Re: #NeverTrump
How many of you NeverTrumpers were telling Ron Paul supporters they needed to go ahead and vote for Romney, because "if you don't support Romney Obama will win"?
Same thing with McCain?
How many times were we told "If you vote strictly on principle it will cost the election"?
Yet now, so called conservatives would rather GIVE IT TO A KNOWN CRIMINAL CLINTON than support the de facto Republican nominee, one who has generated more support than any candidate since Reagan, and possibly surpassing him, one who MANY original TEA Party people support because he is not a politician, one who has clearly shown he is THE ONLY ONE who stands a chance against Hillary Clinton, one who attracts Reagan Democrats, Independents, and a host of anti-Hillary Democrats, one who has actually inspired tons of Never Before Voters to come out and vote... in short, almost a guaranteed win in November.
The NeverTrump phenomenon is a creation of the establishment party elite, as a last dying gasp of a threatened oligarchy of criminals, sell outs, traitors, and money grubbing politicians, fake "conservative" RINOs.
The hypocrisy is astounding. One thing Trump has accomplished is he has allowed everyone to show their true colors. Beck, Levin, Rush, the entire lame stream media, the GOP apparatus, good old boys club, Rinse Pubis, Ryan, all the fake lying "conservatives" who haven't done diddly since the second term of Reagan, the co opted establishment astroturfers who hijacked the TEA Party, all of them shown to be the weasely sniveling slimey lying political prostitutes that they are.
"Never Trump." blech The. neverTrump crowd doesn't understand Trump himself is irrelevant. He himself is just surfing on a wave much bigger than himself. Once he has done his job he will be discarded. Lots of things happening in America and in the world which the blinded neverTrump crowd is blissfully unaware of.
Oh well, life moves on. Those incapable of recognizing what's going on are incapable of doing anything about it.
Its a hard rains a gonna fall...