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04-28-2015, 09:12 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
This whole story would be different if you were talking about a couple of honest, straightforward men. Instead, you are highlighting a couple of lying little snake oil salesmen.
"Lying little snake oil salemen." smh

04-28-2015, 09:30 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by n david
"Lying little snake oil salemen." smh
Don't shake too hard. You might lose some holy hair.

04-28-2015, 10:30 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
To see what the chapel looks like? (laughing) No, sorry. You are adding words to my post now?
This whole story would be different if you were talking about a couple of honest, straightforward men. Instead, you are highlighting a couple of lying little snake oil salesmen.
I think you are a liar.. And I proved it!!!
I think you have an agenda
I don't know why they tolerate you on AFF
I want you to prove Art Wilson is lying --- If you have the audacity to make such a accusation about him back it up..
Question 1
On Art Wilsons twitter Dated August and September he posted his own pictures!!! soon as he got clearance, there was no intent to deceive or he wouldn't have had his own pictures to post... His pictures we very clear and powerful
You are a liar Walks _in_ Islam
Lets do this!! Lets take this to the max..
Im sure you have lived a perfect life and is fit to send the Judgement and poision about people
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?

04-28-2015, 04:30 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Thinker
I think you are a liar.. And I proved it!!!
I think you have an agenda
I don't know why they tolerate you on AFF
I want you to prove Art Wilson is lying --- If you have the audacity to make such a accusation about him back it up..
Question 1
On Art Wilsons twitter Dated August and September he posted his own pictures!!! soon as he got clearance, there was no intent to deceive or he wouldn't have had his own pictures to post... His pictures we very clear and powerful
You are a liar Walks _in_ Islam
Lets do this!! Lets take this to the max..
Im sure you have lived a perfect life and is fit to send the Judgement and poision about people
I already backed up what I said. I pasted tweets, facebook posts, and a clipped picture from the church anniversary video that are posting a photo taken from a 2009 event and captioning that photo as a UN bible study in 2013 and have declared those posts of that picture with that caption as a lie. So you found some later truthful posts? Bully for you. The posts and pictures you found have nothing to do with the posts and pictures that I declare to be misleading.
BUT: I said they are both deceivers. Don't forget Art Wilson's cadaver-looking running buddy with the magical missing hair and imaginary Osama wife converts and don't leave him out of the discussion.
Art Wilson's "borrowed" photo was used from Aug, 2013 until Nov, 2014 and were on his church website under caption "UN building first bible study". These "borrowed" photos were exposed on April 25, 2015.
Unless you have something, anything, and you do not, that in writing between August, 2013 and April 25, 2015 implies or states that these photos are not Art Wilson's actual service, then I say they were being deliberately used to mislead.
Any correction after April 25, 2015 is just damage control. All liars do that when they get caught.
You unfortunately are just a bleating sheeple so other than pity I really don't have anything else to say to you.
Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-28-2015 at 04:38 PM.

04-28-2015, 05:05 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
I already backed up what I said. I pasted tweets, facebook posts, and a clipped picture from the church anniversary video that are posting a photo taken from a 2009 event and captioning that photo as a UN bible study in 2013 and have declared those posts of that picture with that caption as a lie. So you found some later truthful posts? Bully for you. The posts and pictures you found have nothing to do with the posts and pictures that I declare to be misleading.
BUT: I said they are both deceivers. Don't forget Art Wilson's cadaver-looking running buddy with the magical missing hair and imaginary Osama wife converts and don't leave him out of the discussion.
Art Wilson's "borrowed" photo was used from Aug, 2013 until Nov, 2014 and were on his church website under caption "UN building first bible study". These "borrowed" photos were exposed on April 25, 2015.
Unless you have something, anything, and you do not, that in writing between August, 2013 and April 25, 2015 implies or states that these photos are not Art Wilson's actual service, then I say they were being deliberately used to mislead.
Any correction after April 25, 2015 is just damage control. All liars do that when they get caught.
You unfortunately are just a bleating sheeple so other than pity I really don't have anything else to say to you.
I didn't defend the Stoneking accusations because I have heard those and have my own questions. I'm not a manipulator of someone's character-- it's clear there are questions and concerns about some of those things pertaining to Stoneking and until I hear him address them I will wait and reserve.
However Art Wilson went of wordshare submitted a explanation - and also posted photos to his Twitter that more then supports everything he has said -------to that I defend!!
Also it's clear that he used a photo from online to show the chapel OF THE FIRST SERVICE....
It's also clear that HE POSTED A PHOTO IN AUGUST & SEPTEMBER OF HIS OWN SERVICES!! this is where you show your manipulation. Any NON-sceptic and non-critic and non hater. Would see that a few weeks after the online photo post he posted his own church service photos!! NO ONE WAS WATCHING AND THERE WAS NO ATTACK ON HIM -- he just posted the pictures of his service.
So you start painting all this garbage as if he never had photos or he was deceiving.
Art Wilson even posted on wordshare that he sees that it was unwise to use a online photo but it was not his intention to deceive just see his photos a few weeks latter.
So we have a guy who has spent all his resources to try handle a expensive ministry in Manhattan. And you tear that to nothing. I will take offense to you!! The man you painted had a opportunity to have lots of lime light if that's the kind person he was by speaking at the General Assembly but instead he gave his seat to another.
I think you are the phony here!!!
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?

04-28-2015, 05:38 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Thinker
I didn't defend the Stoneking accusations because I have heard those and have my own questions.
You didn't defend the Stoneking accusations because they are out and out lies and you cannot defend them. So you sidestepped them.
However Art Wilson went of wordshare submitted a explanation - and also posted photos to his Twitter that more then supports everything he has said -------to that I defend!!
He used that same photo in his anniversary video in November, 2014. I posted a captured screenshot from that video. 15 months is a long time to be using a borrowed photo. Unless you have something that predates this month he seemed to be content to continue using this misleading photo
Also it's clear that he used a photo from online to show the chapel OF THE FIRST SERVICE....
He captioned the photo as the first service. More than once.
It's also clear that HE POSTED A PHOTO IN AUGUST & SEPTEMBER OF HIS OWN SERVICES!! this is where you show your manipulation. Any NON-sceptic and non-critic and non hater. Would see that a few weeks after the online photo post he posted his own church service photos!! NO ONE WAS WATCHING AND THERE WAS NO ATTACK ON HIM -- he just posted the pictures of his service.
So you start painting all this garbage as if he never had photos or he was deceiving.
I said one thing. I said he used a photo of something else and labeled that photo as his and did it for more than a year. What I said was true.
Art Wilson even posted on wordshare that he sees that it was unwise to use a online photo but it was not his intention to deceive just see his photos a few weeks latter.
When was this post on wordshare? Give us all time and date please.
So we have a guy who has spent all his resources to try handle a expensive ministry in Manhattan. And you tear that to nothing. I will take offense to you!! The man you painted had a opportunity to have lots of lime light if that's the kind person he was by speaking at the General Assembly but instead he gave his seat to another.
I think you are the phony here!!!
You can call me a phony and you can call me a liar but you haven't even scratched what I said. It still stands. He and his cadaver buddy are two of a kind, using fantastic and untrue claims in service of themselves and to highlight themselves.
He hasn't spent schtick to use a building that the Methodists provide to anyone who wants to use it for religious purposes and I guarantee you that neither of them would spend a cent on any religious ministry but their own, unlike those who provide them (and anyone else who wants to worship there) the facilities. I also guarantee you that neither of them has a single word to say about tolerance or peace or anything else that the UN invited them to talk about either.
Who's the phony. Huh? You see any other religious leaders, and there are many different religious practicing in that chapel, claiming to be "pastor of an international church"? LOL

04-28-2015, 06:41 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
You can call me a phony and you can call me a liar but you haven't even scratched what I said. It still stands. He and his cadaver buddy are two of a kind, using fantastic and untrue claims in service of themselves and to highlight themselves.
He hasn't spent schtick to use a building that the Methodists provide to anyone who wants to use it for religious purposes and I guarantee you that neither of them would spend a cent on any religious ministry but their own, unlike those who provide them (and anyone else who wants to worship there) the facilities. I also guarantee you that neither of them has a single word to say about tolerance or peace or anything else that the UN invited them to talk about either.
Who's the phony. Huh? You see any other religious leaders, and there are many different religious practicing in that chapel, claiming to be "pastor of an international church"? LOL
You are A LIAR
I know for a fact that Art Wilsons pays everytime they use the chapel -- I can't believe you have the gall to lie with no reasearch.
They pay everytime a cost to rent the chapel!!!
I guess you are a cyber bully that has one goal to destroy with lies. I'm sure you haven't confronted anyone outside of your living room on a computer in your life and this is your life trying to destroy others.
No one should take a word that comes out of your mouth serious from here on out -- walks_in_Islam the phony
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?

04-28-2015, 09:28 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Thinker
You are A LIAR
I know for a fact that Art Wilsons pays everytime they use the chapel -- I can't believe you have the gall to lie with no reasearch.
They pay everytime a cost to rent the chapel!!!
I guess you are a cyber bully that has one goal to destroy with lies. I'm sure you haven't confronted anyone outside of your living room on a computer in your life and this is your life trying to destroy others.
No one should take a word that comes out of your mouth serious from here on out -- walks_in_Islam the phony
He didnt pay for the chapel, the Methodists did. <yawn> you were going to provide something about an imaginary wordshare file or is that with the Osama wife converts in the dimension that only the special or unmedicated can see?

04-28-2015, 09:50 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Thinker
You both are full of deception:
Art Wilson has done nothing but minister at a level in the UN few have accomplished!!
He answered those accusations that the first picture he posted was to deceive he posted this:
from Art Wilson: "the first picture we ever posted on Twitter was a picture from the internet to show what it looked like and to give a idea of the services. There was a lot of people wanting updates and we had to be sure it was ok to post pictures. (see now that that wasn't a wise choice)
However To prove our intentions were not to deceive-- If you go to our Twitter you will see a few weeks later upon making sure it was ok to post. we posted pictures of us having church in the chapel with our crowd. The pictures are there and dated on Twitter"
Twitter does show that on twitter in September Art posted many pictures of the first service which was much better pictures and more were in attendance...
Go to his twitter and look
you guys are what you accuse others of being....
Already been done -- I posted that days ago!!!!!.. He posted lots of other info on wordshare answering questions also..
Did you just say the Methodist pay for him to use the chapel????? Because that is a bold face lie!!!
Art Wilson Rents the chapel by the hour when they are there.. I just got full information....
If you can state such a claim that they do not pay to use the chapel.. Post your proof
Post your sources.. (this should be fun)
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?

04-28-2015, 10:33 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN
Originally Posted by Thinker
Already been done -- I posted that days ago!!!!!.. He posted lots of other info on wordshare answering questions also..
Did you just say the Methodist pay for him to use the chapel????? Because that is a bold face lie!!!
Art Wilson Rents the chapel by the hour when they are there.. I just got full information....
If you can state such a claim that they do not pay to use the chapel.. Post your proof
Post your sources.. (this should be fun) 
I said the Methodists paid for the chapel. They own it.
You havent posted a thing that proves Art Wilson attributed that picture to anything but his own services prior to April of this year. If he did, you prove it. I already proved more than once that he used a 2009 photo and labelled it as his service.
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