Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
n david, would your response to this incident be different if the shooter had been a muslim?
This is nowhere near what happened in Paris.
If it were a muslim, there wouldn't be much of an outcry by obama. I guarantee you he wouldn't have issued the statement he issued. Instead he would have stuttered on about how peaceful muslims are.
But the point, as shown by Prax, is useless. This is being called an act of domestic terror.
Remind me, what did obama call the muslim terrorist at Ft Hood? Oh right, a "workplace" incident. And remind me, what about the other muslims who have attacked the cartoon exhibit in TX or military recruitment center in KY or TN. Ah, right...he didn't call that terrorism either.
Neither did Salon, HuffPo or any other sniveling libtard currently screaming about this "act of domestic terrorism."
Dude was a democrat. And registered as a woman.
But yeah, blame FoxNews morons.