Well, I've had a lot to say in this thread - maybe too much - just feeling chatty tonight I guess.
Please excuse me for relating my own personal experience over many years of ministry. It's all that I know though really. I can't relate what I DON'T know, that's for sure.
I don't mean to sound as if what all has been shared here that might differ from my own perspective and experience isn't authentic or real. I know that there are major concerns and many problems. I sure don't have all the answers. I don't think anyone does.
We live in very troublesome times where there is so much pressure and so much trouble, and ministry - pastoring in particular - is no easy calling anymore. We know that time is getting increasingly short and that Satan is seeking to wear us down to the point where we become weak and ineffective, losing confidence in ourselves, our ministries and even in the supernatural ability of the Holy Ghost to supply for us what we can't provide for ourselves.
We're all on a journey and it takes us all on many different paths. We're not all designed for the same thing or headed to the same place. Never ever stop seeking or exploring what God may have for you. Don't miss out on His best by settling for the status quo or for passivism and defeat.
We can encourage one another in the Lord. We need one another. I need those who will to come alongside and encourage and help me when I feel weak and feel like I've lost confidence in myself and when I feel that God Himself has lost confidence in me. None of us are an island to ourselves.
No organization is the be all and end all. It's only a fellowship of ministers, many who are struggling to fulfill the call of God on their life. Organizations rise and fall. I felt several years ago that the Lord spoke to me and let me in on the fact that the UPCI's best days are behind and I shared that on FCF a few years back.
Of course that doesn't mean to say that there aren't good days and good things are ahead, but the fact is a man's calling and ministry may not need to be tied to any particular organization or fellowship group all of his days. We need to all stay open to the leading of the Holy Ghost.
One of the reasons I stay involved in these forums because it keeps me in fellowship and connection with my roots. To think of losing that completely does not make me happy at all, nor does it make me feel secure.
Thank you all for letting me be a part of you through the opportunity this forum provides.