Originally Posted by bbyrd009
Ha it's fifty cents now, if you can find a phone.
Woza! No wonder even people on foodstamps have cell phones!
To answer the original question... I am over the moon happy. I come from a rough start and a rougher middle so I have a great gauge for when life is good. I have learned to appreciate those times and to see hard times and grief as what they are... seasons. They no longer really affect my overall happiness. I can be concerned, worried, stressed but still maintain the knowledge that overall my life is good. It is filled with people I love, who love me back, with awesome friends (some right here at AFF) who love and support me through my best and worst times, with a family that even if they don't totally get me, still allow me to be me.
I also have more material possessions than I ever imagined I would... to me it looks like a lot, to someone else... maybe not but material things are not the center of my being anyway... and I am not stacking my stuff up against anyone else's so I am content.
For the first time in my life I am content with my looks and my body, even though I am fatter, more wrinkled and more gray then I've ever been before. I have learned to appreciate what still works and deal with what doesn't. I realize that while I might be able to fix and patch it up a little, over time I will have less and less physically... so I truly appreciate what I've got now.
People still amaze me. Today I got an email from someone in California... who offered to be my hands and feet if I needed someone to be with mom. I actually cried (so not me). Who does that? I used to believe that there was no one in the world who really cared. I was so wrong... but having believed it I now see human love and compassion as the greatest gift. It trumps anything else one could ever do or have.
I better wrap up my novel before I go all mushy on you and lose my tough farm girl image.
I wish every one of you REAL happiness.