Originally Posted by nahkoe
Can I ask a question about this?
Ok, good, cuz I'm going to. lol
Does it really matter if it's legal or not? It happens...we have to raise our children in the world we're in. We already have to teach them our values, or not. Does it matter what happens in someone else's home?
Gay marriages have nothing to do with what others do in their own homes
How does pushing your values on other people help anyone?
thank God we pushed our values on others, like do no murder or, you shall not steal. BTW It's not "values"...this is not an anti homosexual law. They are still allowed to do their dirty deeds in private AND even be joined in civil unions AND get married by whoever will perform that ceremony.
This is about getting the state to officially recognize and approveTHEM as a special group and then get YOU to to do the same
People will do what they're going to do regardless.
So let's legalize murder
It really doesn't seem any different to me than common law marriage. That's legal in some states. Has that impacted your or your family adversely?
Then let them have their "common law" marriage. If you can't see the larger agenda and the big picture of what is happening in this day and age then I don't think explaining it more than what I have is going to matter