Originally Posted by Joseph Miller
Not everyone and not even all of the AOG people because I hear that some are baptized in Jesus name.
My problem is mainly with the people who are compromising the doctrine and not willing to stand up for the Word of God. It is still Acts 2:38 and holiness. If someone has not obeyed the gospel they are not saved.
I'm inclided to grant a lot of lattitude since my understanding is not yet perfected...a condition that I do not expect to achieve until I reach gloryland.
But, for the sake of discussion of your "problem," as you put it, since it is still
Acts 2:38 and holiness, it seems that you are falling short of all requirements.
Shouldn't the requirements be to obey:
1. Implied command to believe that Jesus is the One God, "...except that ye believe that I am HE (the father manifested in flesh) ye shall die in your sins, taken from
Jn 8?
2. The biblical command to sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me, taken from
Mark 10.
3. The biblical command of water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ...taken from the ONE verse that everyone here majors in...yea, hath a Phd. in the study of.
4. The biblical command to practice pure religion as the Apostle James states, that is to say, among other things you have to (a) visit the orphans in their afflictions, (b) visit the widows in their afflictions, (c) keep yourself unspotted from worldliness, taken from
James 1st Chapter.
5. I could list a host of other commandments too, but here are a few for starters...
Can any of the commandments be ignored and still be saved?
Which of the above commandments can be ignored and still be filled with the Holy Ghost since the Holy Ghost, according to Peter in Acts, is given ONLY to those who OBEY Him, taken from
Acts 5...