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Old 07-27-2010, 11:43 PM
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Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I also wonder why people expect a "Great move of God" when certain people speak. Probably the same move that people feel when they go to hear Tony Robbins. <dripping with sarcasm>
I agree. I almost half expect that if one of the "certain people" sneeze that someone fall out in the floor speaking in tonuges only to stand up and say, "that is a powerful man of God"
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Old 07-27-2010, 11:53 PM
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Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
I agree. I almost half expect that if one of the "certain people" sneeze that someone fall out in the floor speaking in tonuges only to stand up and say, "that is a powerful man of God"
So then, a list of fairly unknown names shouldn't fall into this line of thought...should it?
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Old 07-28-2010, 04:22 AM
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Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I also wonder why people expect a "Great move of God" when certain people speak. Probably the same move that people feel when they go to hear Tony Robbins. <dripping with sarcasm>
Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
I agree. I almost half expect that if one of the "certain people" sneeze that someone fall out in the floor speaking in tonuges only to stand up and say, "that is a powerful man of God"
I always expect a great move of God every church service I attend. Don't you guys?

And to be sure, there are men of God who have true annointing and then there's all the others.
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Old 07-28-2010, 07:35 AM
bigpopasmurf88 bigpopasmurf88 is offline
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Re: Peak 2010

I agree with you. It just seems like there is people who just like to criticize others preaching... For what? I have no idea... I had a good time down there and every service was awesome....
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Old 07-28-2010, 07:46 AM
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Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by Lacey View Post

And to be sure, there are men of God who have true annointing and then there's all the others.

I find that a troubling statement. Men of God who have "true" anointing, and then "all the others"? Men of God who don't have "true" anointing?

What constitutes "true" anointing? Being able to bring a crowd to its feet? Making a crowd scream "amen"? Able to trigger a shout-down?

I've heard plenty of men with "true anointing" who others thought were snooze-inducing. I used to attend church with a man who simply 'talked' in the pulpit... a lot of people thought he was incredibly boring, but I always got so much from his preaching. He had a depth of study that was amazing.

"All the others". A bit condescending, no?
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:12 AM
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Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
I find that a troubling statement. Men of God who have "true" anointing, and then "all the others"? Men of God who don't have "true" anointing?

What constitutes "true" anointing? Being able to bring a crowd to its feet? Making a crowd scream "amen"? Able to trigger a shout-down?

I've heard plenty of men with "true anointing" who others thought were snooze-inducing. I used to attend church with a man who simply 'talked' in the pulpit... a lot of people thought he was incredibly boring, but I always got so much from his preaching. He had a depth of study that was amazing.

"All the others". A bit condescending, no?
I surely did not mean to sound condescending. I do not understand why you would find my statement troubling? Is there not a true annointing from God Almighty?

No, it doesn't mean to be able to bring a crowd to it's feet or make them scream amen nor trigger a shoutdown. I did not insinuate those things in any way, to be the determing factors.

We all know there are different styles of preaching for different men of God. But, truth is truth.........some have the annointing and some don't. You don't think so?
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:13 AM
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Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by Lacey View Post
I surely did not mean to sound condescending. I do not understand why you would find my statement troubling? Is there not a true annointing from God Almighty?

No, it doesn't mean to be able to bring a crowd to it's feet or make them scream amen nor trigger a shoutdown. I did not insinuate those things in any way, to be the determing factors.

We all know there are different styles of preaching for different men of God. But, truth is truth.........some have the annointing and some don't. You don't think so?
How do you define anointing?
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Old 07-28-2010, 08:31 AM
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Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
How do you define anointing?
As far as annointing on those who call themselves preachers,I see it as.......

The favour from God on an individual to preach the gospel in it's entirety.

How do you define it?
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Old 07-29-2010, 09:36 AM
bigpopasmurf88 bigpopasmurf88 is offline
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Re: Peak 2010

Every preacher needs the anointing. I don't believe it is an option... If thats what is trying to be said.
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Old 07-29-2010, 10:29 AM
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Wink Re: Peak 2010

Originally Posted by Lacey View Post
As far as annointing on those who call themselves preachers,I see it as.......

The favour from God on an individual to preach the gospel in it's entirety.

How do you define it?
There's a whole thread on that question:

Let's use a word definition from the Hebrew and Greek, because it's obvious that the word "anointing" has become a subjective phrase that can mean different things to different people.

Sometimes the "anointing" was literally the act of applying an ointment or oil upon one's head (by the priest) in order to set that person apart for ministry to God.

In Greek, the word “Chraomai” is used, which means "to furnish or give what is needed. To light upon or rest upon." The root word "Chrio" means "to be set apart for service, the divine enabling for the office."

2 Cor. 1:21 “Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm
in Christ. He anointed us. (chrio)”

The anointing, in a fuller sense of those who are his children, is upon each and everyone of us in order live that "abundant life" that has been given to us. We are all now priests and kings unto the Lord, a service that was beforehand an exclusive "anointing." In a more limited sense, the anointing is Spirit enablement for a given task.

To preach the good news Luke 4:18
To be witnesses Acts 1:8
For healing James 5:14-15

Christ (Messiah) can be roughly translated "The Anointed One"

The most overused and misapplied phrase is "it's the anointing that breaks the yoke." We often miss the immediate meaning, instead going for the symbolism and beauty of the idea that the Spirit brings about deliverance. The Isaiahan reference is actually concerning Sennacherib (the yoke) and how Hezekiah will overturn him (the anointed). The NIV translates the passage "the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat." (I can hear prosperity preachers having a hermeneutic field day with that one!)

IMO, and the way I conclude, the anointing described the work of the Holy Spirit among believers. We have done a great disservice to brand styles, expected responses and red faces as being equal to "anointing."
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