Originally Posted by aegsm76
Obviously, what we need to do is put all aspects of the automotive industry under government control.
Then start a program where when a new car is purchased there is a fee assessed that will be used to help the "poor" purchase a vehicle.
Bingo! Healthcare is different from a product like an automobile. Nobody can go to a car dealership without financing or cash and get a car. But people go to the ER or local clinics and get care, and they receive care regardless as to if they have insurance or not.
In fact, the Hippocratic Oath would require a medical professional to do all that is necessary to treat the sick or injured, rather they have the ability to pay or not.
The issue is, the care they receive isn't often the level of care that they need. And they don't pay their bill so it drives up costs for the rest of us.
Everyone will need healthcare at some point. Everyone. Everyone should pay somethin towards their care and the care of others. Everyone.
Dummies that don't want to help provide comprehensive care for their society are only going to end up with a society wherein a significant number of people are untreated and spreading sickness and disease. Some might ask me why I wouldn't mind paying taxes and supporting the public school system . Well, I know that not all kids can attend a private school or be home schooled. So, I support a public educational system that can provide at least the basics because I don't want to live in a nation of absolute dummies.