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Old 05-12-2018, 02:44 PM
TheLayman TheLayman is offline
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen View Post
Ok I see what you are saying, but I feel thats absolutely making excuses for people. My Bible says "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him. and I will raise him up at the last day." We don't have to make programs to fit people, we need to pray, fast, and consecrate ourself and create a atmosphere to draw God! "Where the Spirit of the Lord is liberty" let Him work out the rest. Because, just as in the 1st century church "the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved"; that statement is true today also.

This reminds me of this sermon by Larry Booker. He talks about the dark ages and how Barbaric the people were. I mean these millennials are nothing but upper class barbarian's it sounds like. Here it's not the exact same topic, but it's saying some similar things.

Let's just say this I was apart of Generation X. I didn't believe in God, but that didn't stop Him from reaching out to me and manifesting Himself unto me.
Romans 1:20 is the same yesterday, today, and forever "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." For me, and everyone else whoever lived, or will ever live. There's no excuse, don't entitle them that way! That's hurting them worse, because society enables them that way.
I agree, and if you knew me you would know that the last thing I'm going to do is feed a millennial's feeling of entitlement. When I teach this class this is hard for boomer's to wrap their head around...I'm always watching for the light to come on in people's eyes. By the way, one should look at a worldview like an operating system on a computer...it's always running in the background and is necessary for the operation of all your other programs.

Let me give you one example from the workplace, and this happened about 15 years ago (I worked at a very liberal university). One day a young man by the name of Marty who worked for me (early 20's, going to school) and was the truest representative of liberalism at work I have ever known came into my office and said, "Mark, I have a question I would like to pose if you don't mind, it's not about work." I said, "Sure, go ahead." He held up a picture of a cat in a magazine and said, "Why should we teach our children to call this a cat?" Marty is being absolutely serious. I answered, "So that he understands what others are referring to when they use the word 'cat' and so that others understand him." Marty then asked, "Do you think that's fair?" I was dumbfounded which was a common state for me to be in when talking to Marty. I replied, "Do I think it's fair? I don't think it's a matter of fair or unfair Marty, I think it is simply teaching someone to communicate correctly. What do you think would be the 'fair thing to do?" Marty replied, "Why not let our children decide what to call it, why do we need to force our reality onto them?" I said, "Why don't we let them choose what to call it? How about because we don't want them to be a highly functional idiot? Because, as I said, we want them to understand others and be understood by others. Because I don't think it would help either of my children to go through life calling a cat memowow." To make a long story short, he had this insane idea that we should allow children to create their own language because "forcing" them to use our language was simply forcing our construct of reality on them, etc., etc., etc. I say again, he believed this. As usual my belief that Marty was actually insane continued to grow.

Much to my surprise this very thing is actually addressed in "Total Truth." It's incredible. You see, postmodernism doesn't really use language to explain reality, it uses language to create it.

As for the church...I kept trying to tell Pastors that I knew that people in the pews are not necessarily understanding what you are saying the way you intend them to understand it. I'm not saying that are not hearing, I'm saying they are hearing something other than what you are saying...and I know this based on the questions I get asked by them. For example, when you say X is "truth," you say this intending people to understand the word "truth" to mean something that corresponds to "objective" reality, but the person you are saying this to has a filter that says "truth" is "relative" and "subjective" and understands what you said about X with through that filter.

I'm just saying that when you teach something from Scripture to a Boomer and to a Millennial who has been indoctrinated into post modernism, with them sitting next to each other, don't be surprised if even though they "hear" the same thing, they come away with two different "understandings."

You can take it or leave it but the topic is something way to complicated for me to do justice to trying to explain it in a series of posts. That's why I recommended the books.

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Old 05-12-2018, 02:57 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post
I agree, and if you knew me you would know that the last thing I'm going to do is feed a millennial's feeling of entitlement. When I teach this class this is hard for boomer's to wrap their head around...I'm always watching for the light to come on in people's eyes. By the way, one should look at a worldview like an operating system on a computer...it's always running in the background and is necessary for the operation of all your other programs.

Let me give you one example from the workplace, and this happened about 15 years ago (I worked at a very liberal university). One day a young man by the name of Marty who worked for me (early 20's, going to school) and was the truest representative of liberalism at work I have ever known came into my office and said, "Mark, I have a question I would like to pose if you don't mind, it's not about work." I said, "Sure, go ahead." He held up a picture of a cat in a magazine and said, "Why should we teach our children to call this a cat?" Marty is being absolutely serious. I answered, "So that he understands what others are referring to when they use the word 'cat' and so that others understand him." Marty then asked, "Do you think that's fair?" I was dumbfounded which was a common state for me to be in when talking to Marty. I replied, "Do I think it's fair? I don't think it's a matter of fair or unfair Marty, I think it is simply teaching someone to communicate correctly. What do you think would be the 'fair thing to do?" Marty replied, "Why not let our children decide what to call it, why do we need to force our reality onto them?" I said, "Why don't we let them choose what to call it? How about because we don't want them to be a highly functional idiot? Because, as I said, we want them to understand others and be understood by others. Because I don't think it would help either of my children to go through life calling a cat memowow." To make a long story short, he had this insane idea that we should allow children to create their own language because "forcing" them to use our language was simply forcing our construct of reality on them, etc., etc., etc. I say again, he believed this. As usual my belief that Marty was actually insane continued to grow.

Much to my surprise this very thing is actually addressed in "Total Truth." It's incredible. You see, postmodernism doesn't really use language to explain reality, it uses language to create it.

As for the church...I kept trying to tell Pastors that I knew that people in the pews are not necessarily understanding what you are saying the way you intend them to understand it. I'm not saying that are not hearing, I'm saying they are hearing something other than what you are saying...and I know this based on the questions I get asked by them. For example, when you say X is "truth," you say this intending people to understand the word "truth" to mean something that corresponds to "objective" reality, but the person you are saying this to has a filter that says "truth" is "relative" and "subjective" and understands what you said about X with through that filter.

I'm just saying that when you teach something from Scripture to a Boomer and to a Millennial who has been indoctrinated into post modernism, with them sitting next to each other, don't be surprised if even though they "hear" the same thing, they come away with two different "understandings."

You can take it or leave it but the topic is something way to complicated for me to do justice to trying to explain it in a series of posts. That's why I recommended the books.

The cat story was the highlight of my day! I LOL'ED for real, that is sad. But I can see that, I understand what you mean. Yea when you teach children big bang, and evolution I guess it isn't a stretch when they begin to act like animals, with no beliefs. I am part of Generation X, and I guess I was exactly the same. God reached out to me, and saved my life mightily; and I didn't know it was Him at first, but then I got put in situations from that and it became undeniable. All I can say is don't fret God has a way! I was chief amongst sinners, and past hopeless and God got me there. I was like Pilate when he said "what is truth." Today I do know though, God made a way!

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Old 05-12-2018, 03:38 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post
By the way, one should look at a worldview like an operating system on a computer...it's always running in the background and is necessary for the operation of all your other programs.

I love this, offers books, but doesn't understand the author.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 05-12-2018, 04:25 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

There is nothing more compelling than: "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and power, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." I Cor 2:4-5

Any millennial can understand English, and it is God's job to allow them to feel His presence. We had better make sure that while we are trying to be intellectual that we are not quenching the Spirit. We will never be wiser than God. After all, the multitudes followed Jesus because He "healed them all."
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Old 05-12-2018, 04:29 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
There is nothing more compelling than: "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and power, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." I Cor 2:4-5

Any millennial can understand English, and it is God's job to allow them to feel His presence. We had better make sure that while we are trying to be intellectual that we are not quenching the Spirit. We will never be wiser than God. After all, the multitudes followed Jesus because He "healed them all."
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 05-12-2018, 04:32 PM
TheLayman TheLayman is offline
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I love this, offers books, but doesn't understand the author.

Every time I read a post of yours I'm amazed at how you believe your words and attitude reflect Christ in you.

Anyway, I have no idea what you mean by I don't "understand the author." All of I have to work on is the video you posted, and I agree with everything she said. She's talking about how atheists, who claim to be enlightened and not stupid like those folks who believe in God, can't live according to that worldview. I'll tell you what, if you found nothing useful in my posts ignore them, and if you don't like the book recommendations don't get any of them, don't even check them out, that's okay with me.


Last edited by TheLayman; 05-12-2018 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 05-12-2018, 04:58 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by TheLayman View Post
Every time I read a post of yours I'm amazed at how you believe your words and attitude reflect Christ in you.

Anyway, I have no idea what you mean by I don't "understand the author." All of I have to work on is the video you posted, and I agree with everything she said. She's talking about how atheists, who claim to be enlightened and not stupid like those folks who believe in God, can't live according to that worldview. I'll tell you what, if you found nothing useful in my posts ignore them, and if you don't like the book recommendations don't get any of them, don't even check them out, that's okay with me.

Layman, you totally missed what I was pointing out. The atheists were comparing the human worldview to mechanical programs. Which makes humans incapable of having freewill. I have heard your author explain this more than once. So, I thought it funny when you posted that people should look at a worldview like an operating system on a computer. Your author would disagree with you. But getting back to ignoring you, no, Jesus didn't ignore the religious of His day. Neither did Elijah, but took every and all opportunity to point out their shapeshifting. PO nailed it, on how intellectualism can't get a fly high, and how only the power of Jesus Christ can reach any generation. Layman, all you got is books about books, intellectualizing the Bible to this generation is futile. But if you never felt the power of the Holy Ghost, then you will never have anything to give but silver and gold. A great man once said you can't eat gold with BBQ sauce, and silver will only be used as toilet paper. Peter didn't offer the crippled silver and gold, but the power of God. Layman get prayed for by a bunch of praying Apostolic Pentecostals. Save your library. I'm a book collector, and of all my books, only one is alive, the Bible.

Nope, can't ignore you, just have to point you out as a pod person.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 05-12-2018, 05:55 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the discussion
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Old 05-12-2018, 06:47 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

The whole idea of "ABC Generation" is an antichristian humanistic invention (a false one at that) that implies "if you are born from this year to that year, you believe this, need that, and think like this other thing." I would suggest that folks refuse to be labeled. The purpose of such labeling is to pit one generation against the other, to disconnect each generation from everyone who came before and everyone coming after, to create a subconscious angst and anxiety due to feeling isolated and afloat, cut off from one's own heritage, family, people. With no sense of connection, much less obligation, to one's ancestors or one's descendants. In short, isolationism.

It's the psychological equivalent of being placed in solitary confinement for life. And the result is the same - insanity.

It is totally contrary to God's original design for mankind, it's unnatural, inhuman, unhealthy, dangerous, and plain retarded. but it's good for business, because such confused and disoriented and anxious persons are easy to sell products and services to. That is, such people are easily merchandised by Babylon.

Not only should people quit thinking of themselves as "ABC Generation", but they should quit thinking of others in the same fashion. People are people. Younger people are younger people, older people are older people. We all need the power of God, which comes by the preaching of the Gospel. God chose to bypass oratory in favour of Spirit filled preaching, therefore even the "moral relativist" can be saved in spite of his silliness. Unfortunately, the intellectual has a hard time, because he fancies himself wise and is not willing to become a fool to be instructed at the feet of Christ. But even that guy can be reached if God deems it compatible with His mercy.

A person entrenched in "post modernism, moral relativism" simply needs to be asked "So it's cool if I rob your house, eh? After all, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean squat, since there is no 'objective truth'. It all just comes down to POWER, and the queston is do I have the power to rob you, and do you have the power to stop it? that's all that matters, and thus might makes right." They usually choke at that point and either realise they need to rethink how they view the idea of "truth", or else they are simply opposed to the Gospel and simply don't care about the truth.

In which case they are candidates for a Divinely-sent "strong delusion", which places them beyond anyone's reach.
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Old 05-12-2018, 06:51 PM
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Re: Millennials to Become Largest Generation in 20

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The whole idea of "ABC Generation" is an antichristian humanistic invention (a false one at that) that implies "if you are born from this year to that year, you believe this, need that, and think like this other thing." I would suggest that folks refuse to be labeled. The purpose of such labeling is to pit one generation against the other, to disconnect each generation from everyone who came before and everyone coming after, to create a subconscious angst and anxiety due to feeling isolated and afloat, cut off from one's own heritage, family, people. With no sense of connection, much less obligation, to one's ancestors or one's descendants. In short, isolationism.

It's the psychological equivalent of being placed in solitary confinement for life. And the result is the same - insanity.

It is totally contrary to God's original design for mankind, it's unnatural, inhuman, unhealthy, dangerous, and plain retarded. but it's good for business, because such confused and disoriented and anxious persons are easy to sell products and services to. That is, such people are easily merchandised by Babylon.

Not only should people quit thinking of themselves as "ABC Generation", but they should quit thinking of others in the same fashion. People are people. Younger people are younger people, older people are older people. We all need the power of God, which comes by the preaching of the Gospel. God chose to bypass oratory in favour of Spirit filled preaching, therefore even the "moral relativist" can be saved in spite of his silliness. Unfortunately, the intellectual has a hard time, because he fancies himself wise and is not willing to become a fool to be instructed at the feet of Christ. But even that guy can be reached if God deems it compatible with His mercy.

A person entrenched in "post modernism, moral relativism" simply needs to be asked "So it's cool if I rob your house, eh? After all, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean squat, since there is no 'objective truth'. It all just comes down to POWER, and the queston is do I have the power to rob you, and do you have the power to stop it? that's all that matters, and thus might makes right." They usually choke at that point and either realise they need to rethink how they view the idea of "truth", or else they are simply opposed to the Gospel and simply don't care about the truth.

In which case they are candidates for a Divinely-sent "strong delusion", which places them beyond anyone's reach.
Deja vu the “generation gap”.
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