Now we can begin to see why the Oneness movement (actually the entire Christian religion) has been so contentious and fractured.
For centuries, the church has been infested with the sons and daughters of Diotrephes that John found so reprehensible (
3John 1:9-11) and who have taught and encouraged others in the contentious allegiance to men that Paul found to be so carnal within the house of Chloe (
1Cor 1:10-14 & 3:1-15) and strongly condemned.
So, from the beginning we have had those who would stand in the place of Christ as the high priest (Aaron) of the assembly, representing men to God - while also standing in Christ's place as God's representative to men (Mosses). The result is that all members of the 'ministry', from Apostles and prophets to Sunday school teachers and door keepers are under the authority of the local pastor. I am still looking for the scriptures that support that rebellion against the teaching of John and Paul (unacceptable apostolic doctrines).
It is this kind of examination that so many church leaders find so distasteful.
Of course, I remain a
Added note: Don't forget Jesus' own words concerning this kind of attitude, as recorded in
Matthew 23.