Originally Posted by warrior
I have heard his messages as well. I am not very impressed with him, either. I will say that he does have the one way one God message right, but there are a lot of errors in his teachings. As far as debates are concerned, I think he won because he had the biggest mouth and declared himself the winner. I can't say that it was properly and fairly set up with a panel of judges and on neutral turf as they should have been. Johnson was nortorious for insulting people and saying negative things to them in debates. I don't know how that constitutes as a winner. In other words, I don't think the debates were set up in a fashion that they should have been to be fair.
He WON. He baptized folks after nearly every service that makes him a winner there is NO record the Campbellites baptized anyone. The proof is in the pudding. He paid for the buildings he should have made the rules, they could have paid part but no they did not.
I do NOT know another Oneness preacher that built what he built and I am not speaking of physical buidlings alone. But he baptized thousands in Jesus Name and spread the message across the globe via radio. And he built it preaching an extreme standard of holiness.
No I disagreed with many of his ideas and teachings particulary concerning the Sonship. But he was an illiterate man that did more than ever expected of a man of his education. I have seen his churches in several locations all were nice buildings-his people stand out in their appearance and manner.
He like all of us had clay feet but I do not think one man could have ever done what he dne without the help of the Lord preaching what he was preaching.