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Old 12-18-2008, 06:26 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by Cindy View Post
Hey, I was healed of anorexia, but still live with the consequences. But I know obese people struggle with shame, and all obesity is not caused solely by overeating. As much as by eating too much unhealthy foods.
You got that right! Unhealthy food is an enormous problem. Just look at the lables on the packages of the stuff we put down our throats.

Remember the story about the guy that "Supersized" at McDonalds for a month to prove the danger of fast food? Doctor told him if he kept eating that garbage he was going to die.

It's interesting you mention "shame". I've written a book called, "The Internet Addiction", dealing with online porn addiction. Porn addiction can begin with "shame". This trap leads people to believe nobody will understand. Nobody will have mercy. I've done something too terrible to forgive.

Shame is litterally conquoered by confession to someone we can trust to help us, not condemn us. If we continue to hide, shame will beat us down to nothing, leading to total catastrophy.

All of us need to confess. This will rid us of shame, renew our hope, and lead us to great strength in Him, because, He will forgive us.

Having a problem with eating is no different. Addictions are basically the same and overcome by the same tactics; Vigorous self control, support, good church, and a wholesome hobby(s) can lead one to total victory. (I do speak from experience here. I can talk about that later.)

Also remember, addictions have the same trigger point; STRESS. Stress seeks relief and we sometimes resort to "things" that are unhealthy, even deadly. Eating is one of those things that people do for relief.

Thanks for your feedback.
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:28 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
You got that right! Unhealthy food is an enormous problem. Just look at the lables on the packages of the stuff we put down our throats.

Remember the story about the guy that "Supersized" at McDonalds for a month to prove the danger of fast food? Doctor told him if he kept eating that garbage he was going to die.

It's interesting you mention "shame". I've written a book called, "The Internet Addiction", dealing with online porn addiction. Porn addiction can begin with "shame". This trap leads people to believe nobody will understand. Nobody will have mercy. I've done something too terrible to forgive.

Shame is litterally conquoered by confession to someone we can trust to help us, not condemn us. If we continue to hide, shame will beat us down to nothing, leading to total catastrophy.

All of us need to confess. This will rid us of shame, renew our hope, and lead us to great strength in Him, because, He will forgive us.

Having a problem with eating is no different. Addictions are basically the same and overcome by the same tactics; Vigorous self control, support, good church, and a wholesome hobby(s) can lead one to total victory. (I do speak from experience here. I can talk about that later.)

Also remember, addictions have the same trigger point; STRESS. Stress seeks relief and we sometimes resort to "things" that are unhealthy, even deadly. Eating is one of those things that people do for relief.

Thanks for your feedback.
Excellent post!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
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He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:40 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Just a side note: Don't assume that everyone who is obese is that way because they overeat or don't exercise. There are some serious health issues that cause people to be overweight as well, no matter how little they eat or how much they exercise. (Cushings disease, Adrenal insufficiency, etc)

If this turns into another bash the overweight minister thread, I will petition the rest of admin team to allow me to close it. Once this week was enough....... for those who ended up getting the other thread locked -please don't ruin another thread that started out in the right way.
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:52 PM
Innocuous Innocuous is offline
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

What is obese? Do we go by the gov't guideline? By their guideline I am a sinner. If I was to qualify as saint in this regard I'd be a stick and would weigh what I weighed as a freshman in high school when I wore 28" waist jeans. Am I a sinner then? Maybe. If so then it is because of grace that I say grace at every meal.
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:52 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by jimmyrrs View Post
The Dr. did not think I was overweight. I'm 198 lbs. I had a few problems and they wanted me to start taking pills. I told them no thank you, not at this time. What else could I do to help control my problem. Their answer, watch what you eat. I did. In three months I was tested again and so far so good.
Make sure you include exercise in your routine. Eating the right foods, alone, is not enough. At least 3-4 days a week of 30 minutes or more of cardio work (heart rate above 120). I live in the Northwest so I have to resort to my indoor bicycle to keep myself intact (in shape) in the winter. I'll also do some light weight training to tone my upper body.

Your heart is a muscle and must be exercised otherwise it becomes "flabby". The more you exercise you will also lower your heart rate. This is good. The resting heart rate of an exeptional athlete can be as low as the mid 30's (30 BPM). This is extreme. Mine is around 55, which is considered very good.

Buy a blood pressure device for home. This is great for checking yourself.

I'm 48 years old and have exercised faithfully for the last 21 years. Being in the Marine Corps, they kind of put it in you to PT (Physical training). You never forget.

Because of this, I watch what I eat, my weight is under control, and my blood pressure is excellent. No pills for me, either. This also helps me in my overall well being as a Pastor. The saints appreciate when they see I take care of myself. They will also ask for advice when seeking for change in thier own life.

God Bless: christmasfire
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:53 PM
2020Vision 2020Vision is offline

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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

"Bodily exercise profiteth little." What was the scripture? Another Scriptural fallacy! Doh! Wait, I have to understand that in context?
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:54 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
With obesity considered the #1 health epidemic in America, causing irrepairable damage to the human body (our temple), how should we as Christians approach this subject? I was told as a new convert, take care of your temple (body). Be moderate. Have temperance (have self-control).

Repent of things that destroy and be a good example.

Obesity is proven to cause diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer; and the list goes on.

We tell folks to quit smoking because of the dangerous side affects caused by this unhealthy habit. Are we able to take this stand if we accept the "overweight" issue by looking the other way?

I've seen many preachers "joke" away at this subject to calm the air of thier obvious lack of self-control in this area. In reality, being fat is not funny, it's unhealthy. I've watched them preach strong and hard to live holy; Live holy? I guess I'm a little confused here, as holiness covers our physical and spiritual being.

Don't mean to offend here, just stating the facts of how the lost may (are) looking at our ability to justify gluttony. In past churches I've attended, visitors were very suprised at the amount of overweight people on the pews. I'm not just talking about a few pounds either; 100 or more.

I have many good friends who are big. One of them is 400 pounds and he is only 40. He laughs now, but in the next few years laughter will turn to tears.

I do believe mercy plays a role in this somewhere. But, where do we draw the line? How far do we go? Will the church simply end up "full" of the sick because we can't push the plate away or get off the couch?

The prayer line would shrink and we would feel better if we would learn the blessing of proper diet and exercise.

If you are overweight and are reading this, please, I have compassion on your dilema. We have great abundance in this Country and many convienences that now take away the "task" where calories were once burned. There is hope, though. Find people who enjoy getting out, who have the same desire as you to shed the pounds and get in shape.

People can revolutionize thier existence by good old fashioned discipline and motivation. Not only will you feel better, people will notice you care about yourself and your Light will shine with new vigor. The doctor will be stunned when you show up to your next appointment with normal blood pressure and no more need for "PILLS".

I've often wondered about this.

I was raised to believe that smoking was a sin that would send one to hell.

However, as I grew older, and began to reason some things out for myself, I realized that that argument was faulty, unless we could classify overeating as a sin, as well.

I realize that smoking is an entirely needless habit, but so is eating fast food.

I agree with others that obesity is not necessarily caused by overeating, there are people with thyroid problems, etc.

But, if a person is obese because they over eat, and they put their bodies at risk willingly with the wrong foods and/or wrong amounts of food, what's the difference in that or smoking a cigarette?
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:58 PM
2020Vision 2020Vision is offline

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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by Refugee View Post
I've often wondered about this.

I was raised to believe that smoking was a sin that would send one to hell.

However, as I grew older, and began to reason some things out for myself, I realized that that argument was faulty, unless we could classify overeating as a sin, as well.

I realize that smoking is an entirely needless habit, but so is eating fast food.

I agree with others that obesity is not necessarily caused by overeating, there are people with thyroid problems, etc.

But, if a person is obese because they over eat, and they put their bodies at risk willingly with the wrong foods and/or wrong amounts of food, what's the difference in that or smoking a cigarette?
There's not a huge difference. Most will agree. We should keep our bodies healthy. Of course one's standard of "healthy" will vary. But in general, we should strive to be healthy. Cigarette smoking is pretty intentional and is not paired or coupled with something we do of necessity... like eat.

Eating fast food is okay now and then... then you get into poor people who can't afford much for eating. Or students who have little money and have to practically live on fast food, which basically are conveniences in our world today. Hmmm... I think everyone could leave this discussion confidence that we should care for ourselves and tend to our health with diligence.
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Old 12-18-2008, 07:04 PM
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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

Originally Posted by 2020Vision View Post
There's not a huge difference. Most will agree. We should keep our bodies healthy. Of course one's standard of "healthy" will vary. But in general, we should strive to be healthy. Cigarette smoking is pretty intentional and is not paired or coupled with something we do of necessity... like eat.

Eating fast food is okay now and then... then you get into poor people who can't afford much for eating. Or students who have little money and have to practically live on fast food, which basically are conveniences in our world today. Hmmm... I think everyone could leave this discussion confidence that we should care for ourselves and tend to our health with diligence.
I agree with you, smoking is entirely intentional, and has no nutritional value, whatsoever.

And, I'm not one of those people who consider every overweight person lost, or a hypocrite, lol.

And, I also realize that in America, it's extremely difficult to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet - it's disheartening sometimes to try to shop for healthy things in the local supermarket, even the so called healthy products contain massive amounts of sugar, sodium, artificial preservatives, etc.

Couple that with the largely sedentary lifestyle of most Americans, and it's rare to find people that are perfectly healthy.

But, I do think that maybe we've done folks a small disservice by not stressing the importance of physical health in the grand scheme of "living life, and that more abundantly".
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Old 12-18-2008, 07:12 PM
2020Vision 2020Vision is offline

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Re: Is Obesity a Sin?

But, I do think that maybe we've done folks a small disservice by not stressing the importance of physical health in the grand scheme of "living life, and that more abundantly".[/QUOTE]

Completely Agree.

haha But I can see it now. Some churches that have no balance, inviting Richard Simmons out to tell us how to be "godly" lol
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