Some thought on Acts chapter 8 from a one-stepper.
-Philip preached Christ (verse 5)
-God confirmed the Word with healings and exorcisms (v. 6-7)
-There was great joy (v. 8). The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost
-Philip preached "the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ" (v. 12)
-As a result of Philip's preaching, folks got water baptized (v. 8-9)
-Phillip had a policy of not baptizing someone until they made a confession of faith according to verses 36-37
-The Samaritans had received the Word (v. 14) To a one-stepper, they had believed the message and received the Word ---that would be salvation.
-The folks were saved/regenerated but had not received the Holy Ghost baptism yet (v. 15-16)
-Peter was sent by someone who must have had more authority than he so he might not have been the first pope, gen. supt. or presiding bishop (v. 14)
-the HGB (Holy Ghost Baptism) or filling, or receiving, or Holy Ghost coming upon happened by the laying on of hands (v. 17) like Saul of Tarsus later received in
Acts 9 and like the Ephesian Baptists later received in
Acts 19
-Something happened when they received the HGB. Something was evident there at the HGB which was beyond the healing and the miracles they had seen before. This something caused Simon to want to buy that ability to lay hands on folks and minster the Spirit to them (v. 18-19)
-Peter said to him " to hell with your money! And you along with it." (v.20)
-Peter went on to say, have neither part nor portion in this
utterance (if the same word translation is used as in 1 cor. 1:5) for your heart is not right in the sight of God" (v. 21)
To a one-stepper the folks got saved and water baptized (in Jesus' name) under the ministry of Evangelist Philip. Then they received the HGB under the ministry of Peter and John.