Malachi 3:10 we are instructed to bring all of the tithes into the storehouse.
If one appeals to the Law for support of a doctrine, I have no problem with that, especially if it is motivated by a manifest love of God and a desire to do that which is pleasing in His sight. What I do have a problem with is the buffet attitude that is so often taken by most Christians, i.e., I'll take one of those, three of that over there and oops, nope, none of those thank you, but I'll take two of something else . The admonishment in Malachi is to bring
all of the tithes into the storehouse, i.e., all eight tithing ordnances must be obeyed, not just the one or two that we like - or we remail an unrepentant sinner, still robbing God, and proudly self righteous of that fact!
So, is the claim, "But I didn't know about the other six or seven statutes." any defense for transgressing the law? No. For it is written that a transgression of the law is sin.
1 John 3:4. If one is going to live under the law, one is held responsible for learning the law and accountable for living by it. Willful ignorance is no excuse before the throne of judgment!
So, what say the witnesses concerning those who take advantage of the poor, the elderly and the widowed (those who are legally entitled to their portion of the tithe)? 2 Pe 2:1-5 +
Also see
1 Tim 1:1-17 with emphasis on verses 6-8. We preach and teach that which supports our personal agendas, but set aside those laws, commandments, ordnances and statutes we do not like or that we disagree with. We become judges of the law.
James 4:11
What was nailed to the cross? (
Colossians 2:1) And, what are the differences between what was nailed and that which was not?
If one is going to teach the law, I would recommend first learning what the law really is before attempting to instruct others in it observance. I would also recommend one first learn what grace is and its relationship to/with the law before attempting to instruct others in that subject.
James 3:1 My brethren , be not many masters (teachers/rabbis), knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation .(condemnation: or, judgment). To stand before God and instruct Him on what commandments, laws, ordnances, or statutes one will and will not obey, is a very dangerous place to stand. Then to place one's own laws, standards, or ordnances above those authored by God, is begging for a harsh judgment! (Mt 23)
There is nothing wrong in desiring to give 10%, 15%, 75% or more of one's income and/or possessions to God. But, don't give it away to some man out of undeserved guilt or spiritual condemnation . Give what you have purposed in your heart to give, and do so with joy.
2 Corinthians 9:7
This is only an overview of the start of a teaching on "giving" and "supporting" the work of the kingdom of God, from a Christian perspective.
Note: Some referenced scriptures contain a broad concept application rather then just a single issue application, as most of the references are. Know what it is you are doing - and why you are doing it. If you agree with your teacher(s), then be blessed and follow after their teaching. If your teacher is in error, challenge him/her and do not follow after them, for to do so places you in jeopardy of your own judgment. Ultimately, each of us will be held responsible for our own salvation. Take that responsibility seriously and do not leave it in the hands of another - save Christ's alone.