Originally Posted by CC1
Robert Stewart of Pentecostal Tabernacle of North Miami isnt a lib. I know because I was the one who got him into the AWCF years ago.
My mom works on staff at his megachurch in Miami. He is straight Jesus name holiness preacher who is moderate to conservative if anything. In fact when I read your assumption that he is a liberal i bust out laughing.
His wife taught my Sunday school growing up and his church is my other home church. Thats the point of the AWCF is allows diversity of differences while not fighting among ourselves. I have known him since I was a little kid, grew up with his kids, saw him when he started the daughter work off our UPC work, attended his church for awhile after bible college while paying off student loans, know his ministers, trust me.. the guy is rock solid in every way and to throw him in the category of liberal is silly because its not a fair snapshot of who he is (not that theres anything wrong with being to the left).