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Old 08-21-2009, 05:32 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
If Obama's plan becomes law and all the outlandish claims and accusations regarding it don't materialize, how should we respond to those "Christians" who fed the lies and misinformation machine?
Aquila, does this bill cover or pay for abortions.??
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Old 08-21-2009, 06:00 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

To stay true to the topic, responsible christians don't allow politics to color their attitude towards their brethren, but it happens. I can't stand Obama's policies, note I said policies, not Obama himself. I think they are communist to the core and hope he fails miserably at every thing he attempts to the point that his defeat in 2012 is downright historical if he doesn't get run out on a rail before then.

BUT... right wing blogs do not a factual source make, and sorry, pundits like Limbaugh and Hannity are masters at playing on emotions and have been known to slip a little misinfo in for spin results.

Unknowingly spreading misinformation is forgivable. DELIBERATELY spreadiung misinformation is called lying and does not a christian make.

So the responsible Christian thing to do towards those who deliberately spread misinformation knowing it is misinformation is to pray for them to become christians!

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Old 08-21-2009, 10:05 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Which plan? He has flip flopped so many times, please nail down the exact one you are referring to???

Obama says:

"You've heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true," he told at least 140,000 people. "These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation – and that is that we look out for one another, that I am my brother's keeper and I am my sister's keeper. And on the wealthiest nation on earth right now, we are neglecting to live up to that call."

Johnson noted that according to the Capps-Waxman amendment passed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on July 30, H.R. 3200 explicitly authorizes the government plan to cover all elective abortions.
We just let Obama expose himself as a liar.

A man that supports 4,000 killings a day, is not expected to be honest.

Some of his cult are coming out of the koolaid induced coma.


"and reproductive health includes access to abortion"

Notice how deceptive Obama is using weasel wording tactics.

Abortion is the core Democrat party mantra.
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Old 08-26-2009, 01:46 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Aquila, does this bill cover or pay for abortions.??
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Old 08-27-2009, 03:49 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Originally Posted by HaShaliach View Post
Let's take just one example.

During the Vietnam war an American destroyer, the USS DeHaven, DD 727 (yes, I know some of these people, now in their 80's), was involved in numerous battle engagements along the coast and in the bays, and water inlets, including sailing inland along the deep rivers of Vietnam. During these missions the ship and men were exposed to Agent Orange. A number of the crew came down with the symptoms and were diagnosed as having been infected with the toxic chemicals.

Now, thirty years later, and after many of the crew of that period have died, as far as I know, no Vietnam surviver has yet to receive VA medical benefits for their being exposed to "friendly (chemical) fire". Now, soldiers and Marines have received medical treatment. Why not the Navel personal?

Simple, it is an expression of federal bureaucrats and non medical personal being allowed to make medical decision - and imposing them on others.

Because the Navy personal did not actually set foot on Vietnamese soil, they are not authorized to receive treatment for their medical condition. Selective medical care decisions based on administrative policies. Yes, there are more examples - talk to some vets who have attempted to obtain other denied medical treatment, but this one is sufficient to prove a concept.

In regard to my other posts on this same general subject: If this is how our federal government is handling this one example of how some veterans are being denied medical treatment along "administrative" lines, what can a mere civilian expect at the hands of such folks? Remember, this proposed law is just the authorization - the policies, rules and regulations have yet to be written - or even discussed very much.

Now, can anyone give me one good reason why I should trust this same minded government with my health care - and that of my wife? After all, we see how they have continued to operate for 30 years - bureaucrats don't make policy or make mistakes, and their decisions don't allow folks to simply die off, do they?

Then, there are the many cases of people being denied both medical care and financial support through Medicare because the treatment is not approved for general use, or because that individual is disqualified for one administrative reason or another. Talk to anyone who has been denied treatment, and the struggles they have had to undertake to get some SSDI funds.

Does something need to be done about our American health care? Yes, of course. but see some of my other posts for recommendations. Do we need to push through a bill that is still full of unanswered questions? I say let's read the thing through, word by word - and make our law makers explain each and every word in simple English!
If we operated on the premis of universal coverage vets in circumstances like this wouldn't be left without coverage. This is what happens when health care isn't a "value" among a people. We can't perpetuate the mindset of selective coverage... because the mindset extends even into government. We need a new paradigm of values that demands that ALL receive adequate coverage and treatment. Those who don't want universal coverage want to perpetuate the same mindset that says, "vets don't need coverage". After all... they're saying, "50,000,000 American's dont' need coverage". I wonder if soldiers from Britain, France, or Germany are ever denied coverage for medical needs?

Compare... every year over 10,000 Americans die of treatable illnesses because they didn't have the coverage to seek help early. Every year roughly 25,000 Americans declare bankruptcy because they can't afford to pay their medical bills. Over 50,000,000 (that's fifty million) Americans don't have coverage... and the number is growing. These numbers make struggling vets look like a drop in the bucket. These vets are the victims of a mindset that says, "Everyone doesn't need coverage."

It amazes me how Americans rant and rave against the idea of covering all (including these vets).
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Old 08-27-2009, 03:55 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Originally Posted by coadie
Aquila, does this bill cover or pay for abortions.??
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Old 08-27-2009, 04:12 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Compare... every year over 10,000 Americans die of treatable illnesses because they didn't have the coverage to seek help early. Every year roughly 25,000 Americans declare bankruptcy because they can't afford to pay their medical bills. Over 50,000,000 (that's fifty million) Americans don't have coverage... and the number is growing. These numbers make struggling vets look like a drop in the bucket. These vets are the victims of a mindset that says, "Everyone doesn't need coverage."
This year, an estimated 1.5 million Americans will declare bankruptcy. Many people may chalk up that misfortune to overspending or a lavish lifestyle, but a new study suggests that more than 60 percent of people who go bankrupt are actually capsized by medical bills.
"That was actually the predominant problem in patients in our study -- 78 percent of them had health insurance, but many of them were bankrupted anyway because there were gaps in their coverage like co-payments and deductibles and uncovered services," says Woolhandler.

Almost 80% have coverage. Looks like having insurance coverages don't solve problems.

Looks like people don't manage their money.

By the way with healthcare rationing, people will die because they wait for healthcare services.

Does HR 3200 cover abortions?
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Old 08-28-2009, 08:55 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Compare... every year over 10,000 Americans die of treatable illnesses because they didn't have the coverage to seek help early. Every year roughly 25,000 Americans declare bankruptcy because they can't afford to pay their medical bills. Over 50,000,000 (that's fifty million) Americans don't have coverage... and the number is growing. These numbers make struggling vets look like a drop in the bucket. These vets are the victims of a mindset that says, "Everyone doesn't need coverage."

It amazes me how Americans rant and rave against the idea of covering all (including these vets).
Lies like this Aquila. First that is not 50 million. It is many millions less than that. Illegals are NOT Americans. That is the other part of your BIG lie.

In its subsection on health insurance subsidies (known as “affordability credits”), HR 3200 does state, “Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States
The “47 million uninsured Americans” the Dems are always moaning about includes 15-20 million illegal aliens.

We need to expose lies and falsehoods.
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Old 08-28-2009, 10:47 AM
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

For those that feel health care is a right please tell me what other right (Think in terms of the founders of the country and rights granted by the Creator) requires someone else to do something?

Free speech does not require the government to give me a radio program or an audience. No one is required to listen to my rants or read my blog.

Freedom of Religion does not require the government to provide me with anything to practice my religion.

The right to keep and bear arms does not require someone to produce a gun and place it in my hands.

The right to assemble does not require the government to provide me with people to assemble with or the place to assemble.

The "right" to health care requires someone else to give me their resources for me to partake of this "right". What happens when they refuse? Do we put a gun to their head? What happens when we pass a law that provides for government funded abortion and a doctor refuses to participate in giving you your "rights".

Maybe we should making housing a right and then force contractors to build houses for everyone and if you have to much property we will take it and use it for those that don't have any property to build a house on.

A right is something I can exercises by myself, not something that requires others resources.

Health care is not a right, it is something most of us want, but it is not a right.
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Old 08-28-2009, 11:13 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Responsible Christianity and Politics:

Health care is not a right, it is something most of us want, but it is not a right.

We all have access to splendid care. We also can pay for it. My law prof told me I have a right to swing my fist, but the right ended before it touches someones nose. I have a right to visit the hospital but i don't have the right to take money to pay the bill out of the next man's pocket.
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