I'm also wondering, can anyone show me where the idea of "one world government" is a bad thing in the Bible?
Of course, whether I would think it's good or bad would have a lot to do with who's in charge. Me, for example. I'm not such a bad sort of guy. Things might get chaotic in the provinces because I do forget about small details like that. But over all, my reign would be a benevolent one and if you've been my friend on AFF I'll certainly be looking out for you... if I were the King of the World.
A more likely scenario however is described in
Psalm 72:11;
Philippians 2:9-11;
1 Timothy 6:15 and
Revelation 19:15-16. I think everyone here would be in favor of this "One World Government."
It seems to me that the evil end time conspiracy folks all get the idea of the "One World Government" from
Revelation 13:17 - the fact that "the beast" has apparent control over who can "buy and sell." This doesn't really require a "One World Government."
And then there's also the general desire in the medieval West for a re-establishment of order such as was found in the days of the Roman Empire. The chaos of the Dark Ages left a profound mark on the human psyche. Never mind the fact that Europeans fought each attempt at collectivization with tooth and nail up into the 20th Century.
It just puzzles me; why all the paranoia over the imagined "One World Government" when the Bible doesn't really even say that such a thing will exist before Jesus Christ Himself institutes it?