Originally Posted by Raven
I believe I know who you are but I didn't know you were where you could visit with Donna Dugas weekly. Are you acquainted with our Sweet Pea here on the Forum?
Yes, I'm related to the long time songleader of CLC and visited with him just last week. I believe he's the oldest member of CLC. [ not in years of age but membership ]
I even drove down Cherokee Road [Lane] for old times sake and remembered fondly that good old Bible School food. 
Yes, I remember you. I think you may have been in HS when I was in Bible college. I had your cousin in school when I was teaching at the Academy. I haven't figured out who Sweetpea is yet, but I feel I should I know her?
I remarried after my wife passed away almost two years ago. I married a lady who retired from UPCI Headquarters and we lives in St. Louis part time. We attend TD's church here and CLC in Ca. Tell your Dad I said hello.
I sorta lost track of everyone. Due to my wife's health we were away from CLC for 17 years. We attended a small church pastored by one of my friends in town.(not UPC) That was a little quieter.
I didn't get to enjoy the ABC dining hall food,

thank goodness. The dining hall at CLC is great, I have eaten there a few times as a guest of one of the faculty members. Feel free to Email me if you want. I talked to KB the other day and we are supposed to get together when we return home.