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Old 05-01-2008, 11:53 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
Good point, brother, sorry, I should not have given my opinion so soon in the discussion. I can't find a better term to try to look at the worship practices in a critical way, outside of "mass hysteria" though.

My main question, though, is this; Does it look like self-control is lost by the people in this video? Should we EVER lose the fruit of the spirit of self-control? I go to an Apostolic assembly where we clap, dance and shout and whatnot, but I would definately say we are more cautious than most Apostolic assemblies in our worship experience- some say that's good some say that's bad.

I am going to bring up this discussion at Sunday dinner/study if I am able, and I was figuring I'd look for some other takes on my question from a wider range of people, here on AFF.

Bro. Alex

Brother, I have been the recipient of what you are referring to as a loss of self control. I vividly remember spinning around like a top with my hands extended out. I also remember rolling around on the floor along with dancing. These are all things that happened to me that weren't an act of my own will. I don't know any way of explaining it other than to say the HG was in control of my body during those times. Using a strict interpretation of "self control", which is what I think you are doing, then speaking in tongues would be losing self control and a result of hysteria.

Ya know, looking back on my "shockamoo" days, I can honestly say I never got hurt. Not even once. I couldn't tell you the number of times I hit the floor with the full force of an overweight man; the times I ran straight into a brick wall; the times I would come back to myself on the other side of the church. I don't know how to explain it, but I know God was in it.
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Old 05-01-2008, 11:59 AM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Brother, I have been the recipient of what you are referring to as a loss of self control. I vividly remember spinning around like a top with my hands extended out. I also remember rolling around on the floor along with dancing. These are all things that happened to me that weren't an act of my own will. I don't know any way of explaining it other than to say the HG was in control of my body during those times. Using a strict interpretation of "self control", which is what I think you are doing, then speaking in tongues would be losing self control and a result of hysteria.

Ya know, looking back on my "shockamoo" days, I can honestly say I never got hurt. Not even once. I couldn't tell you the number of times I hit the floor with the full force of an overweight man; the times I ran straight into a brick wall; the times I would come back to myself on the other side of the church. I don't know how to explain it, but I know God was in it.
I have "shockamoo-ed" before, as you say, and I'm not ruling it out as being a valid experience or anything. However, if the HG is in control, and it's moving you around and whatnot, and you hit someone, fall over someone, or hit someone of the opposite gender (someone's spouse for example), then was the HG really in control?

Bro. Alex
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:07 PM
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
I have "shockamoo-ed" before, as you say, and I'm not ruling it out as being a valid experience or anything. However, if the HG is in control, and it's moving you around and whatnot, and you hit someone, fall over someone, or hit someone of the opposite gender (someone's spouse for example), then was the HG really in control?

Bro. Alex
Brother, there is wisdom in learning to get out of someone's way when they are under the influence.

I get what you are saying, though. I saw one woman hurt her ankle. At the time I felt that she got injured because she was in the flesh and not in the Spirit. Like I said, I have hit a brick wall before and not had a scratch to show for it. However, one time I tried to recreate an experience I had had and threw myself down on the floor in the sanctuary. I thought I had broken every bone in my body that day! LOL!
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:13 PM
Encryptus Encryptus is offline
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Only thing that disturbs me about this thread so far it the inference that this is somehow a "hispanic" thing. I have seen the same, and even more expressive, in congregations which were primarily black, and even white.

Although, I am by nature so reserved I cannot recall doing so, I would never condemn or ridicule anyone choosing to express themselves in worship in that manner. I even saw a man in Florida who every time he "got in the spirit" did a perfect Texas two step.

Theologically if you want to go there, if God can move on someone to speak a known language the speaker does not comprehend, cannot He move on them to dance a known dance move. :-)

As far as the tone of the video it was clearly done to make fun of those involved and in Spanish stated they were anti-Biblical because on the verses about strangers in church in I Cor. I saw nothing out of order.

Furthermore, it is not expected an "outsider" looking through the video would understand worship anyway. A proverb tells of a deaf man goes to the city for the first time and witnesses a wedding dance through a window. Because he could not hear the music all the actions looked foolish to him and he assumed he had just passed an insane asylum.

No doubt those who have never felt the washed by the blood of Christ, or the joy of the Holy Ghost and who cannot "hear" his voice would think that such praise is foolishness. From their perspective perhaps it is, but from God's?
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:17 PM
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Um, I think the reason S5ST related this thread to Hispanics is because he is one, as am I. He just wanted to know how other Hispanics view this type of worship. I don't see anything wrong with that.
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
Good point, brother, sorry, I should not have given my opinion so soon in the discussion. I can't find a better term to try to look at the worship practices in a critical way, outside of "mass hysteria" though.

My main question, though, is this; Does it look like self-control is lost by the people in this video? Should we EVER lose the fruit of the spirit of self-control? I go to an Apostolic assembly where we clap, dance and shout and whatnot, but I would definately say we are more cautious than most Apostolic assemblies in our worship experience- some say that's good some say that's bad.

I am going to bring up this discussion at Sunday dinner/study if I am able, and I was figuring I'd look for some other takes on my question from a wider range of people, here on AFF.

Bro. Alex
First off my cp at work does not allow us to view video.....

Sometimes there is a thin line between worship and wacky. I have heard stories of people doing crazy things. Our faith is important. Personally, in worship you should never do something that can or could cause bodily harm. If you gotta bad back-don't run or jump. You might want to, but be sensable. If you can not shout because of vocal issues, but you can clap and dance, do it. I have seem accidents before. Two people running the isles in different directions and almost run into each other. While no one should want to curtail worship of any type it might serve to set rules of what is and or isn't appropriate. If we did that maybe we would not look like crazy people like the video, I would assume. Personally if it is Biblical do it and if it is acceptable do it. I have been at churches you can whistle when preacher is doing good. Others if you whistle you are out the door. It should be common sense when one worships. IMO
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:23 PM
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

As a Pastor of a Latino - Pentecsotal Church.

yes, it happens at our Church.

The best thing I can tell you bro is, a veces nuestra gente latina son esagerados (splg?)

I belive in dancing, shouting, jumping, falling out, and all that stuff.
Sometimes we (latins) get a little out of control, but not anymore than other cultures do.
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:33 PM
Encryptus Encryptus is offline
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Um, I think the reason S5ST related this thread to Hispanics is because he is one, as am I. He just wanted to know how other Hispanics view this type of worship. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Was not inferring evil intent on behalf of S5teen. The title of the video make it clear "the deceiving of my people", it was the intent of the original video poster.

Point was it is a cross-cultural event. :-)

I have seen it in Hispanic, Black and White congregations.
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:36 PM
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

Originally Posted by Encryptus View Post
Was not inferring evil intent on behalf of S5teen. The title of the video make it clear "the deceiving of my people".

Point was it is a cross-cultural event. :-)

I have seen it in Hispanic, Black and White congregations.
I didn't take it that way. I know you weren't suggesting evil intent. All the apsotolic churches I have been a member of have been predominantly white. One of the things I have always wanted to do was find a hispanic apostolic church so I could worship with them in Spanish. *sigh*
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:44 PM
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Re: Hispanic Pentecostalism

If an anglo can throw in his 2 cents:

I have noted that latin churches tend to be more exuberant in their worship than those of the same belief systems in their areas. They also as a culture seem to be more expressive period, which most would say it a main attraction of the exodus from catholic to pentecostal.

But a couple other things stick out in my mind even more. I have observed a higher ratio of males and more families worshiping together. And I have noted that even when arriving late the first thing the families do is kneel in prayer until mind is on God before joining in the service.
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