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Old 12-05-2008, 10:10 AM
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
If you're going to raise your children in this church, and you want to be involved, then you probably need to follow the rules/standards. If not, then find a church that you feel comfortable raising them in. I wouldn't want to raise mine in a place where I had to tell them, "well our church teaches this.....but this is what we do." I think it leads to confusion. JMHO.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:11 AM
aak1972 aak1972 is offline

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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

Originally Posted by warrior View Post
Jimmy, this is all based on a discussion I was having with a friend. He church is very legalistic, and her children are carrying on pretty badly in school. Because they really don't have anything to take away from them their only manner of discipline is to spank them.

I think they need to be experiencing things kids experience because it helps to mold who they are, provide the needed experiences for being well rounded and can assist in areas of discipline.

No, I don't have any kids. I wouldn't be a member of this church because they just have waaaaaaay toooooooo many rules to follow and none of them are in the Bible.
I will offer you my experience. When I was 14 I was attending an ACE programed UPC run church school. It was in the church I was raised in. We had a competition team that participated in sports, educational and musical competition with other ACE schools. We had a track team and were very succesful we went to Flagstaff, AR. and won 6th place in the 400 meter relay. One of my teammates was John Ragsdale. I was blessed with a talent to run and to run quite fast. As I became older I and my parents were begged for me to attend the public and two private schools. One wealthy resident even offered to pay my tuition at one of them. However I was not allowed. I often cried at night b/c I couldnt play sports but i could compete with other ACE schools and they were not all UPC. When I went to college I could outrun all but two of the star football players and most of the track team. But still I was not allowed. I finally got my student loans paid for but I could have had a full scholorship. But the past is the past. I always thaught God is the one who gave me the talent but I was never able to use it.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:14 AM
warrior warrior is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

The problem with finding another church is they are taught that they are the only one that has the truth and is right. Therefore, they aren't going anywhere.

Personally, I don't care what the adults do. Those children are just having a problem. I wanted to offer some suggestions as to how the children can be helped.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:29 AM
jimmyrrs jimmyrrs is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

Originally Posted by warrior View Post
Jimmy, this is all based on a discussion I was having with a friend. He church is very legalistic, and her children are carrying on pretty badly in school. Because they really don't have anything to take away from them their only manner of discipline is to spank them.

I think they need to be experiencing things kids experience because it helps to mold who they are, provide the needed experiences for being well rounded and can assist in areas of discipline.

No, I don't have any kids. I wouldn't be a member of this church because they just have waaaaaaay toooooooo many rules to follow and none of them are in the Bible.
I understand. The post on this subject have been very good. I agree kids need to experience some things in order to interact with others and help mold them.
We also understand that not all things are good. We as parents must find the right mix for our children.
I do not know the church or history of it, but many take it to the edge when it comes to (how to rear children).
I would have a problem attending there.
Each person is different.
The area of discipline is another subject matter.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:33 AM
jtork jtork is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

You can't find anywhere in the Bible where it says doing these activities will send you to hell so if a pastor says it will send them to hell he is "adding" his own opinion to God's word and I CAN show you scripture that says you ARE NOT supposed to do that.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:34 AM
warrior warrior is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

I certainly think that if the children experienced more things and were given the social opportunities they would be able to relate better to their peers. Also, when a kid loves something so much the will behave so that they don't lose their freedom to do those things. I don't think spanking is the only way to dsicipline your kids. As you said it is a seperate matter.

I do think that parents must decide what will work for their family and what won't. I simply have a problem with denying them the freedom to do everything.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:35 AM
warrior warrior is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

They use the scripture about rioting to support them not going to and participating in sports.

You already know the scriptures for TV and the movies. I don't even have to say anything about those.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:38 AM
jtork jtork is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

Originally Posted by warrior View Post
They use the scripture about rioting to support them not going to and participating in sports.

You already know the scriptures for TV and the movies. I don't even have to say anything about those.
I guess I missed the scriptures about not watching TV and movies.
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:39 AM
jimmyrrs jimmyrrs is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

Originally Posted by warrior View Post
The problem with finding another church is they are taught that they are the only one that has the truth and is right. Therefore, they aren't going anywhere.

Personally, I don't care what the adults do. Those children are just having a problem. I wanted to offer some suggestions as to how the children can be helped.
Do you think this church is along the line of being an cult?
"The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go."
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Old 12-05-2008, 10:40 AM
warrior warrior is offline
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Re: Raising Apostolic Children

Originally Posted by jimmyrrs View Post
Do you think this church is along the line of being an cult?

In some ways yes.
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