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04-09-2013, 04:37 PM
![A.W. Bowman's Avatar](customavatars/avatar1294_3.gif) |
A Student of the Word
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Part 10
Now this subject requires a little background.
The English definition for meekness, or meek, is: (1) Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness, (2) Very docile, (3) Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant. Meekness is defined as being (1) The feeling of patient, submissive humbleness, (2) A disposition to be patient and long suffering.
As used in the first example given below, the Greek term, Praos means gentle, mild, meek. I’ll let you look the definition for gentle and mild. Another term usedin this verse is Tapeinos, translated as lowly, used as a metaphor meaning (1) a. as a condition, lowly, of low degree b. brought low with grief, depressed c. lowly in spirit, humble
A third term that should be noted in number one for correct interpretation of the verse is Zugos, ‘yoke’. Another word that is used as a metaphor meaning, troublesome laws imposed on one, hence the term is so transferred to the commands of Christ as to contrast them with the commands of the Pharisees which were a veritable 'yoke'; yet even Christ's commands must be submitted to, though easier (?) to be kept. (Edited excerpt from NET Bible comments)
1. "Take my yoke upon you, for I am meek and lowly in heart" Matt. 11:29
2. "The princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, but it shall not be so among you" Matt. 20:25-26
3. "Whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all" Mark 10:43-44
4. "Be not ye called Rabbi" Matt. 23:8
5. "Sit not down in the highest room" [or chief seats] Luke 14:8-11 [Also see Matthew 23:6]
6. "Rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you" Luke 10:20
Therefore, in number one we have a metaphoric statement which paints us a picture (as with all Hebraic thinking, even when expressed in the Greek language). What is it? For extra study, compare this picture to the times when Jesus is confronted by the religious leaders of the day, the cleansing of the Temple, and Jesus during His trial. The question then becomes, how does this, and similar verses (Matt 5:5) are to be reconciled and practiced in one’s daily life?
Numbers two and three go together and it is a hard one. How does one become a “servant leader” and what does it look like in practice? Personally, I would love to hear this taught!
Now we come to number four. This one affects me personally because I am often referred to as Rabbi or Rebbe (a term of endearment for a Bible teacher or scholar [a serious student] who may not have a traditional Jewish ordination – that’s me) by a number of folks. So, why do I continue to allow that? Are you sometimes referred to as a Bible teacher? Why do you allow it? [Remember: context, also see my previous post]. Also see James 3:1; what does the term ‘master’ mean in this verse? So, what is Jesus saying number four? Why? What is it that one should be on guard against? BTW, I am not looking for more people to call me Rabbi! LOL
Number five. The front row of the pews? The platform chairs? What is Jesus getting at here? To whom does it apply? How? When? What does this have to do with ‘meekness’?
Finally number six. Do you have and exercise spiritual authority? Why? For what purpose? One should be careful in how they approach and answer that; it could be a ‘black hole’!
Okay, that should be enough for one day’s study.
On a number of forums these instructions seem to have been lost, or at least ignored to some extent. So, perhaps we should reconsider them – and even put them into practice.
1. "Love one another as I have loved you" John 15:12
2. "Despise not one of these little ones" Matt. 18:10-14
3. "Have peace one with another and be reconciled to thy brother" Mark 9:50; Matt. 5:23-24
4. "If thy brother trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone" Matt. 18:15-17
5. "If thy brother trespass against thee seven times a day thou shalt forgive him" Luke 17:3-4; Matt. 18:21-22
6. "Judge not according to appearance, first cast the beam out of thine own eye" John 7:24; Matt. 7:1-5
7. "Condemn not" Luke 6:37
Number one:. Question: How did Jesus love His disciples – how did He express that love, and how are we to do likewise?
Number two. This one can be a little tricky. Is Jesus speaking only of ‘children’ or is He including something else? Consider the history of His disciples during the three years ministry of Jesus. I am not at all sure, but there may be more to this that first meets the eye.
Number three: This one may be a little difficult to practice. What do you think?
Number four. Many times (most of the time?) we confuse this instruction with the need to make correction of spiritual transgressions (sin) of a brother or sister. While the instructions on how, when and where one should correct an elder or a member of the congregation is discussed by the Apostles, we can still look to the four gospels to see how Jesus made these corrections/reproofs.
As recorded, each correction/reproof was always recorded as being made at the time and place of its occurrence – without regard as to who else might be present. This subject of handling personal trespass and spiritual correction needs to really be studied again.
Number five. This is an extension of number four.
Number six. While this is a very short verse, but within its context it becomes very difficult to practice. One reason is that many continue to confuse the purpose and practice of correction, reproof, judgment and condemnation in personal conflicts and spiritual failure (sin). Who is authorized to do what and when?
Number seven. What does it mean to ‘condemn’? One might like to check out the terms, judging and condemning, as both terms occur in this verse. Also, there should be no contradiction between what you find here and what the Apostles taught. This same instruction applies to everything we are covering in this list.
Time for a little self examination.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
04-09-2013, 04:40 PM
![A.W. Bowman's Avatar](customavatars/avatar1294_3.gif) |
A Student of the Word
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Part 11
We are all familiar with the ‘Love Chapter’, right? It might serve us well to review it.
1. "Be ye therefore perfect" Matt. 5:48
2. "Sell that ye have and give alms" Matt. 19:21; Luke 12:32-33
3. "Love your enemies" Matt. 5:44; 26:52
4. "Do good to them which hate you" Luke 6:27-28
5. "Lend, hoping for nothing again" Luke 6:35
6. "Resist not evil" Matt. 5:39-41
7. "In your patience posses ye your souls" Luke 21:19
Again: Context!
In number one: Be perfect, (teleios, hint: complete). What is biblical perfection and what does it look like?
Number two: Why are there so many instructions in the Bible concerning ‘giving’? What is God getting at with these instructions?
Number three: Exactly what kind of love is Jesus referring to here? What then does He expect of us? [Hint: Agapao; of persons, to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly
Number four. This is not unlike number three.
Number five. Again, context. Are you getting tired yet of my constant reminder of this? Well, take head of the context of this verse; it is critical to our understanding of this passage in its entirety.
Number six. Is found in a very difficult passage to interpret, understand and to implement. This part of a much greater teaching and must be taken in light of the whole passage. Again, much of the New Testament is written from a Hebrew worldview, and it is full of idioms and metaphors. Does this passage lend itself to such interpretation? If so, what is the lesson being taught? If not, is this passage to be taken literally?
Number seven. Another hard one: There is more to this than is indicated here in this one-liner. Check patience, posses and souls in a good Greek Lexicon, not a dictionary. There is a better way of translating this line in order to get at the fundamental teaching.
Okay, that should keep every one busy.
Now, for tomorrow, FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. Oh boy! Are things starting to get a might sticky? This and three more is all we have left to look at.
Well now, isn’t this a fine kettle of fish? Okay, some of the included verses do not say explicitly, “death”, but the implication is rather clear, not that one should not take ‘steps’ to protect themselves, as instructed in number four.
1. "Be thou faithful unto death" Rev. 2:10
2. "Hold that fast which thou hast" Rev. 3:11
3. "When men shall revile you, and persecute you, rejoice, and be exceeding glad" Matt.5:11-12, Luke 6:23
4. "When they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another" Matt. 10:23
5. “And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:” Rev. 6:26
6. "When they deliver you up, take no thought how or what you shall speak" Matt. 10:19
7. "Look up and lift up your hands" Luke 21:28
Number one. To be faithful. What does it mean, from God’s point of view, to be faithful? Clue: It has little to do with how it is preached by many today.
Number two is an interesting line. How can another man “take your crown”? What does it mean to “hold fast” and how do you do it?
Number three. Oh boy, can hardly wait, can you? Well, here in America it has been gaining momentum over the last 50 years. So, not to worry – as promised, its is one its way! Question: Are any of us up to it?
Number four. Better look at the context of this one!
Number five. What are the ‘works of the Lord’ that we should be doing them?
Number six. Deliver you up to whom and for what reason/purpose? With what are the expected results at the hands of men? Ask Paul (Saul).
Finally number seven. This verse is better translated as, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up (be elated), and lift up (raise up) your heads; for your redemption (ransom in full) draweth nigh (approaches, or to draw or come near to).
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
04-09-2013, 04:41 PM
![A.W. Bowman's Avatar](customavatars/avatar1294_3.gif) |
A Student of the Word
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Part 12:
At first blush this should be an easy list and work through. Ah, but is it really? Do you think that you really know and understand “The Gospel?” You might just want to take another look at the subject. In this exercise, please set aside the desire to search the scriptures for support (proof) of what you already think you know, and search the scriptures for what they actually say. Not an easy task, I assure you.
1. "Preach the gospel to every creature" Mark. 16:15; Matt.10:7
2. "Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His (Christ's) name" Luke 24:46-47
3. "Baptize disciples, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost" Matt. 28:19
4. "Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded" Matt. 28:20
5. "What I tell you, that speak" Matt. 10:27; Mark 4:22
6. "Feed my sheep" John 21:15-17
Number one is a real kicker! It contains two hard words to understand. They are ‘gospel’ and ‘creature’.
How Many Gospels Are There? Well, here is a test: What is the gospel of - (1) Jesus Christ? Romans 1:16 (2) the kingdom of Heaven? Matthew 3:2 (3) the kingdom of God? Matthew 6:33 (4) of salvation? Ephesians 1:13 (5) of Paul? 2 Timothy 2:8 (6) of Paul, Silvanus and Timotheus? 1Thessalonians 1:5 (7) the everlasting gospel? Rev. 14:6 (8) of God? 1 Peter 4:17 (9) of peace? Ephesians 6:15 (10) of the uncircumcision? Galatians 2:7 (11) of the circumcision? Galatians 2:7 (12) of grace? Acts 20:24
Any of the cited verses in this list may or may not be their only occurrence. So, the question to be resolved: How do all of these gospels relate to one another, and which one(s) do you teach?
The second term, creatures, requires another change in perspective. Do you take this verse to mean that Jesus wants you to preach the gospel to such things as rocks, trees, and birds? I doubt it. Here the term ‘creature’ is used as, “after a rabbinical usage (by which a man converted from idolatry to Judaism was called)”. This is further indicated by the use of the same word, ktisis in 2Cor 5:17 & Gal 6:15. This would make for an interesting word study.
Number two. This is rather straight forward, provided one also understands what the various terms used here mean.
Number three. Ah the bane of the Trinitarian vs. Oneness conflict over the ‘correct’ baptismal formula: Titles vs. Name. I have a short write up on understanding biblical names which I will post as a follow-on to this thread. Meanwhile, the use of the Father, Son, & Holy Ghost,, if they were actually part of the original ms. denote the absolute unity of God, the Hebrew view of deity. But, for now, the conflict (paradox) that exist for the Greek orientated mind between Matt 28:19 and the book of Acts baptismal formulas poses no linguistic problems for the Hebrew reader.
Number four. Okay kids, just how many of these instructions (commands) Jesus gave do you actually teach? Next question: Are you qualified to teach all of these commands of Jesus? And, just to keep the air clean: No I am not qualified, but I am trying to become qualified as soon as I can – if even it is for my own relationship with Christ!
Numbers five & six.. Here we are, back to number four. How long are we going to be satisfied with the fundamental things of Christ ( Heb 6:1-3)? Have the saints of God become complacent with sucking milk and eating pap? Now, not all professing Christians are actually disciples of the Messiah (Christ). So, like our Master, you may have to be selective in who you open up the deeper meaning of the scriptures to a ‘select few’, and allow them to instruct the others in the assembly by their Christ-observant lifestyle.
Even so, perhaps not all will embrace the costs of discipleship. For a foretaste: How many of these instructions to you, personally adhere to? Any resistance coming up for you? I’ll be honest; this is a struggle for me!
Well, this should stir up some thinking and the turning of a few Bible pages.
The last major subject area is WISDOM, something I think we all could use just a little bit more of. This will be followed by a couple of additional instructions that were not included in all of the above and a personal commentary on these selected scriptures.
Ah, that I should be so endowed. Even so, the following verses actually do not address what wisdom is or how to obtain it. It is understood tht the people Jesus is addressing are familiar with the Old Covenant writings and oral law so they are already aware that the “fear of the God is the beginning of wisdom” and they have learned the message of wisdom contained in the book of Ecclesiastes and Psalms. So what we have here are primarily examples of wisdom in practice.
1. "Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves" Matt. 10:16
2. "Beware of men" Matt. 10:17
3. "Let (the blind leaders) alone" Matt. 15:12-14
4. "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine" Matt. 7:6
5. "Consider the lilies? how they grow" Matt. 6:28
6. "Whosoever will not receive you shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them" Luke 9:5; Luke 10:10-11
Number one. Here we have two Hebrew idioms. The first is “wise as serpents”. Picture a snake searching out or lying in wait for it’s pray. Be wise (phronimos, thoughtful, i.e. sagacious or discreet, implying a cautious character). This also points us back to Genesus 2:1 and the ‘crafty’ serpent. The Hebrew word עָרוּם (’arum) basically means “clever.” This idea then polarizes into the nuances “cunning” in a negative sense, and ‘prudent’ in a positive sense. NET translation notes.
The second idiom is, “harmless as doves”. Again, this is a picture presentation. Harmless (Akeraios, of the mind, without a mixture of evil, free from guile, innocent, simple) as doves, a non aggressive bird. Also used metaphorically as a symbol of the Holy Ghost.
You can get the picture being painted here.
Number 2. This one should be self-explanatory!
Number 3. This is rather straight forward, i.e. if someone refused to hear the truth and willfully continues in their error, allow them that privilege. Their judgment is upon their own heads. Remember, God in flesh could not reach everyone – so don’t think you can.
Number 4. This is actually a precursor to number 3. Sharing your experience of God (testimony) and the gospel of the kingdom in one thing – to enter into a debate is something else again.
Number 5. This one is particularly important. This touches on the very heart of one’s faith (trust) in God. Just how far will one go in trusting God for all of their life’s needs? At what point does our Greek heritage take over and say, “Okay, God, I’ll take it from here?”
Number 6. This is a reinforcement of all of the above. While this is one of the instructions given to the seventy for their evangelistic mission, there is a truism embedded in it. What is it?
Next a couple of additional instructions and this concludes the instructions given by Jesus Christ to His body in the world. I pray that it has been of some value to everyone who has looked at every daily offering.
Again, this series was never intended to answer all of the questions that could arise from their reading, nor does address all of the issues that can come up for discussion. Rather, it single purpose is to encourage everyone to go back and study the scriptures from a fresh point of view. And, to bring to light some topics that need to be taught in the church today.
Peace be unto you.
We now come to the close of the matter:
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
04-09-2013, 04:47 PM
![A.W. Bowman's Avatar](customavatars/avatar1294_3.gif) |
A Student of the Word
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
This is the sum of the list, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22. The hardest deception to identify is self deception, and it is the hardest to correct.
Here are three utterances by an angel in heaven to the Apostle John that I think we all should take to heart – even though it goes against many doctrinal positions. They cry out for consideration, study, and implementation in our lives:
Revelation 12:17
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Here we see that keeping the commandments of God goes with the testimony of Jesus. He was and remains a Jew, and their king to come. Consider the implications of this verse.
Revelation 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
In this verse we have the word, patience (Hupomone, steadfastness, constancy, endurance. In the NT the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings.) Now we have keeping God’s commandments goes with our faith in Jesus, not something separate or even ignored.
Revelation 22:14
Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Blessed are they … (G. Makarios, blessed, happy) This term and its Hebrew equivalent (Barak) is most often used when referring to a person who is in right standing with God and who finds favor with Him. Here we see that knowing and keeping the commandments of God are tied to one’s entrance into the city (New Jerusalem) and having access to the tree of life. Now that should give some added importance to one seeking a place with Jesus after the Judgment.
These three verses sort of takes the wind out of our man-made holiness standards, while we continue to miss what it is God desires of us instead. If we, ministers of the word of God, have missed so much of what Jesus commanded of His disciples, and have failed to implement those ‘religious suggestions’ in our own lives, what of the saints of God who depend upon us to lead them in the right path?
I tell you the truth, our judgment shall be the more exacting that that held for the saints of God for our failing to teach the scriptures as God intended them to be taught. I and many others have made a profession of telling everyone that we have the ‘truth’. Well, if you have steadfastly gone through this simple list of the commands of Jesus, you now know better.
If you are considering teaching a series on the commands of Jesus to His disciples, you might want to consider starting with the three statements of the angel in heaven in the book of Revelation. Aldo, this list is not necessarily exhaustive. Another list would be on the Teachings of Jesus.
There is enough material here to keep you, your preachers, and Sunday school teachers busy for a very long time. And, while you are at it, compare the teachings of Jesus and His commands to our western church doctrines, and be prepared to confront our own modern-day religious traditions. Taking the commands of Jesus to heart will come at a very high cost, because we have so misused them, ignored them, and have done great violence to them. May God forgive us.
Brothers and sisters, it time we stop ‘having church’ and become ‘the church’ that Jesus intended. Time has run out.
With the completion of this series on what Jesus commanded His disciples to act and teach, I thought it might be instructive if I (and anyone else interested) to go back through the different groupings and develop a weekly teaching/sermon outline for each. How about Wednesday night Bible study, Sunday school?
Each outline would be conducted on it own (separate) thread.
Anyone interested to joining me on this quest?
BTW, as usual, if I should post anything someone can find a little value in, and wishes to copy or use, it is free and available for the doing.
I pray that this offering blessed someone on these boards.
Amen, and may our God be blessed.
It is not what can I get out of God, but what can God get out of me.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
Last edited by A.W. Bowman; 04-09-2013 at 05:25 PM.
04-09-2013, 05:03 PM
![Cindy's Avatar](customavatars/avatar1517_2.gif) |
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
I always have to archive your posts to read more later.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
04-09-2013, 05:14 PM
![A.W. Bowman's Avatar](customavatars/avatar1294_3.gif) |
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Well, Cindy, this one was a little longer than most of my musings. But, I could not attach it to a post for easy reading/downloading.
It is most likely to long and too much for very many folks to get interest in it. But, at least it is 'out there'.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
04-09-2013, 05:27 PM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Originally Posted by A.W. Bowman
Well, Cindy, this one was a little longer than most of my musings. But, I could not attach it to a post for easy reading/downloading.
It is most likely to long and too much for very many folks to get interest in it. But, at least it is 'out there'.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
04-09-2013, 05:29 PM
![Pressing-On's Avatar](customavatars/avatar322_1.gif) |
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Thank you for taking the time to post. I will certainly take some time to read through it all. God bless!
04-09-2013, 05:34 PM
![KeptByTheWord's Avatar](customavatars/avatar6637_6.gif) |
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Bro. Bowman, I would be interested in having a printout of this to put in my Bible and study with. Is there any way I could have a copy of this as one document? Thanks! (Perhaps you could PM me, and you could email it to me.)
04-09-2013, 09:26 PM
![A.W. Bowman's Avatar](customavatars/avatar1294_3.gif) |
A Student of the Word
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Re: The Commands of Jesus
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
Bro. Bowman, I would be interested in having a printout of this to put in my Bible and study with. Is there any way I could have a copy of this as one document? Thanks! (Perhaps you could PM me, and you could email it to me.)
The easiest way to get a copy is just copy each part and paste it into a word processor. The series contains the entire article,
There is an additional article that I highly recommend, It should be studied prior to working on the commands of Jesus - it helps to put this series into prospective - it is What is the Law of God? I can sen it to you if you wish. Send me a PM with your email addy.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
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