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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-05-2008, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
My argument came out of the argument where someone stated just before the Hair glare, Paul says to follow me as I follow Christ.

Well If I were to quote Christ, as if these statements are made for the entire church body, and age to age.

Then I should sell everything and follow Christ.

Again Peter in Acts 4 and 5 gets back to the idea of selling all.

This concept is like the proclamation of standards.

You set people up to fail and lie.

How many woman signing in UPCI choirs trim their hair.

Then every year still sign the platform affirmation statement.

Upon Ananias and Sapphira not giving all after saying they sold all.

They fell dead....

I think that is why so many fall dead spiritually...... things are being preached as doctrine that are not doctrine.

Impossibility and non-sequitor. No one can make a liar out of another person. They do that to themselves.
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TrmptPraise View Post
Yes, it does appear that i need to head to get a tan. I have to check with my pastor as see if that is legalistic or just a weight I can throw to the side in fear that someone might judge me.
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
Not to mention the money these men and their churches pull away from the UPCI. His letter was the same type of damage control you see in any company losing it's grip....
My dear Neckstadt,

I trust you know Bro. Haney personally? I trust you know him well enough to say he's doing damage control so as to keep more due paying preachers from leaving. Because if you don't... heaven help your nasty attitude.

I don't apologize one bit for saying "sour grapes" earlier.

And I'm not apologizing for the strong language of saying your attitude is nasty either.
Mrs. LPW

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Old 01-05-2008, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
How many woman signing in UPCI choirs trim their hair.

Then every year still sign the platform affirmation statement.
is this an official upc document or something? our church (upc) doesn't have a platform statement to sign. if they did...i wouldn't be singing in our choir i understand where your coming from, neckstadt, i really do...but a lot of upc are not gonna budge on standards and don't see things the way you do. i don't uphold every standard but you're not gonna convince people of something they don't want to see.
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by SavedLou View Post
is this an official upc document or something? our church (upc) doesn't have a platform statement to sign. if they did...i wouldn't be singing in our choir i understand where your coming from, neckstadt, i really do...but a lot of upc are not gonna budge on standards and don't see things the way you do. i don't uphold every standard but you're not gonna convince people of something they don't want to see.
On both sides of the fence.
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by rrford View Post
On both sides of the fence.
i assume your comment was towards the bolded portion of my post and not to me as a person (i hope). yes...this is true for both sides. i also meant to say you're not going to convince someone of something they simply don't believe to be true. it's not always that they "don't see it".
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by SavedLou View Post
i assume your comment was towards the bolded portion of my post and not to me as a person (i hope). yes...this is true for both sides. i also meant to say you're not going to convince someone of something they simply don't believe to be true. it's not always that they "don't see it".
It was toward the issue and not you.
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by rrford View Post
It was toward the issue and not you.
good...thanks i guess to some it might seem hypocritical to keep some standards and not others but imo i don't see it that way. i've been in the church for 9 years and the church i got in has never preached standards strictly so i guess it's all in how you're raised, etc. i've always been taught be modest and moral in all things...our pastor doesn't always give specifics "do not go to movies, do not have a tv", etc.
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Old 01-05-2008, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Joseph Miller
Not everyone and not even all of the AOG people because I hear that some are baptized in Jesus name.

My problem is mainly with the people who are compromising the doctrine and not willing to stand up for the Word of God. It is still Acts 2:38 and holiness. If someone has not obeyed the gospel they are not saved.
I'm inclided to grant a lot of lattitude since my understanding is not yet perfected...a condition that I do not expect to achieve until I reach gloryland.

But, for the sake of discussion of your "problem," as you put it, since it is still Acts 2:38 and holiness, it seems that you are falling short of all requirements.

Shouldn't the requirements be to obey:

1. Implied command to believe that Jesus is the One God, "...except that ye believe that I am HE (the father manifested in flesh) ye shall die in your sins, taken from Jn 8?

2. The biblical command to sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me, taken from Mark 10.

3. The biblical command of water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ...taken from the ONE verse that everyone here majors in...yea, hath a Phd. in the study of.

4. The biblical command to practice pure religion as the Apostle James states, that is to say, among other things you have to (a) visit the orphans in their afflictions, (b) visit the widows in their afflictions, (c) keep yourself unspotted from worldliness, taken from James 1st Chapter.

5. I could list a host of other commandments too, but here are a few for starters...

Can any of the commandments be ignored and still be saved?

Which of the above commandments can be ignored and still be filled with the Holy Ghost since the Holy Ghost, according to Peter in Acts, is given ONLY to those who OBEY Him, taken from Acts 5...
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by SavedLou View Post
good...thanks i guess to some it might seem hypocritical to keep some standards and not others but imo i don't see it that way. i've been in the church for 9 years and the church i got in has never preached standards strictly so i guess it's all in how you're raised, etc. i've always been taught be modest and moral in all things...our pastor doesn't always give specifics "do not go to movies, do not have a tv", etc.
Being a military brat (moved 13 times in 18 years), I have quite an experience of being in different churches with different cultures. I say cultures because never once was biblical salvation or scriptural holiness ever questioned in any of the churches from around the country (or overseas) that I attended. However, somethings that may be perceived as cultural were different. Question as to whether or not to attend a professional ball game, youth involved in organized sports, is the bowling alley off limits, and other various issues. Those were the cultural differences that i experienced in my family's travels.

That being said, when we chose a church to attend, just because I may not have agreed with some of the pastor's cultural stances, does not mean that we did not put ourselves under the rule of that pastor. In fact by choosing that church (whether it be because of the spirit we felt, or the style or attitude we experienced in the services, or the initial messages we heard from the pulpit), we understood that we were placing ourselves under the subjection of the pastor. That is to say we were placing ourselves under the rule of the leadership that we has chosen.
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