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Old 03-07-2015, 07:10 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

yup. The sad truth is that it is Muslims who suffer the most from radicalism, by far. There is not even a comparison. And every clue i can find indicates that Jews and Muslims got along pretty well, for the most part. in Palestine, pre 1948. Worked together, Jaffa, lived side by side. Prolly didn't hang out together, but didn't generate much news, either.
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Old 03-07-2015, 08:14 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

Hamas was founded in 1987. The PLO was founded in 1964.

Prior to this there were Israeli terrorist groups like Ergun and Lehi who razed villages, bombed hotels and market, and killed civilians in order to make room for settlements.

1937, March 2 Arabs killed on Bat Yam beach.
1937, November 14 10 Arabs killed by Irgun units launching attacks around Jerusalem, ("Black Sunday")
1938, April 12 2 Arabs and 2 British policemen were killed by a bomb in a train in Haifa.
1938, April 17 1 Arab was killed by a bomb detonated in a cafe in Haifa
1938, May 17 1 Arab policeman was killed in an attack on a bus in the Jerusalem-Hebron road.
1938, May 24 3 Arabs were shot and killed in Haifa.
1938, June 23 2 Arabs were killed near Tel Aviv.
1938, June 26 7 Arabs were killed by a bomb in Jaffa.
1938, June 27 1 Arab was killed in the yard of a hospital in Haifa.
1938, June (late) Unspecified number of Arabs killed by a bomb that was thrown into a crowded Arab market place in Jerusalem.
1938, July 5 7 Arabs were killed in several shooting attacks in Tel Aviv.
1938, July 5 3 Arabs were killed by a bomb detonated in a bus in Jerusalem.
1938, July 5 1 Arab was killed in another attack in Jerusalem.
1938, July 6 18 Arabs and 5 Jews were killed by two simultaneous bombs in the Arab melon market in Haifa. More than 60 people were wounded.
1938, July 8 4 Arabs were killed by a bomb in Jerusalem.
1938, July 16 10 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jerusalem.
1938, July 25 43 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Haifa.
1938, August 26 24 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jaffa.
1939, February 27 33 Arabs were killed in multiple attacks, incl. 24 by bomb in Arab market in Suk Quarter of Haifa and 4 by bomb in Arab vegetable market in Jerusalem.
1939, May 29 5 Arabs were killed by a mine detonated at the Rex cinema in Jerusalem.
1939, May 29 5 Arabs were shot and killed during a raid on the village of Biyar 'Adas.
1939, June 2 5 Arabs were killed by a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem.
1939, June 12 1 British bomb expert trying to defuse the bombs killed, during a post office in Jerusalem was bombing
1939, June 16 6 Arabs were killed in several attacks in Jerusalem.
1939, June 19 20 Arabs were killed by explosives mounted on a donkey at a marketplace in Haifa.
1939, June 29 13 Arabs were killed in several shooting attacks around Jaffa during a one-hour period.
1939, June 30 1 Arab was killed at a marketplace in Jerusalem.
1939, June 30 2 Arabs were shot and killed in Lifta.
1939, July 3 1 Arab was killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Haifa.
1939, July 4 2 Arabs were killed in two attacks in Jerusalem.
1939, July 20 1 Arab was killed at a train station in Jaffa.
1939, July 20 6 Arabs were killed in several attacks in Tel Aviv.
1939, July 20 3 Arabs were killed in Rehovot.
1939, August 27 2 British officers were killed by a mine in Jerusalem.
1944, September 27 Unknown number of casualties, around 150 Irgun members attacked four British police stations
1944, September 29 1 Senior British police officer of the Criminal Intelligence Department assassinated in Jerusalem.
1945, November 1 5 locomotives destroyed in Lydda station. Two staff, one soldier and one policeman killed.
1945, December 27 3 British policemen and 4 Sotho soldiers killed during the bombing of British CID headquarters in Jerusalem; 1 British soldier killed during attack of British army camp in north Tel Aviv
1946, February 22 Destroyed 14 aeroplanes at 5 RAF stations.
1946, July 22 91 people were killed at King David Hotel bombing mostly civilians, staff of the hotel or Secretariat,
41 Arabs, 15-28 British citizens, 17 Palestinian Jews, 2 Armenians, 1 Russian, 1 Greek and 1 Egyptian.
1946, October 30 2 British guards killed during Gunfire and explosion at Jerusalem Railway Station.
1946, October 31 Bombing of the British Embassy in Rome. Nearly half the building was destroyed and 3 people were injured.
1947, January 12 4 killed in bombing of British headquarters.
1947, March 1 17 British officers killed, during raid and explosion.
1947, March 12 1 British soldier killed during the attack on Schneller Camp.
1947, July 19 4 locations within Haifa are attacked, killing a British constable and injuring 12.
1947, July 29 2 kidnapped British sergeants hanged.
1947, September 26 4 British policemen killed in Irgun bank robbery.
1947, September 29 13 killed, 53 wounded in attack on British police station.
1947, December 11 13 killed in attack on Tireh, near Haifa
1947, December 12 20 killed, 5 wounded by barrel bomb at Damascus Gate.
1947, December 13 6 killed, 25 wounded by bombs outside Alhambra Cinema.
1947, December 13 5 killed, 47 wounded by two bombs at Damascus Gate.
1947, December 13 7 killed, 10 seriously injured in attack on al-'Abbasiyya.
1947, December 16(ca) 10 killed by bomb at Noga Cinema in Jaffa.
1947, December 29 14 Arabs killed by bomb in Jerusalem.
1947, December 30 6 Arabs killed and, 42 injured by grenades at Haifa refinery, precipitating the Haifa Oil Refinery massacre, which lead to the Balad al-Shaykh massacre.
1948, January 1 2 Arabs killed and 9 injured by shooting attack on cafe in Jaffa.
1948, January 5 14 Arabs killed and 19 injured by truck bomb outside the 3-storey 'Serrani', Jaffa's built Ottoman Town Hall
1948, January 7 20 Arabs killed by bomb at Jaffa Gate.
1948, February 10 7 Arabs killed near Ras el Ain after selling cows in Tel Aviv
1948, February 18 12 Arabs killed and 43 wounded at a marketplace in Ramla
1948, March 1 20 Britons killed and 30 wounded in the Bevingrad Officers Club bombing
1948, April 9-April 11 107-120 Arabs killed and massacred (the estimate generally accepted by scholars, instead the first announced number of 254) during and after the battle at the village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, by 132 Irgun and 60 Lehi fighters.
1948, April 6 7 British soldiers, including Commanding Officer, killed during an arms raid on Pardes Hanna Army camp.

If there were no terrorist attacks on Arab civilians, there would never have been a PLO, no Palestine to liberate, and no Hamas.

Supporting Israel and the actions of Israel today is supporting murder and terrorism today. America should not fund and support these activities.

Once the villages were terrorized and cleared, "Absentee property" laws were passed declaring the property "abandoned" and possessions of the state of Israel.

Absentee Property Law - The "Absentee property law" generally refers to Knesset law Number 20 of 1950, governing the property of Arab refugees from the state of Israel following the Arab-Israel war of 1948 (Israeli War of Independence). The law was passed March 14, 1950 and amended 6.3.51, 14.2.56, 3.19.58, 2.2.65, 8.7.67 and 8.8.67. The law appoints a custodian of absentee property for property of refugees including real estate, currency, financial instruments and other goods, and allows rental of such property as well as release and sale. This law replaced the emergency Abandoned Property law of 1948, and it allowed sale of the property. Properties were sold to the Jewish National Fund and the Israel lands administration.

Seizing property without compensation or recourse is against American principles.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 03-07-2015 at 08:18 AM.
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Old 03-07-2015, 04:47 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

What were these "poor afflicted Arabs" doing to the Jews in Palestine at the same time?

One of your lenses fell out of your glasses!

But Pappe makes one egregious mistake. He never bothers to ask the same question of the Arabs he does of the Jews: What about their lists, their intelligence reports and their ethnic-cleansing plans? What were Arab intentions in the five months between the passage of the UN partition plan on November 29, 1947, and the birth of Israel?

THE ARCHIVES of The Palestine Post, now The Jerusalem Post and then the newspaper of record of Mandatory Palestine, provide some of the answers and tell a very different story from the one presented by Pappe.

Sixty-two Jews were murdered by Arabs in the first week after the UN partition plan was passed, and by May 15, 1948, a total of 1,256 Jews had been killed, most of them civilians. These deaths were caused by Arab militias, gangs, terrorists and army units which attacked every place of Jewish inhabitation in Palestine.

The attacks succeeded in placing Jerusalem under siege and eventually cutting off its water supply. All Jewish villages in the Negev were attacked, and Jews had to go about the country in convoys. In every major city where Jews and Arabs lived in mixed neighborhoods the Jewish areas came under attack. This was true in Haifa's Hadar Hacarmel as well as Jerusalem's Old City.

Massacres were not uncommon.

THIRTY-NINE Jews were killed by Arab rioters at Haifa's oil refinery on December 30, 1947. On January 16, 1948, 35 Jews were killed trying to reach Gush Etzion. On February 22, 44 Jews were murdered in a bombing on Jerusalem's Rehov Ben-Yehuda. And on February 29, 23 Jews were killed all across Palestine, eight of them at the Hayotzek iron foundry.

Thirty-five Jews were murdered during the Mount Scopus convoy massacre on April 13. And 127 Jews were massacred at Kfar Etzion on May 15, 1948, after 30 others had died defending the Etzion Bloc.

IN Arab countries more than 100 Jews were also massacred and synagogues were burned in Aleppo and Aden, driving thousands of Jews from their homes.

Back in Palestine many small kibbutzim were subjected to attacks, including Gvulot, Ben-Shemen, Holon, Safed, Bat Yam and Kfar Yavetz - all in December. In January and February, it was the turn of Rishon Lezion, Yehiam, Mishmar Hayarden, Tirat Zvi, Sde Eliahu, Ein Hanatziv, Magdiel, Mitzpe Hagalil and Ma'anit.

In March and April these attacks culminated with an assault on Hartuv by 400 Arabs based in the village of Ishwa and an attack on Kfar Darom by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Arab attackers also bombed The Palestine Post in February. In March, the Jewish Agency, the Solel Boneh building in Haifa and an Egged bus were also bombed.


Last edited by Sean; 03-07-2015 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 03-07-2015, 04:53 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

"From late 1919, Arab attacks on Jewish settlements became more frequent and relentless, particularly in the Jordan Valley and the Galilee."2

"As early as 1920, Palestine Arab opposition to Zionism and desire for self-government led to a threat to public security. ... three days of rioting in Jerusalem, in which Arab mobs fell upon Jews with sticks, stones and knives. The Arab Police either adopted a passive attitude or joined in the riots. British troops were called out, the police were disarmed and order was finally reestablished. As a result of these disturbances, five Jews and four Arabs were killed and 211 Jews and 21 Arabs were wounded."3

"1 March 1920 In an attack by large numbers of Arabs from the village of Halsa, eight Jews were killed ..."4

In April 1920 Arabs rioted against Jews during the Nebi Musa festival.

On May 1st, 1921 “Arabs of Jaffa murderously attacked Jewish inhabitants of the town and Arab raids were made on five Jewish rural settlements; the disorders were suppressed by the police and military forces. Forty-seven Jews were killed and 146 wounded, mostly by Arabs … The hostility shown towards the Jews during the riots was shared by Arabs of all classes; Moslem and Christian Arabs …”5

"On May Day, 1921, Arab mobs attacked Jewish residents of Jaffa and stormed the Zionist Immigration Center, killing 13 persons. Again the military forces had to be summoned to replace the unreliable Arab police. The disorders, however, spread. On the 3rd May Hebrew colonies at Kafr Saba and Ain Hal were looted. On the 5th May the village of Petah Tiqvah was attacked by several thousand armed Arabs in semi-military formation, and was saved from destruction only by the arrival of several squadrons of cavalry. On the 6th May Arabs besieged Haderah and attempted an attack on Rehovoth. In these disorders 47 Jews were killed and 146 wounded, mostly by Arabs, and 48 Arabs were killed and 73 wounded, mostly by police and military action."6

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Old 03-08-2015, 06:04 PM
whoiskaiser77 whoiskaiser77 is offline
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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

Will there ever be peace in the middle east?
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Old 03-08-2015, 06:39 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

it's pretty peaceful there right now! def more peaceful than here.
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Old 03-13-2015, 04:24 PM
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Fionn mac Cumh Fionn mac Cumh is offline
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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

Originally Posted by whoiskaiser77 View Post
Will there ever be peace in the middle east?
Not if American and their little brother Israel have their way.
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Old 03-13-2015, 05:03 PM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh View Post
Not if American and their little brother Israel have their way.
Oh, yes. Because the muslim countries surround Israel are so peaceful on their own. It's only the evil Israeli's and the evil Americans stirring up trouble over there.
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Old 03-13-2015, 05:18 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

Yes of course, if America and Israel would just go away, the world would be a better place.

Then Boko Haram, Isis, Al Quaida, Muslim Brotherhood, Ayatollah, etc. can solve all of the worlds problems!

Last edited by Sean; 03-13-2015 at 05:21 PM.
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Old 03-13-2015, 07:03 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress today

it is all vanity, and just like the wind
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