In 1945 two Oneness Pentecostal organizations merged. They were the PCI and the PAJC. The two Apostolic Pentecostal organizations had some differences in doctrine on salvation. We have used the terms "PCI" and "PAJC" on these forums to designate those differences. Over the years, those whom we would call "PCI" were marginalized, trivialized, ostracized, minimized and even despised by some who held the PAJC viewpoint. The AF of 1992 was an effort to purge the UPC of those who held the PCI viewpoint. That's why I used the phrase "hostile takeover by the PAJC" to show the contrast to the merger and its fundamental doctrine statement of 1945.
Jimmy don't you think that streching the truth a little. I mean can you produce situations where the PCI Brothers were so abused.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Brother Benny Casa, on the subject of Israel and Zionism and dispensationalism, well, I dont really give two hoots and a hollar about all that.
Here is what i know. I know that the bible, before the law, said those that bless Israel will be blessed...
then being a student of history (yea ive looked into the facts surrounding all that), Jewish people have been unwanted guests in hostile lands for several thousand years.
Jewish people are much less committed to religious distruction of thier neighbors than any other group in the middle east.
based on that I am for the ONLY democracy in that region and given time and serious commitment, they can be THE stablizing factor.
I dont know when the end of this age will come. I tend to lean toward my hope that Jesus takes us all outa here first....but i am not committed to that.
I do know that one day He is going to get tired of hearing it as my grandpa used to say and poof that will be the end.
Until then, my commitment is to bless those the Lord wants blessed and seek to save that which is lost....
and beyond that, do what I think is right. I think the Nation of Israel is right. And most of the Palistenians need to go home to Jordan where most of them came from. (oops did I say that??? must have been the sharpstick getting outa the bag.)
Night night. Thanks for your kindness...
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
"Damnable heresy" is a pretty strong term for doctrines that are believed by those who are our brothers and sisters. The UPC has published position papers against preterism and divine flesh.
they need a position paper against majic hair.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Brother Benny Casa, on the subject of Israel and Zionism and dispensationalism, well, I dont really give two hoots and a hollar about all that.
Here is what i know. I know that the bible, before the law, said those that bless Israel will be blessed...
then being a student of history (yea ive looked into the facts surrounding all that), Jewish people have been unwanted guests in hostile lands for several thousand years.
Jewish people are much less committed to religious distruction of thier neighbors than any other group in the middle east.
based on that I am for the ONLY democracy in that region and given time and serious commitment, they can be THE stablizing factor.
I dont know when the end of this age will come. I tend to lean toward my hope that Jesus takes us all outa here first....but i am not committed to that.
I do know that one day He is going to get tired of hearing it as my grandpa used to say and poof that will be the end.
Until then, my commitment is to bless those the Lord wants blessed and seek to save that which is lost....
and beyond that, do what I think is right. I think the Nation of Israel is right. And most of the Palistenians need to go home to Jordan where most of them came from. (oops did I say that??? must have been the sharpstick getting outa the bag.)
Night night. Thanks for your kindness...
Ferd I just asking you to continue in looking at this issue more closely.
Zionism is not Judaism.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
you had to say the dirty circumision word in mixed company huh:sshhh
Tell Brotha I said hello. Where are you all getting Boudin in Pensacola?
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence