Originally Posted by Originalist
I'm not a fan either.
He's made too many weird statements in the past.
Originally Posted by CC1
Creative imagination and a willingness to weave wild and crazy unsubstantiaed stories / hoaxes into your sermons to please your adoring fans?
I disagree with his HMH doctrine, and have wondered about some of the claims he's made, but yesterday I was praising God and cheering Rev. Stoneking on while watching his address to the UNGA -- as should have we all.
He stood where Presidents and foreign heads of state have stood and declared
Acts 2:38, then said the answer to the violence and world's atrocities was Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
"I give you Jesus."
It shouldn't matter our disagreements him, he stood and proclaimed Jesus Christ and the New Birth message to the main world political body.
We should all praise God and rejoice over it, not gripe about the messenger God used.