Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
obama will tackle the deficit with a balanced approach. raising taxes on the rich, investing in ways that grow the economy and protecting the programs for the poor. romney will do the opposite.
Hey...didn’t he say that last election? The economy is tanking again.
romney is not relevant in this discussion
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
obama will protect social security and medicare for the elderly and disabled. romney and ryan want to privatize both programs.
Do you actually buy into the propaganda that Obama wants to “save” social security? There has not been a trust for Social Security in decades. All the money collected is going into the general fund. I have read reports where Medicare will be replaced by Obamacare. So what’s the point?
There has been talk for years about privatizing our retirement programs and they have been slowly revamping retirement programs since the 1990s. Obama is not going to save anything.
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
obama will have a responsible foreign policy. he has kept his promise to end the wars in iraq and afghanistan and will only go to war with iran as a last resort. romney will have the same neocon team as george w. bush.
Uh...the last time I looked, we are still in Afghanistan and a low profile presence in Iraq. They gotta have people in that monstrous embassy they built in that there green zone.
Romney is not relevant in this thread.
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
obama averted a depression by bailing out banks. obama saved the auto industry by making loans to auto companies.
It would have been better to let them fail. Yeah. You read that right. The irresponsible ones would be under and out and the responsible banks would rise.
The banks are going to need another future bailout to avert another depression. How many times are the taxpayers going to bail out banks while main street americans swirl in the toilet?
Have you actually read where the automobile loans went to? LOL. A portion of it went to GM who was using the money to move and support plants and other alliances in China and other countries. According to this article below, 70% of GMs autos are made outside the USA.
There are allegations that GM had repaid the loan from TARP calling it a "lie to the American people". They say the money for the loan repayment came from other bailout funds housed in an escrow account belonging to the company. In a letter from Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to Ed Whitacre, it is called an "attempt to disguise what is merely the exchange of one pool of taxpayer money for another pool of taxpayer money as 'real progress'". Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa called it a government-enabled “TARP money shuffle.”
Because GM was mentioning the loan repayment in commercial advertising, the non-profit Competitive Enterprise Institute, a think tank funded by conservative groups such as the Koch brother's charitable foundations, said it filed a false-advertising complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. The Koch brothers are known for their anti-administration campaign and their support of conservative causes.
While I might be suspect of the claims made above, I can also be suspect that there was some switcheroo shell games happening concerning how the loan money has been paid back also.
We are never given the real story in MSM.
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
obama killed osama bin laden.
There are hundreds of news reports out there that Osama bin Laden has been dead for years.
Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
obama has increased health insurane coverage for millions of amerians. romney has no health care plan.
Oh really? Is Obama going to pay for this so-called health insurance coverage for millions of americans? He has done nothing of the sort. That massive 3000 plus page bill that we still do not know what all is in it has been written long before Obama stepped onto the stage. It is just a repeat of what Hillary tried to get passed...plus a whole lot more pork in it for corporations.
Romney is not relevant in this thread.