__________________ You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree
In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter
From my own thoughts..... Nothing here is set in stone...just my ramblings....
1. NAME TAGS. Everyone who attends will be given a name tag upon arrival. Your SCREEN NAME will be printed on the name tag UNLESS you request your real name be printed. There are two primary reasons for this:
A) We know each other by SCREEN NAME for the biggest part. If my REAL NAME was on my name tag, many of you would not know that I was who I am. You know me as OneAccord because, on AFF I AM OneAccord. My real name (which has been posted on the Forum) is unimportant and no ones has ever heard of me anyhow.
B) Some people may not want to disclose their identity, even in a public setting. The disclosure of their real name should be THEIR decision to make, and, besides, using SCREEN NAMES is an AFF tradition.
2. "Our Pentecostal Heritage" This is a display of Pentecostal History. People seem to have an interest in Pentecoostal History and we can share what we may have in our personal collections. Books, videos, old magazines, audio tapes, photos, Pentecostal artifacts (I have a piece of one of A.A. Allens old revival tents!) will be displayed. (Love and Truth Church, AFF cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of displayed items.) It may be possible to procure a copier for copying some items (with the owners permission) at a small cost for paper and ink. Now...to be honest here, I do have a small hidden agenda here. I have a desire to open a "library" of Pentecostal literature at some point in the future. This is the "means" for me to let people know about "The Pentecostal Heritage Library".
3. COMMITTEES: We need people to roll up their sleeves to help plan and organize this thing. I don't know how.... we need the following:
A) Decorations (I plan to travel to Jackson next month to look things over and to talk to the Pastors to see what we can and cannot do.) Remember this: WE HAVE NO BUDGET! Unless people contribute money to help with costs, we'll have to be very frugal on spending.
B) Activities. What are we gonna do when we get there. Eat? Sit around and talk? No... we need more. REMEMBER THIS: The purpose is to get together. Our time is short, so...activities should be planned for things to do ON SITE as much as possible. If a shopping excursion is plannned, it should be a short excursion. If a Golf Tourney is planned, it should be an "abbreviated" tourney. We need someone who knows how to play golf (that would be helpful) to coordinate this and head it up.
C) Transportation: If you live some distance away and would like to attend, try to "buddy up" with someone to share transportation costs. If anyone in Ga , East Tennessee, or Ala, need to buddy up...contact me. (Note: I will be going on Thursday to help set things up and will return to my home on Sunday. Gonna stay to see if Pastor Eddie is as good a preacher as everyone says). Also...need someone to volunteer to be the "shuttle bus" in case people fly in to Memphis to attend.
D) VOLUNTEERS: Need someone to volunteer to
a) Maintain a list of attendees
b) Recieve funds for catered dinner and be sure all is in order for that.
4. Non Affers may attend: If someone wants to attend that isn't a member of AFF, they may attend. In other words, if your husband, you wife, your MIL, your next door neighbor or your butcher wants to attend and is not a member of AFF, they are free to attend. NOTE: Only those who pay for their meals will eat though.
5. Webcast, Internet audio?: Wouldn't it be great if people who can't attend could still "be there" via the internet? Don't know how that could be worked out, but need some tech people to think about this and let me know how we can "share" this event with those who can't attend. A temporary "radio site" like the one Scotty is on? Webcast? An internet site with video capability? I don't know.... thats why I said need TECH HELP!
6. Surprize attendee? I am working on a surprize. The logistics (and funds)might make this impossible but, I gotta try. It involves getting a certain somebody from Point A to Point B, at NO COST TO THEM. And I don't have the funds to do that myself. Sooo....if you might be able to help with this and want more info, please PM for details. I WILL REVEAL THE WHOS, WHATS, and HOWS ONLY TO THOSE WHO ARE ABLE TO HELP AND WHO CONTACT ME. This can only be done by "pooling resources". If you can't help, don't ask. Cuz...I ain't tellin!
7. ENTERTAINMENT: Need to devlop some entertainment. A Comedy act is great. Okay...need a comedian.... anyone? We are going to ask Pastor Eddie to speak, someone to introduce ministers, maybe some guest speakers.
Come on, folks, lets make this happen!
can i ask when is this going to be and where?, are is this question allowed-lol
can i ask when is this going to be and where?, are is this question allowed-lol
No...we can't tell you when and where. Its just for people who have 500 or more posts. I see you have less than 300 posts. Hurry and get 500 and we might let you attend.
Just kidding. This is a gathering of AFF members (I think). ALL members. The meeting will be the weekend of April 25th (I think) at Love and Truth Fellowhip in Jackson, Tennessee (I think). Well, thats all I know (I think). Plans are not finalized yet, this is just in the planning stages. But, I'm thinking that once all the plans have been finalized, you are more than welcome to attend.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
No...we can't tell you when and where. Its just for people who have 500 or more posts. I see you have less than 300 posts. Hurry and get 500 and we might let you attend.
Just kidding. This is a gathering of AFF members (I think). ALL members. The meeting will be the weekend of April 25th (I think) at Love and Truth Fellowhip in Jackson, Tennessee (I think). Well, thats all I know (I think). Plans are not finalized yet, this is just in the planning stages. But, I'm thinking that once all the plans have been finalized, you are more than welcome to attend.
thanks for the info
If you want a weekend without the kids and have grandparents to watch them - that's cool, but if you need to bring them we are going to try to have something available for them for Saturday evening at the church.
If you want a weekend without the kids and have grandparents to watch them - that's cool, but if you need to bring them we are going to try to have something available for them for Saturday evening at the church.
A small fee for sitting will be charged.
I was just wondering about taking Keith or not, seeing as how he has never seen the states of Kentucky OR Tennessee. But I know he will be bored to death with all of us "old people" and wondered if anyone else would be bringing their teens? Or if maybe Sheri might have some teens in her church who would be interested in making a new friend for the weekend?
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
I was just wondering about taking Keith or not, seeing as how he has never seen the states of Kentucky OR Tennessee. But I know he will be bored to death with all of us "old people" and wondered if anyone else would be bringing their teens? Or if maybe Sheri might have some teens in her church who would be interested in making a new friend for the weekend?
My daughter will be there. She even talks to boys....LOL!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!