Randy could go all fashion styling on us...braiding, permanent, highlights or color....the list is endless... or he could just wax his legs and be done with it
Randy, if you never waxed your legs...you're in for a surprise!
Show me how to do it girls!
Lets get down!
(Actually, I have VERY little hair on my legs beneath my knees. Don't know why. I just don't.)
Um, incidentally, Randy (uh, or Houston; then everyone else, in that order), I'm (searching for the ultimate Kirk phrase, four single words each separated by a comma, that still makes sense--for one thing) missing my fave dance clip of all time, Beavis and Butthead doing the bent-waisted booty-waggle. I've looked everywhere. Paying a bounty... :wink
Hold him down so I can funnel whiskey down his throat.
Trust me, if you're going to do that, I don't think anyone needs to hold him down! Maybe hold him BACK!
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
Um, I thot you were Randy, @ "Elaine," and it
minded me of the B&B dance that to this day
I can't understand how it became lost--
I didn't delete it!
And having trouble finding now.
I've seen all the others, but they just are not
the bent-waisted booty waggle. Actually, that
is Butthead's move, Beavis is just a place holder there.
If you ever run across it...ty.
.....and as can be seen in the pic, I DID wear a suit to my wedding -and it was uncomfortable! BroR would be proud. (But perhaps not so much if he knew about the fun we had that night!)
Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins
I'm assuming you must mean at the reception, as the marriage bed is undefiled.
Bro. Robbins,
What DID you mean by this?
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks