eye right now!!

Incidentally, I spoke to Bro. Kidson's daughter that was married to Bro.

Gordon Magee (The smiling Irishman) a few years ago, She was living in

San Angelo, Tx. Of course, Bro. Magee is deceased.

I can remember a lot of things now that I couldn't remember while raising

our children, etc.,too much on my mind and like a computer, what's

stored there will remain there unless it is taken out. Your mind, also like a

computer, can become so overloaded, it might crash!!! LOL!!

Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. If we can be re-born, re-conciled,

re-vived, I am persuaded we can be RENEWED!! I know! I've have been re-

vived in my latter years. Not by works of righteousness lest any should

boast, but by HIS mercy He saved us by the washing of re-generation and

re-newing of the HOLY GHOST which He shed on us abundantly.

Sis. Nona Freeman said she had always heard that life begins at forty.

But she said for her, it began at sixty.

Bro. Strange, have we just begun to live??


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Old 07-16-2007, 10:46 AM
Brother Strange

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You indeed have been renewed and revived too, sister. You are a live spark plug.

So, if life begins at 60, you and I are only 7 years old. Wow! Just snot nose young 'uns. I'm feeling better already. Now! What did I do with my geritol?

Well, I don't take that but I do have a regular regiment of Noni and Goji juice. It has really helped me.

Back to Bro. Kidson and Eugene Garrett. Brother Kidson was quite a business manager and publicist. Brother Garrett had a great healing ministry that saw many thousands of people healed in his meetings. He came to Houston and conducted a very large healing campaign for bro. Kidson. Brother Kidson became his campaign manager, scheduled him in different parts of the USA, in Apostolic Churches that immediately saw very large increases in attendance after the Campaign.

He learned his lesson well when he was a very new pastor around 1920 in Louisiana, Missouri. He had Mattie Crawford to come to his town but new he could not accomodate the crowd in his little church with only about 16 members. So, he rented a very large arena that seated thousands. He began publisizing the meetings with Sister Crawford. The crowds came. There not one seat left, not even standing room left. People were healed by the scores of many incurable diseases witnessed by the local people. Needless to say, his church immediately exploded in growth. He went from 16 to hundreds.

Sister, this made me to realize that we do not need to drop the standards to attract the crowds to this Apostolic, New Birth message. We just need the visiting power of God in our midst so that people can behold His glory, power and graciousness. I am convinced as always that the goodness of God leadeth men to repentance. God does not change. No sense in compromsing with the world for the sake of the crowds as so many are doing.

Then, he had Branham to come to his church in Houston. There are still people in Life Tabernacle that remember that glorious meeting. Bro. and sister Smith who are the head of the prison ministry of L.T. was saved in that meeting. Sister Smith, not quite aged, was healed of an incurable disease.

Bro. Kidson went on to manage the growing needs of the Branham meetings. Later Jack Moore of Shreveport, a UPC pastor assumed that obligation which he later shared with Gordon Lindsay of Dallas.

Is it any wonder that I both hunger, thirst and retch simultaneously?
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