I personally don't think the Feds should be able to look into personal finances period. If there is a suspicion of something there should be warrants granted just like in searching someone's home. If I withdraw money to roof my house then the federal government should not have to be let known about. It is the responsibility if the contractor to pay his taxes and not my checking transactions flagging the government.
This is just like this 2nd amendment controversy, in order to keep guns away from criminals lets infringe on everyone's rights. There is nothing we can do to change these things, but people are crazy to want to be government servants. If that pastor was doing something illegal with the money, then yes he should be prosecuted. There should not be rules to how you withdraw money that belongs to yourself.
If he had just withdrew the whole amount in one lump sum then you could say the minister did nothing wrong. Obviously he withdrew multiple times for some reason
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
Yes he took his own money and did it in multiple withdrawals of 7 to 9 thousand ,he knew what he was doing, he knew the guy was evading something, hence ,he pleaded guilty , because he knew it wasnt right , he should have said sorry, cant do that ,the guy most likely gave him a sweet deal and he paid his helpers cash etc etc., same as the dealership who offered my dad a way to avoid sales tax on a new car by giving him the church tax number ,not doing it said my dad its not the churches car its mine, to which the dealer said, well that's what all my minsters do, to which my dad said well I aint all your minsters, ps I know of upc/wpf pastors who have registered theirs and their kids vehicles and their toys, boats etc. in the church name to avoid taxes ,its not right folks ,its crooked ! Be above reproach always !
None of that matters. The SIMPLE FACT, the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM nobody wants to look at and acknowledge, is this: in America, the 'land of freedumb', the government monitors your financial activities. An American, a 'free man in the land of freedom', can go to jail for NOTHING OTHER THAN TAKING HIS OWN MONEY OUT OF THE BANK.
Has 'tyranny' been deleted from you peoples' dictionaries? Winston Smith got ahold of your thesauruseseses? This is doubleplusungood.
Location: 150 miles north of the Mississiippi coast
Posts: 495
Re: Pastor Jerry Cox makes the news
Uncle Sam knows to much of our business as it is. I will never deposit every penny I have into the bank. They could freeze your accounts and leave you penniless at any given moment. I don't know half of what's going on today and neither does anyone else, but trouble is on the horizon.
Maybe Bro. Cox had plans to use money that he had in some other manner. I don't know the whole story, so I can't say much about that matter. But I do have opinions of my own.
If he had just withdrew the whole amount in one lump sum then you could say the minister did nothing wrong. Obviously he withdrew multiple times for some reason
For a construction job to amount several to 10's of thousands of dollars it had to be a large job. Whereas many contractors get paid in draws. Some houses may take up to a year to finish and most contractors can't afford to wait until completion to get paid. I don't have all the facts to me accusations. I am with Esaiah, I don't won't the banks reporting my finances to the government just because I believe we should have privacy freedoms.
Someone made mention of money launderers, but how about government accountability to the people for the way they use our tax dollars. I just received a email that social security will not receive their cost of living increase, but congress will receive themselves a pay increase. There is no use complaining because it is what it is. I just hate to see the media using this to bash the church.
For a construction job to amount several to 10's of thousands of dollars it had to be a large job. Whereas many contractors get paid in draws. Some houses may take up to a year to finish and most contractors can't afford to wait until completion to get paid. I don't have all the facts to me accusations. I am with Esaiah, I don't won't the banks reporting my finances to the government just because I believe we should have privacy freedoms.
Someone made mention of money launderers, but how about government accountability to the people for the way they use our tax dollars. I just received a email that social security will not receive their cost of living increase, but congress will receive themselves a pay increase. There is no use complaining because it is what it is. I just hate to see the media using this to bash the church.
Can't we have both? Laws against money laundering with actual enforceable laws that help prevent it and accountability for how our tax dollars are used.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
For a construction job to amount several to 10's of thousands of dollars it had to be a large job. Whereas many contractors get paid in draws. Some houses may take up to a year to finish and most contractors can't afford to wait until completion to get paid. I don't have all the facts to me accusations. I am with Esaiah, I don't won't the banks reporting my finances to the government just because I believe we should have privacy freedoms.
Someone made mention of money launderers, but how about government accountability to the people for the way they use our tax dollars. I just received a email that social security will not receive their cost of living increase, but congress will receive themselves a pay increase. There is no use complaining because it is what it is. I just hate to see the media using this to bash the church.
By the way the construction draws thing is something I had thought about today and that is definetely possible.
It may not have even been structuring to avoid government detection for any reason. It may have just been the points that they agreed money would exchange hands.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
If he had just withdrew the whole amount in one lump sum then you could say the minister did nothing wrong. Obviously he withdrew multiple times for some reason
some time back I read a story about a family that owns a small business. They make regular deposits of cash at their bank.
Their insurance that covers them in case of robbery limits them to somewhere around 8k to 9k. if they have more than that amount of cash on hand, and get robbed they don't get paid back.
so guess what they deposit? riiiight.... just under the reporting limit.
because of that, they were attacked by the IRS and the Feds for structuring.
the IRS took something like $70k from this family without even a warrant. Just grabbed their cash.
charged them with structuring. Even after they proved they had done nothing wrong and that their deposits were ligit based on business reasons, they were still in violation.
The IRS knowing the cost they incurred having a lawyer fight the government decided to offer them a deal. All charges dropped and they return like 20k to the family.
straight up shakedown
and this happens regularly all across the country. your comment here is simply willingness to trust a vile government.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
some time back I read a story about a family that owns a small business. They make regular deposits of cash at their bank.
Their insurance that covers them in case of robbery limits them to somewhere around 8k to 9k. if they have more than that amount of cash on hand, and get robbed they don't get paid back.
so guess what they deposit? riiiight.... just under the reporting limit.
because of that, they were attacked by the IRS and the Feds for structuring.
the IRS took something like $70k from this family without even a warrant. Just grabbed their cash.
charged them with structuring. Even after they proved they had done nothing wrong and that their deposits were ligit based on business reasons, they were still in violation.
The IRS knowing the cost they incurred having a lawyer fight the government decided to offer them a deal. All charges dropped and they return like 20k to the family.
straight up shakedown
and this happens regularly all across the country. your comment here is simply willingness to trust a vile government.
That is horrible!!! I am glad I am a little guy and my finances don't see all that much any way.
Can't we have both? Laws against money laundering with actual enforceable laws that help prevent it and accountability for how our tax dollars are used.
I never heard of structuring before this thread, but the government should not have that kind of control in our lives. The government should be more focused on the illegal acitivity that brings about the laundering of money. The problem is that the system is about being a profitable corp. rather than a government to protect the people who it serves. The government is to serve the people and not the other way around.