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Old 08-01-2008, 03:26 PM
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Re: McCain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
I thought the ad was very good! It attacks and properly mocks Obama as being the messiah.

This ad is aimed at the simpletons who are voting for Obama because he is like a rock star. These people don't really care about the issues.
Another valid issue! Barak Obama said of himself that his nomination marked the "day the seas stopped rising"

That is exactly what Barak Obama said!
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:31 PM
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Re: McCain's back on the ATTACK again

Do you see how you had his name spelled in the original thread title... (before it got corrected)?
McKain. Instead of "McCain".

Dan, you're the only one I know who regularly mis-spells the man's name like that, and I'm not sure why that is:

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
Is he raising more money now that Obama is the nominee? Why the sudden interest in funding the McKain flip flopper campaign?
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
McKain doesn't have a chance agains the momentum of Obama's candidacy.
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
...McKain holds a press conference to play "victim" and calls for a town hall meeting about tougher law enforcement and the homeless "problem".

What else should we expect from a flip-flopper/waffler non-principled politico.
...just an observation.
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:32 PM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: McCain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by Deep Threat View Post
Coupled with the Brittany and Paris commercial he is showing desperation. Showing it this early is a sign of not being able to talk about the issues. Shameful.

McKain's newest attack ad. THE ONE.


Quoting a man as listeners and his own staff chuckle at him making light of himself is transparently riduculous.

Proclaiming your opponent as the one is poor politics.

Yeah I saw this on the net today and it really disturbs me. I will not be voting for Obama due to his position on abortion BUT I ALWAYS get riled up when I see someone being held up to deliberate perversion of what they said by taking the statements out of context giving them an OPPOSITE meaning then what the speaker intended. Here we have several of Obamas statements that were SARCASTIC and NOT meant to be taken literally but rather to give an OPPOSITE meaning then the one that John McCains campaign is clipping and distorting them to mean, That means that McCains campaign is LYING to us as this is NOT the meaning Obama was conveying, HENCE the laughing of the Obama guys as THEY AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT HEARD THE FULL STATEMENT Knew that Obama was being facetious and NOT literal.

It bothers me when I see Trinitarians do this to pervert the oneness position and it bothers me when I see politicians do this to pervert their opponents position, Doing this ONCE is enough to get me to lose confidence in the man or woman putting this kind of deliberate deception out there.
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:45 PM
Deep Threat Deep Threat is offline
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Re: McCain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
Yeah I saw this on the net today and it really disturbs me. I will not be voting for Obama due to his position on abortion BUT I ALWAYS get riled up when I see someone being held up to deliberate perversion of what they said by taking the statements out of context giving them an OPPOSITE meaning then what the speaker intended. Here we have several of Obamas statements that were SARCASTIC and NOT meant to be taken literally but rather to give an OPPOSITE meaning then the one that John McCains campaign is clipping and distorting them to mean, That means that McCains campaign is LYING to us as this is NOT the meaning Obama was conveying, HENCE the laughing of the Obama guys as THEY AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT HEARD THE FULL STATEMENT Knew that Obama was being facetious and NOT literal.

It bothers me when I see Trinitarians do this to pervert the oneness position and it bothers me when I see politicians do this to pervert their opponents position, Doing this ONCE is enough to get me to lose confidence in the man or woman putting this kind of deliberate deception out there.
It is lying. Period. And now it's being excused as long as the propagandist point is made.
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:47 PM
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Re: McKain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by vrblackwell View Post
You must be kidding. McCain challenged Obama to a series of town hall debates to debate the issues. The chosen one rejected the offer.

We know what his polices are. Higher taxes, socialised health care, make sure your tires are inflated properly, and that you get your car tuned up.

I am still waiting for any of you Obama kool-aid drinkers to name any major accomplishments of Obama's that would qualify him to be president.
vr...most of us here appear to have been traditionally Republican. The issue here is that there are also Republican kool-aid drinkers. Those who while not beholding to any one man, will endorse and support basically whatever the party puts out. This type of ad may give the Republican kool-aid drinkers a good laugh, but will do little in the way of positively affecting the non kool-aid drinkers (which I would propose is the purpose of the entire campaign process).
I don't see why they won't put the issues out that Ferd addressed earlier. By the time they get around to campaigns about real issues, Obama will have already reaped a lot of the moderates the GOP should be speaking to now.
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:51 PM
Deep Threat Deep Threat is offline
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Re: McKain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
vr...most of us here appear to have been traditionally Republican. The issue here is that there are also Republican kool-aid drinkers. Those who while not beholding to any one man, will endorse and support basically whatever the party puts out. This type of ad may give the Republican kool-aid drinkers a good laugh, but will do little in the way of positively affecting the non kool-aid drinkers (which I would propose is the purpose of the entire campaign process).
I don't see why they won't put the issues out that Ferd addressed earlier. By the time they get around to campaigns about real issues, Obama will have already reaped a lot of the moderates the GOP should be speaking to now.
It's going to allow Obama to take the high road, TS, while liberal pundits/commentators have a field day swaying many gullible TV viewers that McCain is the bad guy here.

It's a poor political maneuver if it's indeed undecided voters that will sway this election.

There are signs of some GOP voters jumping ship.

Showing signs of desperation this early is a tell-tale sign.
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Old 08-01-2008, 04:07 PM
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Re: McCain's back on the ATTACK again

This ad shows contempt for the American electorate as unable to see that Obama is a false Christ while preying on the fears or the religious fundamentalist right.

It is a new low in political ad campaigns. I can't think of another ad during a Presidential election that has stooped this low.

As a "practicing" Christian, it's a slap on the face and scurrilous insult to have this man use religious iconography, Moses, and the Incarnation theology to scare me out of voting for a candidate.
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Old 08-01-2008, 04:09 PM
MusicMaster MusicMaster is offline
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Re: McCain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
Do you see how you had his name spelled in the original thread title... (before it got corrected)?
McKain. Instead of "McCain".

Dan, you're the only one I know who regularly mis-spells the man's name like that, and I'm not sure why that is:

...just an observation.
That's an interesting observation.

Originally Posted by Deep Threat View Post
It is lying. Period. And now it's being excused as long as the propagandist point is made.
If the above observation turns out to be true, then would that also mean that when someone said they were going on hiatus from the forum till september they were lying?
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Old 08-01-2008, 04:12 PM
Deep Threat Deep Threat is offline
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Re: McCain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by MusicMaster View Post
That's an interesting observation.

If the above observation turns out to be true, then would that also mean that when someone said they were going on hiatus from the forum till september they were lying?
Or changed their mind, or placed that nick/name on hiatus.

(Hear the fizzle. Air comes out of the proverbial balloon)

Are you really a master at music or is that wishful thinking?

And do you have something to add to this thread topic?
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Old 08-01-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: McKain's back on the ATTACK again

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
vr...most of us here appear to have been traditionally Republican. The issue here is that there are also Republican kool-aid drinkers. Those who while not beholding to any one man, will endorse and support basically whatever the party puts out. This type of ad may give the Republican kool-aid drinkers a good laugh, but will do little in the way of positively affecting the non kool-aid drinkers (which I would propose is the purpose of the entire campaign process).
I don't see why they won't put the issues out that Ferd addressed earlier. By the time they get around to campaigns about real issues, Obama will have already reaped a lot of the moderates the GOP should be speaking to now.
this is an easy one to figure out. lets review Rasmussen's polling in a week and a half (Im gonna be out of pocket next week.)
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