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Old 08-06-2007, 08:53 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Bishop Johnson was a colorful preacher man haved tried to imitate him but none have duplicated him. I wish he would have trained men to follow him and take over his works but his lack of foresight left his works to be scattered and much of it destroyed.
His announcer (Elder Selby) would say " Now I present to you the world's foremost authority and interpeter of the Divine Word of God the last day Apostle now the next voice you hear will be that of Bishop S. C. Johnson hear ye him."
(then you would hear)
Thank God there is One-One-One One way to God.
His reader Howard Davis was the very best.

I enjoyed him greatly. I heard a broadcast where they were playing him on WLW out of New Orleans on Sat. night sometime back around 11pm.
Someone posted some links to be able to hear some of his preaching, debates, or something like that, over on GNC. I wasn't very impressed. He ministered during the height of what I am referring to as the "Dictator Era" of the apostolic church.
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Old 08-07-2007, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Someone posted some links to be able to hear some of his preaching, debates, or something like that, over on GNC. I wasn't very impressed. He ministered during the height of what I am referring to as the "Dictator Era" of the apostolic church.
The debate with Rudd at Houston was one of the funniest things I ever heard in my life. There was little or no order not educational mind you but FUNNY.
Mr. Rudd Jesus said you ought to wash ine another's feet and you say don't wash feet who lied??????????????
At the end of every service(Bishop Johnson had rented the hall) he would ask if anyone wanted to be baptized and baptized folks every service that must had galled those Campbellites. At the end of each discussion the Bishop would declare he had won that was so funny.
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Old 08-07-2007, 08:53 PM
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After Mr. Rudd (the Campbellite) had given his articulate speech for 30 minutes the Bishop's first words were "Mr. Rudd don't know NOTHING!!!!!!!"
It was rich.
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Old 08-08-2007, 11:19 AM
warrior warrior is offline
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I have heard his messages as well. I am not very impressed with him, either. I will say that he does have the one way one God message right, but there are a lot of errors in his teachings. As far as debates are concerned, I think he won because he had the biggest mouth and declared himself the winner. I can't say that it was properly and fairly set up with a panel of judges and on neutral turf as they should have been. Johnson was nortorious for insulting people and saying negative things to them in debates. I don't know how that constitutes as a winner. In other words, I don't think the debates were set up in a fashion that they should have been to be fair.
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Old 08-08-2007, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by warrior View Post
I have heard his messages as well. I am not very impressed with him, either. I will say that he does have the one way one God message right, but there are a lot of errors in his teachings. As far as debates are concerned, I think he won because he had the biggest mouth and declared himself the winner. I can't say that it was properly and fairly set up with a panel of judges and on neutral turf as they should have been. Johnson was nortorious for insulting people and saying negative things to them in debates. I don't know how that constitutes as a winner. In other words, I don't think the debates were set up in a fashion that they should have been to be fair.
He WON. He baptized folks after nearly every service that makes him a winner there is NO record the Campbellites baptized anyone. The proof is in the pudding. He paid for the buildings he should have made the rules, they could have paid part but no they did not.
I do NOT know another Oneness preacher that built what he built and I am not speaking of physical buidlings alone. But he baptized thousands in Jesus Name and spread the message across the globe via radio. And he built it preaching an extreme standard of holiness.
No I disagreed with many of his ideas and teachings particulary concerning the Sonship. But he was an illiterate man that did more than ever expected of a man of his education. I have seen his churches in several locations all were nice buildings-his people stand out in their appearance and manner.
He like all of us had clay feet but I do not think one man could have ever done what he dne without the help of the Lord preaching what he was preaching.
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Old 08-08-2007, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
He WON. He baptized folks after nearly every service that makes him a winner there is NO record the Campbellites baptized anyone. The proof is in the pudding. He paid for the buildings he should have made the rules, they could have paid part but no they did not.
I do NOT know another Oneness preacher that built what he built and I am not speaking of physical buidlings alone. But he baptized thousands in Jesus Name and spread the message across the globe via radio. And he built it preaching an extreme standard of holiness.
No I disagreed with many of his ideas and teachings particulary concerning the Sonship. But he was an illiterate man that did more than ever expected of a man of his education. I have seen his churches in several locations all were nice buildings-his people stand out in their appearance and manner.
He like all of us had clay feet but I do not think one man could have ever done what he dne without the help of the Lord preaching what he was preaching.
Brother Epley you are absolutly right!
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Old 08-08-2007, 01:04 PM
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I am more than sure that we won't agree on this topic. I gave Johnson credit for those messages that I heard that he taught that were right. I can't get with him on the no son of God in heaven, all the man made rules and his take on marriage. Sorry! I commend him for the souls and the mission work he did, but you can't get angry because I don't agree with the majority of what he focused on.

From what I have heard of him and how he related to the ordinary man, he needed to be taught a thing or two about the love of Jesus Christ and compassion for your fellow man. How do you condemn someone for wearing nylon stockings? Please tell me.
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Old 08-08-2007, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by warrior View Post
I am more than sure that we won't agree on this topic. I gave Johnson credit for those messages that I heard that he taught that were right. I can't get with him on the no son of God in heaven, all the man made rules and his take on marriage. Sorry! I commend him for the souls and the mission work he did, but you can't get angry because I don't agree with the majority of what he focused on.

From what I have heard of him and how he related to the ordinary man, he needed to be taught a thing or two about the love of Jesus Christ and compassion for your fellow man. How do you condemn someone for wearing nylon stockings? Please tell me.
well, I aint mad at ya no way. I dont agree with SCJ on much of what you dont agree with him over.

but instead of him learning something about relating to ordinary men, I wish he were around to teach me something about reaching fifity thousand people.
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Old 08-08-2007, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
He WON. He baptized folks after nearly every service that makes him a winner there is NO record the Campbellites baptized anyone. The proof is in the pudding.
You really don't believe this line of thought. If the proof really is in the pudding we trinitarians have won.
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Old 08-10-2007, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by ReformedDave View Post
You really don't believe this line of thought. If the proof really is in the pudding we trinitarians have won.
Dave I was not speaking of just numbers but to be able to gather them with what he preached.
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