Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
So the questions that needs to be answered is, are the majority of Muslims that are peaceful following Islam or not? The GOD of the bible would be proud of some of the things that Muhammad is accused of doing. Whats the difference in the things Muhammad did and the leaders of the Israelite's during their conquest of the Promised Land? Do I need to list those things?
Yes you need to document your assertions.
FTR the God has the right to judge the world - He created it.
He judged the world with a flood.
He judged the world by the confusion of language.
He judged Sodom.
In each of these cases He directly judged them.
During the Promised Land conquest He did not allow Israel in until the time for judgment had come:
Gen 15:16 KJV) But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
BTW This was LIMITED to a small area of land.
It was also an indirect judgment of God by using Israel as the agency of judgment.
Moses was from God - the one true God.
Muhammad desired to impose it upon the entire world.
Muhammad is NOT from God.
His actions are NOT judgments from God.
He was a pedophile cult leader that demanded blind and absolute obedience. No one was or is allowed to question him.
He sanctioned rape.
He sanctioned lying.
He sanctioned murder.
he imposed his religion on others.
He sanctioned spousal abuse.
He sanctioned polygamy.
He set himself up as above the Islamic law.
he said he was sinless - perfect.
He setup an earthly kingdom.
The list goes on...
Have a nice day. After all I heard that the Jews blew up an airport in Brussels... Oh wait that was Muslims following the teachings of Muhammad.
BUDAKA, Uganda (Morning Star News) — Threats from hard-line Muslims and the rape of her 13-year-old daughter forced a Christian mother and her five children to flee their village in eastern Uganda last week, sources said.
Australian Muslims may resort to violence if headscarf laws not changed, SA imam says.
the list goes on and on and on TODAY not thousands of years AGO.