Originally Posted by PraiseHymn
I am not sure if you know me. I wont be at the competition as I am getting settled into my new apartment here in Atlanta but I will be at the 10:15 and 4:15 Concert/Worship service on Sunday.
Technically I am not a member of AWPC yet....I just am fellowshipping there right now. I just moved back to ATL but AWPC is the only church I go to . . .
The concert is actually just in the afternoon service. The choir is staying downtown until tomorrow. They have hotel rooms for the night. Verizon is paying for them all to get hotel rooms because they are paying for the other choirs to travel here. They said they had to do something for AWPC choir to make it all fair.
It is too bad you will have to miss it. Maybe you can by the dvd when they get it. They are selling the one from the first competition now.
Hmmm, not sure if I do know you. We have had a few people move down from NYC. Because of the different jobs I do, I do know almost everyone, so I expect I will be meeting you sooner or later. Now if I know it is you we will have to wait and see.

If I do and you want to remain anonymous, you have no worries I won't tell who you are.