I pray for President Obama and other leaders on a regular basis according to my understanding of my duty according to 1 Timothy 2:1-6.
I did not vote for him,
I wish he were not the President,
I consider him an enemy and destroyer of our democracy,
I do not like the idea that he was the candidate of the Chicago Political Machine, that he stinks of the Chicago political sewer in which he swam for years, and that he was elected by less than honest and honorable means through the influence of the media, the unions, ACORN, and racism,
and I'll be glad to see him leave the office.
You should've stopped with your first sentence. The second part doesn't matter. He's our president, he's our leader, and the future, as well as the present of our nation, is in his hands. We should pray fervently for him as we would any leader, whether we agree or disagree.
You should've stopped with your first sentence. The second part doesn't matter. He's our president, he's our leader, and the future, as well as the present of our nation, is in his hands. We should pray fervently for him as we would any leader, whether we agree or disagree.
I do pray for him and for other federal, state, county, and city leaders but, that does not mean I am pleased with having BHO as President.
So it wasn't the "content of his character?" You know, there are negative complainers that emerge from the woodwork to complain about every president, be it Reagan, Carter, Clinton....anyone. You're no different. Every president will have accusers (and of course, we know who the biblical "accuser" is, don't we?) and because he's the president, his character is an easy target for you.
His election has nothing to do with Dr. King's dream? I have the feeling that most all of the nation's African-American population would harshly disagree with you and unless you are African-American, you shouldn't make such a statement.
Your "similar background" remark sounds like Rush Limbaugh complaining about Donovan McNabb. He, deservedly, was fired, but I guess we can't fire you from here, can we?
1. No, his character is at issue because of his duplicity.
2. Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" was all about getting past skin color and judging people by who they are. Most people pulling the lever for Obama on election day knew very little about Obama thanks in part to the mainstream media's push for a "historic presidency" based on the color of his skin.
3. Why would I have to be a black American to make such statements? Your opening post spoke of Martin Luther King's Dream not the motivation of black Americans in voting for Obama.
4. My similar background statement displeases you? Pray tell me who ever ran on the Democratic or Republican ticket for president with less experience than Obama brought to the table?
Who has ever ran on the Democratic or Republican ticket for president with thugs and Marxists under every rock that is turned over?
Can you explain the bolded rather than just dropping an ambiguous accusation?
Hit the Reset Button on Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda by Lauri B. Reagon/ American Thinker Nov 18, 2009
To Barack Obama, human rights abuses occur only in Guantanamo Bay and by CIA interrogators, not in the gulags of North Korea or the work camps across China. To Barack Obama, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad deserves the respect of an open hand without preconditions, yet Bibi Netanyahu must make concessions that may risk the survival of his people prior to being permitted a face-to-face with the US President.
On the one hand, Barack Obama views the illegal and fraudulent elections in Iran as fair and legitimate. Yet incomprehensibly, he views the lawful and constitutional removal of the Honduran president as criminal. The will of the people of free nations is of no concern to Barack Obama as right becomes wrong and the world is turned upside-down based on the opinion of a community organizer who happened to have been in the right place at the right time in history.
People are starting to notice that what Barack Obama touches does not turn to gold; it turns to rust and quickly fades away. When Barack Obama determines that he will instill peace in the Mideast on his own very naïve, uneducated terms, what will be the result? A prolonged conflict, greater levels of violence, and disruption to the elected government of Israel (perhaps his goal).
When Barack Obama determines that he will support the illegally elected government in Iran at the expense of the freedom-loving citizens of that nation, the result is the death and imprisonment of innocent civilians and popular resentment rather than support of America. The further result is the continued unhindered development of nuclear weapons, the abduction of United States tourists to be used as negotiating tools, and the continued shipment of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist organizations around the globe.
When Barack Obama sends his minions into our peaceful ally in Central America in order to influence its sovereign constitutional determination to oust a power-grabbing dictatorial president, the result is an extended conflict and complete domestic disarray lasting months longer than it would have without our meddling. The further result is the increased confidence of dictators like Hugo Chavez and Raul Castro to continue to oppress their people with the full support of the United States.
When Barack Obama decides to renege on missile defense agreements with America's Eastern European allies in the Czech Republic and Poland -- which were agreed to by the previous administration -- the result is a lack of trust in America's word across the globe and the risk of further Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.
I pray for our president Obama. I know that he supports equal representation and rights under the law that allows gays to marry. I pray that his intentions are pure and in favor of freedom, even if it be freedoms I disagree with. I pray that those who take this freedom find happiness, but ultimately I pray they find you.
Father, I know Obama believes that a woman's body isn't property of the United States Government and that a woman should have a right to choose. I pray that his motives are pure and truly are concerned with the rights and welfare of women. I also pray that those who he empowers choose life.
I ask oh Lord that you lead and guide him as he leads our nation in the days ahead.
Hit the Reset Button on Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda by Lauri B. Reagon/ American Thinker Nov 18, 2009
To Barack Obama, human rights abuses occur only in Guantanamo Bay and by CIA interrogators, not in the gulags of North Korea or the work camps across China. To Barack Obama, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad deserves the respect of an open hand without preconditions, yet Bibi Netanyahu must make concessions that may risk the survival of his people prior to being permitted a face-to-face with the US President.
On the one hand, Barack Obama views the illegal and fraudulent elections in Iran as fair and legitimate. Yet incomprehensibly, he views the lawful and constitutional removal of the Honduran president as criminal. The will of the people of free nations is of no concern to Barack Obama as right becomes wrong and the world is turned upside-down based on the opinion of a community organizer who happened to have been in the right place at the right time in history.
People are starting to notice that what Barack Obama touches does not turn to gold; it turns to rust and quickly fades away. When Barack Obama determines that he will instill peace in the Mideast on his own very naïve, uneducated terms, what will be the result? A prolonged conflict, greater levels of violence, and disruption to the elected government of Israel (perhaps his goal).
When Barack Obama determines that he will support the illegally elected government in Iran at the expense of the freedom-loving citizens of that nation, the result is the death and imprisonment of innocent civilians and popular resentment rather than support of America. The further result is the continued unhindered development of nuclear weapons, the abduction of United States tourists to be used as negotiating tools, and the continued shipment of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist organizations around the globe.
When Barack Obama sends his minions into our peaceful ally in Central America in order to influence its sovereign constitutional determination to oust a power-grabbing dictatorial president, the result is an extended conflict and complete domestic disarray lasting months longer than it would have without our meddling. The further result is the increased confidence of dictators like Hugo Chavez and Raul Castro to continue to oppress their people with the full support of the United States.
When Barack Obama decides to renege on missile defense agreements with America's Eastern European allies in the Czech Republic and Poland -- which were agreed to by the previous administration -- the result is a lack of trust in America's word across the globe and the risk of further Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.
No, I asked YOU to explain it, not post some stupid internet ramblings of a conspiracy theorist.
1. No, his character is at issue because of his duplicity.
...in your opinion. You also have the choice to bless him and respect him as our leader. You obviously don't want to do that...unfortunately.
2. Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" was all about getting past skin color and judging people by who they are. Most people pulling the lever for Obama on election day knew very little about Obama thanks in part to the mainstream media's push for a "historic presidency" based on the color of his skin.
Like I said, there are almost no African American's who would agree with what you said after the first sentence, and since it is their skin and their life we're talking about, I'd say their opinion is significant. I find it ironic that you and other conservatives, can't admit that he was elected because of his appeal, character, and potential. It's pretty tough for some of you to give a black man credit, isn't it?
3. Why would I have to be a black American to make such statements? Your opening post spoke of Martin Luther King's Dream not the motivation of black Americans in voting for Obama.
I once expressed an opinion to an African-American doctor who said to me with great conviction, "Have you ever been thrown out of a restaurant because you were a n____?" He gave several other examples and said, "Until you've lived in my shoes, don't you dare tell me how I should think." I learned a great lesson from him. I'm saying that the black community would highly disagree with what you've said and I think that matters.
4. My similar background statement displeases you? Pray tell me who ever ran on the Democratic or Republican ticket for president with less experience than Obama brought to the table?
Most of our glorious founding fathers that you probably bow to had zero political experience. Furthermore, the original intent for our leaders was that they be everyday people that represented the public, not career politicians. It's funny...so many conservatives have cried bitter tears about "Career Politicians" but then, when a guy comes along who ISN'T one, you start crying about his lack of experience. Hypocrites.
Who has ever ran on the Democratic or Republican ticket for president with thugs and Marxists under every rock that is turned over?
Yes, and George W. Bush is the one that actually organized the 9-11 terrorists acts.
God bless America, and God bless President Barak Obama.
This is the closest thing I can find to a thinggy that raises his hand.
But Timmy, don't go using the "Word-a-God on these boys". They just want to yell at a liberal! And after great exegesis, Jerry Falwell & John Hagee discovered that Romans 13 only applies to conservatives public servants!