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Old 10-15-2013, 03:44 PM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Not only would the delay of the mandates cripple the law, IMO if the Republicans would have succeeded in killing the medical device tax, it would have crippled the funding of bummercare as well.

Why would they want Obamacare to succeed now, when they're on the record being completely against it? That doesn't make a lick of sense.

What, are they going to come out in 2014 and say, "It was our idea first," and embrace the GOP's role in crafting bummercare as the Democrats have been claiming for a long time.
David, The GOP Establishment certainly isn't coming across as being totally against it. It's political speak. If they were truly against it, they would stand with Ted Cruz and get it delayed. They have a good case and it only makes sense at this stage of the game to put the mandates on a delay.

I mean, look at how McCain and Graham have been acting. Erick Erickson certainly read it right back in September.

The Great Big GOP Establishment Obamacare Lie

Among the many insightful things Ted Cruz said during his historic filibuster through the night was that there is no honesty in the Republican Party. He noted that it would be better to have a Senate full of Republicans like Mike Lee and Democrats like Bernie Sanders – people who actually believe what they say, and are honest and open about it. What he meant to say is that most of Washington is full of finger lickin’ frauds like Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, and Harry Reid.

We all know that Mitch McConnell and his mealy-mouthed minions believe that Obamacare is the law of the land and will never be repealed [root and branch].
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Old 10-15-2013, 04:19 PM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

House will be voting tonight to reopen the government and avoid default.

Fitch puts US credit rating on negative watch, maintains AAA rating.
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Old 10-16-2013, 10:03 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Shutdown Updates

My company sent out an email blast to all its employees. It's a very, very large company with tens of thousands of employees. The email encourages, but doesn't require, employees to click on a link to send a pre-written email to their member of Congress and the President.

I have watched Congress and the Administration debate over government funding and the debt limit over the last several weeks.

As your constituent, I urge you to quickly reach an agreement to reopen the federal government and ensure the United States does not default on its obligations. I am deeply concerned that the consequences of the government even coming close to a default would have a severely negative impact on our economy and risk permanently damaging our country's credit worthiness and our standing in the rest of the world.

The consequences of actually defaulting could be catastrophic to the economy and are entirely avoidable. The federal government shutdown is also an unnecessary disruption to the economy that only increases uncertainty and reduces confidence in our nation's political system.

Our country's leaders have come together in the face of adversity to address serious challenges before. I hope you will work with your colleagues to quickly reach an agreement that will be good for our economy, job creation and the nation's long-term financial situation.

Thank you for your consideration.
Looks like something Dan Pfeiffer or the White House would make, though it doesn't specifically call out Boehner or the Republicans.

I didn't send it. I can write my own message to Congress and the President that more accurately reflects my views.
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Old 10-16-2013, 10:53 AM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

Originally Posted by n david View Post

I didn't send it. I can write my own message to Congress and the President that more accurately reflects my views.
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Old 10-16-2013, 10:54 AM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

Understanding the Senate will make an announcement at noon today.
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Old 10-16-2013, 10:57 AM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

"Let's suspend this mandate for one year like Obama illegally did with the business mandate. Let's do that for every American." Rep. Louie Gohmert
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Old 10-16-2013, 11:00 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Shutdown Updates

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
What do you know about the DDC Advocacy group? It appears, from clicking through various embedded links that this was who my company used for the email blast.


I looked at their website. One of the leaders was a political director in the Bush WH, another served on the NRSC and helped Lisa Murkowski's campaign.

Last edited by n david; 10-16-2013 at 11:03 AM.
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Old 10-16-2013, 04:48 PM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

Originally Posted by n david View Post
What do you know about the DDC Advocacy group? It appears, from clicking through various embedded links that this was who my company used for the email blast.


I looked at their website. One of the leaders was a political director in the Bush WH, another served on the NRSC and helped Lisa Murkowski's campaign.
I don't know a whole lot about it, except that they are a lobbyist group, and that Romney's National Coalition Director was hired as Vice President of the Campaign Services division.
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Old 10-16-2013, 04:49 PM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): "Now, I want to commend the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives has taken a bold stance listening to the American people, but unfortunately, the United States Senate has refused to do likewise. The United States Senate has stayed with the traditional approach of the Washington establishment of maintaining the status quo and doing nothing to respond to the suffering that Obamacare is causing millions of Americans.

This is unfortunate, but nobody should be surprised that the Washington establishment is pushing back. Nobody should be surprised at the resistance to change. Let me say, the American people in the last few months have risen up in overwhelming numbers. We have seen millions of Americans all over this country working to change Washington. That has been incredible progress and this fight, this debate, will continue until collectively, the American people can make D.C. listen, can get real relief for all the people who were hurt because of Obamacare."


Standing with Cruz and Mike Lee.
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Old 10-16-2013, 05:02 PM
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Re: Shutdown Updates

Cuando nos preocupamos, estamos eligiendo ser dominados por nuestras circunstancias en vez de por la verdad de Dios.

When we worry, we are choosing to be mastered by our circumstances instead of by the truth of God
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